
Substance is the most important in writing content

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Substance is the most important in writing content

Be it a blog, an article or forum posting, substance is the most important for the content. You may be perfect with your grammar and sentence construction but if your content has no substance then it is worthless. Substance is the information relevant to the title that you share regardless of where you obtained it. Substance is what makes your writing a good and interesting read especially when you are sharing your experiences on the topic. That is why writers should be resourceful when it comes to information for they can easily come up with something worthwhile to read. 


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Whenever I'm writing something I will almost always try to add my own opinion and experience into an article. This is because it shows the readers that I actually know what I'm talking about since I'm adding substance to the writing Substance is the most important in writing content

I'll do the same thing when writing for clients, I will try to get a feel for how the article should be portrayed, and I will type it up in a way that will get the users to engage with it. Now, for this type of writing, I might not have all the experience in the world because the topics could be something I've never done before, but I can make it sound like I know what I'm talking about lol. Since I've been writing for so long, it's a little easier for me to portray that I know what I'm talking about, but sometimes I really don't Substance is the most important in writing content If I do know what I'm talking about because I have personal experiences with the topic, I don't have to do any research. If I don't know the topic very well, I will research it and see what other people are experiencing, then I will try to put myself in their shoes and think of how I would react of feel when in that situation of doing something they were doing.

Without substance, the content is usually going to suffer, I wholeheartedly agree with you on that point. There needs to be some sort of passion behind the words when someone is writing up an article, discussion, blog post, website page, etc. If there's no passion behind the words, adding substance, the article will seem bland and not get as much of a reaction as it should from the audience who might be reading it.

As you probably know, I've written thousands of articles for myself and my clients, and I've been getting better and better each day I think lol. I have my own writing style, which is fun and technical at the same time, making most of my articles easy to read and informative at the same time. I didn't develop this writing style overnight, it actually took years of practice to do so, and I'm still evolving each day. Why am I saying this? Because writers who have their own voice within the articles, discussions, blog posts, etc. get the readers attention more than if they sounded like a robot just hammering away at the keyboard. If you can put your own flow or style into the content, people will gravitate towards you and enjoy what you're writing a lot more, resulting in more followers, subscribers and eventually more sales Substance is the most important in writing content

At the end of the day, you need to write content your passionate about. If you're not passionate about it, or you can't portray passion within your writing, you probably won't make it far with your own websites or increasing your sales for content writing services. Writing skills don't develop overnight like I mentioned above, so you will always have to churn out articles as practice in order to get to a point where people will start to love your content Substance is the most important in writing content

I've been watching your discussions, Corzhens

Keep up the good work Substance is the most important in writing content

- Razzy

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For beginner like me, writing quality content is really a big challenge. I’m limited in ideas and I’m locked into my imagination. That’s why I’m wondering, how others could write content in different topics and could work with different clients. I’m stuck in building my blogging website because it seems that I need to learn more.

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An article without value or useful tips is very shallow and might not be valuable to even the reader or user of a site.If we are to have repeat visitors to our site and probably retain them and capture them for keeps, then our post most be captivating enough to hold users down.So certainly churning out articles that have no in-depth and has nothing to do with the topic is just empty and worthless

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Yes, I don't think anyone would disagree with that. As has been mentioned many times content is king. If you have good content people are likely to visit your site and take heed of what you say. They will likely return as well, and maybe bring a friend or two. This could be a way to jumpstart your site.

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As incredible as it may seem, there are people (and I know some of them) who think that substance is a background material. In this case, the aesthetic field is something more viable for them.

This is sad, but also true.

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I think without the substance (which works as a major fuel... but it has to be a great one, of course) no type of writing can sustain itself. When the material is not good, the reader loses interest very easily.

It's like wanting to make a good movie without a good script. I mean... C'mon, it's impossible, right? Substance is the most important in writing content

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I think that sooner or later readers are going to want some real substance with their content. They may initially be attracted by the website design and great graphics, but without some real substantive content that is applicable to them, they are likely to go elsewhere.

