
Make waves in your niche in order to take over

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Make waves in your niche in order to take over

Making waves within your niche and industry is what you need to be doing if you want to be successful. Getting traffic from the search engines and getting referrals from previous and current clients are great and all, but those aren't the only ways to get the traffic and money flowing in a positive way. If you can stand out from the crowd by speaking up, if you can start a controversy and be on the good side of it, if you have success stories you can share, or if you want to fake it until you make it... you have some things you can do to make waves and get noticed.

Getting noticed online is a great thing when it comes to branding, building traffic sources, increasing your authority, increasing your backlinks and overall increasing your sales and sign-ups. No one is successful, usually, by sitting in the shadows and writing code all day long. Hell, Mark Zuckerberg had a massive controversy which helped push Facebook into the stratosphere of success. Yeah, he had to pay off those twins and his founding partners, but that's a drop in the bucket when it comes to how much he is making each year.

In this discussion, I'll be covering some of the main ways you can make waves online, and increase everything across the board from your traffic to your backlinks, and those ways are:

Speak up and stand out from the crowd
People don't find the companies who are silent. Speak up and be found in the sea of competition that you're swimming in. It's nice to be at the top of the search engines and get some sales, but a lot of people will look you up online before they decide to make a purchase or sign up with you.

If you're talking on website, forums, and blogs while promoting and branding your business, you will notice those pages are going to start ranking within the search engine results pages and sending you traffic daily.

The companies who aren't speaking up, and would rather wait for the clients to come to them, are the ones that will likely be looking for a new profession later on down the road. This is because the consumer will only look for a little bit in order to find the person, freelancer, or company to do the work for them. If you're one of the people, or companies, that are speaking up in the community, you'll likely be the one people find more often Make waves in your niche in order to take over

Start some controversy
There are so many people avoiding controversy out there, that it makes everything seem like it's all sunshine and rainbows within your community lol. Stand up and call out what you see as a negative, and it will likely start a controversy with someone. People will come in to watch your controversy, they will share your controversy, and you will likely profit from it if you're the one within the controversy who is right and acting professionally Make waves in your niche in order to take over

Yes, you can start a controversy and still be professional. You need to make it seem like you're protecting others in order to always come out on top. You can't just call people stupid and be childish when arguing, you need to back up your arguments with facts in order for people to see you in the right light even though you're arguing with someone or a company Make waves in your niche in order to take over

Share your successes in order to be found
Success stories usually work well at creating some waves within your industry. If none of your competition is getting ranked in the INC. 500 or 1,000 and you are, POST IT! Post all of your rewards and achievements on your website, as well as all the forums and blogs that you frequently post on. The moderators on the 3rd party websites will likely accept your post as long as you thank them within the content saying something like "We've been a member here for a while, and we feel that this community is one of the reasons we have succeeded in so many ways! Thank you very much!" Doing this will give credit to the blog, website, or forum and they will more than likely accept your post because it looks great on their pages lol.

If you're making waves like this, it's good for your branding as well as search engine optimization because you'll usually be gaining backlinks at the same time as you're making your waves online Make waves in your niche in order to take over

Fake it until you make it
If you aren't doing anything great because you just started off, just fake it! You won't be able to boast claims that you're making $5,000,000 a year if you don't have any authority online or you have a digital paper trail of only 30 days lol. What you can do is boast about how successful your ROI is and you're tripling your traffic and sales, which will make people start to listen.

This is one of the sad ways to make waves, but it does work. People have been doing it for years because it's difficult to discredit claims online, so you might as well jump on the fake train if you want to run your business like this.

I personally avoid doing anything like this because I don't want to think I'm taking advantage of anyone who thinks I'm making 500k a month and getting them to sign up with me because I can do the same thing for them.

In Conclusion
If you're making waves, make sure you stand out on top after everything settles. If you start up a controversy with someone, make sure you're a professional when doing it and back everything up with facts, not accusations and opinions. If you're faking it until you make it, be sure you don't fly too close to the sun, and burn up before you start seeing anything successful.

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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Unless one is good at something faking that will not take them far. I was trying my hand at interiors and a friend of mine offered his house for people to visit and tell them it was my creation. I would not have dared to take that step if I was not confident of my work. I did get orders and my clients were satisfied.

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I did get orders and my clients were satisfied.
You weren't confident with your own work, but it sounds like you're just your worst critic Make waves in your niche in order to take over You did a great job and the clients thought so as well, but they would have never paid you if you didn't get a referral from your friend saying someone else's work was yours Make waves in your niche in order to take over

There are actually plenty of people out there that will fake a great platform and actually pull in a lot of clients. They will learn along the way, and research every question that comes in, so they know the answers to everything Make waves in your niche in order to take over

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Your friend is very helpful although I don’t think it is a good idea to fake people especially if your house guests are friends and relatives or maybe professionals. But I admire the propensity of people in helping like you friend’s offer. Sometimes I also go out of my help in order to help a dear friend but I don’t think I would resort to fakery just to help a friend.

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Great post Thank you keep it up

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I think companies that are more seen are going to get more visibility and the earning. And that seems to be something that works with almost every brand. And many people fail to notice that part. You can see that if you can get the niche to properly work around. It would surely work in many ways. I am not sure how people plan the niche based promotion. But it can work out if properly done.

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This is true. Lots of brands are famous because of their visibility. Being constantly seen positively affects their sales, status, and performance. Especially if they have great products or services. Just look around outside. The city is filled with endorsements and promotions.

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Yes, I think that you can fake it as long as you have some real evidenced based facts behind you. You want to avoid getting the reputation of "not knowing what you are talking about." i mean if your blog is based on things you are an expert in or at least interested in you should be able to do this anyway.

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While I don't doubt that starting a bit of controversy can be conducive to directing more traffic to your site, I would definitely be extremely careful with regards to how it's down if you choose to do it all. I'm particularly active on YouTube, so as a result I'm typically up to date with all the latest controversy and drama. I will tell you, starting the wrong type of controversy - even though it may have seemed strategically effective at the time - can be an absolute death sentence for a channel. I personally wouldn't start controversy unless I had absolutely concrete proof no one can hold anything against me for it.

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I agree, always be careful when you're "playing with fire" when creating controversy. While it does create more traffic, some of this may be negative and your channel or website may only be popular for one instance, and you may be forever branded as "that website." You can use controversy to your advantage when there is an issue that is 50-50 in terms of for/against it, and you're just presenting facts supporting one side. This can promote discussion between the two sides and will guarantee those who support you to continue going to your website.

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I definitely know what you mean by a site or channel being branded as "that" website/channel. Which is why I emphasized the importance of having concrete proof when you're calling out someone or something.

Take the YouTube channel iDubbbzTV, for example. Any time he puts out a video, the drama is felt throughout the entire website, because he takes popular YouTube channels and exposes them if they're doing shady things.

Naturally, the fans of the accused channel begin disliking en masse, but because all of his accusations are backed by actual evidence, both his fans and the general population side with him.

It's an example of using controversy for good, and not destroying your channel.

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Thanks for the beautiful techniques. Its a dream is that every year earnings are $500000. Its possible if we get the tips as like as you are giving regular. Off page optimization process is very much important for getting position on search engine result page.Its a huge matter of patience to follow and to maintain the forum or boards or blogs. From my point of view blog post or guest blog post or blog comments are some how beautiful technique to speak up on the relevant categories.


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I am one of those people who are avoiding controversy. I will never do that just to get noticed. I would rather be conservative in the marketing of my website rather than be notorious. I have read a blog that was trying to be controversial in saying that the eating of dog meat has been a long time tradition in some provinces. I agree to that but the way the blog was written, it was like encouraging the eating of dog meat. For sure, some comments were on the negative.

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Nothing motivates people like success stories and testimonies, if you declare your to the public with proof of it, this will 100% spur peoples beliefs in what you do and will definitely have to patronize in whatever you are offering in order to share in your success. Good article by the way.

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Visitors to your site WI always want to hear about the successes that you have recorded overtime in the business. The testimonials and stories of how you have helped other will truly motivate them to start buying your services as well.

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Starting controversy can work, but should be altered into 'striking up a conversation that makes people think or sparks robust debate.' Just make sure the topic isn't too controversial or problematic.

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I don't think starting controversy for the sake of creating controversy is beneficial. However, if you post on the controversial topic from a balance point of view, it will help you. I once posted an article on Muslim headscarf. I did not say it was good or bad, instead, put the things they were and it attracted a lot of comments.

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I normally avoid social issues like that because they can become heated, but also because they're outside of my site niche. I would instead, start a conversation about a film which many people label as one of the greatest of all time within the sci-fi, thriller or horror genre. If I disagree with that sentiment, I'd do a piece on it. Then explain why I disagree. It usually sparks a pretty strong but healthy, respectful and adult... discussion.

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You cannot appease everyone. There will always be people who disagree with your point of view. However, you can make the readers satisfied if you give reasons. People may not agree, but they will accept your reasoning. If you say x movie is good, I might disagree, however, if you state reasons why X is a good movie, I might accept your reasoning. This is how it works with controversial topics.

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You never seek to or start out trying to make everybody happy. But at the same time, you are looking for interesting and informative discussions on your content. Not digital food fights. Sometimes it's hard to hold the line, so to speak.

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I would definitely agree with you on this point. It can come back to you if you create controversy, especially if it is false. I would not trust anyone who does this because it would appear that their actions shady, and if they are creating controversy, what else are they doing that you may not be aware of. Just some points to ponder on.

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Focusing on a certain niche is better than publishing on a variety of topics. If order to maximize your SEO effort you need to break down the niche instead of publishing on boarder niche. For instance, if you want to publish on Travel niche, consider it breaking down and focusing on niche topics like traveling to India, trekking in the himalayas etc. Travel is a broad niche, however, there will be less competition when you break the travel niche to traveling to India or trekking in the himalayas. If you drill down your niche and focus on small niche, you can easily stand out in the crowd.

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Fake it til you make it.

YES!!! I have done this in the past, and it always worked for me. However, if you are going into a field/niche where people know you are faking it then that would potentially cause more than good and I would not recommend you doing this. But if it is online for like SEO, marketing, etc then that is fine because you will eventually learn all you need to by your mistakes.

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faking works for a short time but eventually will do your more harm than good. Honesty is what you need to succeed in your niche. For instance, if you have never visited a certain place but posts travel guide to that place, you are just faking it. With some research you might be able to write a good article, however, if you do not have a first-hand experience, you will eventually fail.

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I agree. I think the best tip is to make some kind of controversy. If you think about the blogs that are trending and that attract alot of traffic, they are the blogs that draw the biggest attraction from people. A good example from my country was the blog of a woman who detailed her husbands cheating and exposed his mistress. Her blog was trending for days and she got a lot of traffic and even managed to hit a million followers on both Facebook and Twitter. She is now an influencer in her niche.

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Controversy no matter how evil that we look at it has always be a source of people popularity. The fact is that many people will always want to hear those stories that others are afraid to report and once you can do it on your blog, then you are simply ahead of the rest on that race to get better.

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Definitely having some past real accomplishment is gold in the marketing world. However, though, who has any of that? Instead, most people have to prove themselves on the website. Nonetheless, that's much tougher, of course.

Oh, by the way, making a past accomplishment into gold might be way tougher than it seems. You have to really be able to prove it.

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