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Yes, it's as if it were love at first sight or just an infatuation... I mean: first comes the admiration / attraction, but the interest only remains if there is something else to be offered. Otherwise, the interest ends.

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@Corzhens, you are absolutely correct. Many times, it is better to write in plain, everyday language, which often fails the grammar test. Content must either inform or entertain, and, if real is goes not accomplish either of those, then it goes nowhere.

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Substance is what good content should be comprised of, of course! Your audience needs to leave every piece you have written with feeling a a change or metamorphosis. In other words, whenever someone reads your work, he or she needs to be transformed in one way r the other. That is what substance does--it leaves the audience with a new perspective or new approach to the world which it did not have before it encountered your work. In other words, your writing is purposeful and not frivolous. It packs an impact and marks anyone who encounters it, whether they like it or not, with legitimate information.

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When writing an article 5 things are important. 1.) A proper title. It should explain what the proceeding article will be about. Without any misleading words or grandiosity. 2.) Proper sentence and paragraph structure. You don't want readers getting lost. 3.) Proper punctuation. Again, readers can get lost with run on sentences or ones that end where they shouldn't. 4.) Quick facts. Your article topic should be summed up quickly with certain points and facts made evident. Don't just drone on forever. 5.) A proper ending. The end of your article should define that the article has come to a conclusion. Readers shouldn't be left wondering with an accidentally open-ended finale.

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No one will get back to read what is written if there is no substance in there. Although grammar and spelling is important viewers ignore it if they find what is written has quality content. If a question is asked and the answer has no content but written well is it of any use?

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I agree. Sometimes, I am reading an article and after three sentences in I start to feel like I haven't really been reading anything. Only then do I realize that the author probably wasn't an actual writer and was having trouble conveying their message, and at that point I just give up on the article and move on to something else. These days when there is so much competition out there and so much other content people can read, you have to know how to captivate the audience from the first sentence to the last.

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Rather than long posts I would any day prefer to the point posts that have substance. Such posts should in fact be welcomed although from the point of view of Ads they may not get more time for viewing.

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Writing with substance is just like selling a high-quality product. An article title can be very interesting just like an Ad Billboard. But at the end of the line, one can judge what's in it for- the substance. The core and purpose of your write-up. This is very crucial since not all readers can be patient. More or less, It takes one to 2 sentences for one to judge an article. The reader will decide right there if he or she will still continue reading it or not. You have to be precise and straightforward with your writing. It has to sound enticing with sense and loaded with insights or else it's just another garbage that wasted about one minute of someone's time.

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I think writing is a skill and very few people can get it right. And as you can see those people who want to seriously get into writing for career. They need lot harder focus. And they need to work on many small things in due time. I am sure that you know how the content writing can be a good job. But it in itself not going to cut the most of the stuff out. In that context I'd say that it may be a bit harder for many to work around the writing skills. I am still learning and hoping to get most out of my writing skills.

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You are definitely correct. I have yet to see really good articles as of late. It appears they are following what is currently trending which is not a bad thing, but it is something that has been done already. It will eventually get boring, and writers will jump onto the next band wagon as it were. I remember days when blogs were so interesting, that you hoped the author of the blog content would write something, so you will constantly be checking your emails, and such for any new blog posts, and when there was a new post you would be the first there to read the article, share it, ya know. Now i feel as if that spark is dwindling down.. or it could just be me, who knows.. lol

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I think buzzfeed type of the articles are what are destroying the quality of many news sites. You can see that there are some really good quality content options out there. You just have to understand that clickbait and the fake news are going to have their share of the phase. They are going to end some day not sure how and when but eventually they will be for sure. And that's something we have to get used to. But real content is more better and is not on fake premise.

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I can not stand BuzzFeed. They are basically turning the entire content creation market/industry into a click-bait frenzy. Everyone seems to want their share of the market, thus creating stupid and pointless content such as them. More and more websites are being built with their same strategy, it is very annoying, and for the life of me I can not stand to get away from it. *insert crying emoji here*

When will it ever end? Who knows, but yes everything does run it's course, and eventually die. At least I have that to look forward to.. haaha. Substance is the most important in writing content

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Yes the day advertisers learn that the clickbait sites are not leading to the revenue. That's when the things will change I am guessing. This is same as the PTC and the traffic surf industry died on mainstream the day big business learned that those were bot traffic. Same is with clickbait traffic that does not earn business. In time that will happen I assume.

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Numerous times i see blogs that write about 2 or more things in a single post. I believe it lowers the quality of the blog article. "Substance" is a good thing when it is done correctly. When creating such blog articles, it is best to create blog articles when you have 1 topic in mind, and not 2 and more topics. This will confuse the reader, and they probably won't be returning to your blog anytime soon if your writing is all over the place.

Then we get into the whole discussion about good substance, and bad substance which really is another discussion. However, good substance will keep the readers entertained, informed, and possibly educated depending on the type of content you write about.

I do firmly believe that in today's world, especially in blogging that substance is gradually declining, almost to a point that is shocking. It seems people write more so for the dollar bills, than to provide high quality content. Once writers find out that they can increase their monetary situations, it becomes a circus show and things get out of hand so quick. Everything morphs into this odd but interesting pay for pay type of writing scenario, which in my opinion lowers the real sustance of an article/post.

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If the content is interesting this will engage the users. They will look forward to read your other articles and will keep visiting your blog. You also need to ensure that your articles contain accurate and up-to-date information. If you are not good at writing then you it is better for you to hire a writer.

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The substance of a post is important. No one wants to read an article or post about something that they don't even want to read about. Your content should match the purpose & title of the post. There is no point waffling on about random things because you will end up losing readers and that can affect your blog massively in the long run.

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I agree. Articles are useless if such has no substance. People will not going to follow your blogs if your contents are not useful enough and the information contained on the post are irrelevant and doesn't gave factual information to the readers.

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I totally agree with you. The content should match the title. I always find it is easier to write a meaningful content if I write down points for the specific paragraphs I intend to talk about. After reading through, I can then come up with a clear title.

Having someone to read your content before posting out there is good because they can help to correct you earlier if there are any mistakes. Writing a good content needs more practice and enough research.

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That's true. If there is no substance in the article or post, your writing will fail. So, what is substance actually? You wrote an article. If someone asks yoy what is your article about, what will you say? Your answer "the article is about xyz" is the substance of your article. The substance is the main idea behind your article. In every article or post you create, your idea should be clearly presented.

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I think substance is subjective. In my opinion, everyone looks for different things in an article or blog. Once an article answers or fulfills its title then that's a good article, objectively speaking. For me, I judge an article on how engaging it is to me. An article can have a lot of information but if it's boring and its presentation is poor, I don't really value this article. Everyone has different things they look for and like in articles.

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I agree that substance is important in writing. it makes the content entertaining. Correct grammar and spelling alone is not enough most of the time. The readers may find it boring if it doesn't have a personal touch. Too much technicalities gives a feeling that the writer is talking to a robot. As the saying goes, "Facts tell but stories sell". This is simply because humans are emotional beings and they always look for a personal touch to accompany facts. It's also important to make the contents relevant to the topic so the readers won't feel disappointed when reading. It's really a turn off when the contents don't give justice to the topic. As a reader, I personally prefer the balance between substance and facts when I read. I want to learn from facts while I get entertained and appreciate the stories that support the facts. That's what makes reading enjoyable.

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Substance, Sense, Logic, Relevance are the composition of a good content without it then you're writing is meningless.

A good example of stupidity in writing are those people who are doing incorrect backlinks and those fishing for clicks. I mean do these guys have any I.Q left. How would they get conversions? and why would people buy from them?

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When you say substance, my understanding is the information that you are sharing in your content. I have been seeing short articles without saying anything new and that I guess the contents is just a rehash or had underwent spinning. In a news article, the substance is the story and the details surrounding the story. In a blog it is the same that there should be details that will be interesting to the readers.

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