
Cheap or expensive Your Choice?

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Cheap or expensive Your Choice?

Price will never lie. If the quality of goods and materials good, surely the price is more expensive. On the contrary if the price is cheap, the goods or the product quality below standard.

What your choice?


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It depends on the persons view of what's expensive and what's cheap. Some items these days are priced way over what they're actually worth. Others are under priced to try and make a sale, or because they aren't from good quality or stock. The market itself also dictates pricing. Based on resources. Particularly in the case of food. Weather and crops can affect pricing. For other goods, if the price paid to the supplier has gone up, that increase gets passed along to the consumer.

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I believe it depends on where you're buying stuff,some stores just inflate the prices of products even when the product is suppose to he cheap.

But really I don't mind buying expensive products but let the quality worth the products.

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It is always the market that dictates the price of goods and services because it depends on the law of supply and demand. When there are too many choices on the offering then the price is lowered because there are lesser demands. But when there are only few products in the market and the demand is great then the price shoots up. It is always the quality that matters so I guess it doesn’t really matter if it is cheap or expensive.

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Well... It depends a lot on the need of each person, what each person really needs because the level of importance that people give things / services has an extremely high level of alternation. There is nothing wrong with that, after all, people are diferente (as are their values).

I think that not everything that is cheap is always so bad and not everything that is expensive is always so good. Cheap or expensive Your Choice?

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I prefer to buy high quality products obviously. However if something is expensive this does not necessarily mean that it is of high quality. This is the reason I always read about the reviews before purchasing anything. Good reviews is what actually encourage me to buy the products. I also ask my friends for their recommendations at times.

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I do not trust reviews, because anything can be bought these days including reviews. Hell, i even reviewed products i never purchased, and never owned just for a quick buck. However, these products were good, they were software for seo, so i mean it is going to sell good, they just really wanted a picture, a name, and a location. Which to me is fine.. but i later stopped doing this because i found out that it could be illegal.. lol oops!

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I AGREE, Good answer dude.

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Yeah and this has to do with one thing that many people end up ignoring throughout their lives: priorities.

When you don't have it right in your mind, you don't know exactly what is most important to you.

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This isn't always true. There have been plenty of times that a high priced item wasn't made with the best materials. Having something higher priced just means the company thinks they can make more money from the item.

It really has to do with branding, the better the branding, the more money you can ask for a basic item.

Think of Kanye Wests shoes, the Yeezys, they were made from basic materials and sold for $600+ because Kanye put his name on them. They were hyped up so much, and had a limited run, so the pricing was inflated drastically.

The same goes with food, if some famous chef opens a restaurant, he or she can charge $100's for a plate of food that is really only valued at maybe $30 if you were to go to the store and buy it lol. I was in Vegas recently and went to the burger restaurant owned by Gordan Ramsey, and it was a little overpriced. It was around $15 for a cheeseburger, which isn't insane for being in Vegas, but I heard his other restaurants were insanely priced. And when I say insane, I mean you could get a plate of fish for $300 lmao Cheap or expensive Your Choice?

Value and quality vary widely depending on the brand that is behind the product. You can have an amazing product, but no branding, and it will usually cost much less than some crappy product like the Yeezy that costs a minimum of $600 lol.

In the end, it's up to you what you want to spend. You don't always need these expensive things when the cheaper one is more comfortable, tastes better and looks better compared to the more expensive one. Buying expensive stuff is more of a status symbol unless it's going to help you live a better life or help someone else.

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Hence items that are priced way over what they're actually worth...And you're right about branding. You can see a piece of jewelry that looks flimsy, and like it would fall apart upon impact if your wife or girlfriend accidentally dropped it while in a hurry. But if a fancy name is stamped onto that piece of jewelry, it'll cost you a fortune. But deep down, you know its sturdiness is a big red flag.

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I firmly believe in the saying "you get what you pay for". Meaning, that if the price is cheap, the quality will be cheap. It is hard to buy high quality products or services when the price is just so cheap because there is not much of a profit margin, therefore the quaility will be subpar.

In terms of Razzy's reply in regards to yeezy's being, what was it? im not sure if i read that right: $600? Those shoes better be dipped in freaking gold for a price tag of $600, and is that also including taxes? The price for those shoes is outragious and im hoping it's a joke. Hell, i hate to even pay $100 and onwards for a pair of shoes.. I try to find shoes between $50-$100 because i wear them out too much, and too quick.. But never in my life will i ever buy a pair of freaking shoes for $600.. oh my goodness.

Also, i believe i saw a youtube video about the shoes, people were to guess which ones were real and fake and only like 2 people out of 10 guessed which was real.. so in theory, just buy knockoffs? haha

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It really depends sometimes with more expensive items you are paying for a label. It really just a way tht you can use the options that you need. It depends on your budget. I think you should probably get the most expensive items your budget will allow, but it just depends on the money available.

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I go for what I want and buy it regardless of how much it costs. I have a need for it and therefore will have to be prepared to pay whatever its price.

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But what if you can find equal quality in something that's a bit cheaper but you miss it because you only focus on getting the thing that your mind sees? That's why I think that with certain things we must do the research rather than just buying something expensive. It's a double-edged sword.

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I will go where I know i will get the best quality. That research that you are talking about stems from my shopping experience and the reviews that are available there. A branded item will cost the same everywhere.

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Higher tag price doesn't always equate to higher quality. The price, after all, is determined by several factors including cost of production, desired profit margin, industry pricing, and supply/demand conditions. You can have two companies with basically the same quality and production cost but one can be priced higher than the other because of varying profit margins. I've seen several companies pricing themselves out of the market simply because the owners wanted to impose an unrealistically high profit margin over their products.

Mass producing or selling goods or services also keep their prices lower without compromising quality. Try having 20 custom-made t-shirt versus having 400 custom-made pieces made to see the difference.

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Exactly! I can't tell you how many times when I was younger that I bought something based upon the brand name, and paid the higher price, but it turned out to be a less than valuable product. Some of the best deals I have ever found, on clothing, electronics, musical instruments, furniture, you name it, have been found in thrift stores and through local people who were advertising online. You have to be smart and know about what you are looking for, but there is a ton of great stuff for cheap out there for all of us. One man's trash is another man's treasure, as they say, and people sell things for cheap a lot because they need the quick money, but you actually need the product they are offering.

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Yes, I agree, the old adage you get what you pay for, is not always true. it may sometimes be true, but if you get things that are good quality refurbished or secondhand and pay little for it. I think you should be congratulating yourself..although sometimes you can go wrong there too. It helps alot to know the price of the thing you are buying.

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If it's for my kids, I don't sacrifice their happiness over money. If I'll buy something for me, I would consider buying a cheap product. The needs of my children are my priority. I don't intend to see them living a limited kind of life when they deserve much of what life has to offer.

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I think the thing is about quality. You can't have the quality at the cheaper cost. Because there is always a price to be paid for the content. And that's something we have to learn. You can't have things which do not add much value as well. For all of that one has to add some level of the price. So that being said, I think having cheap price is not a good idea. At some point you have to raise the price and so does the quality will improve as well.

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It completely depends for me. Why? Because you can easily find cheaper things that have the same quality as the expensive, overpriced ones as long as you know where to look. But there are certain things that you simply have to spend a bit more money on. It's hard to say which is better since there are so many different factors that can influence the decision.

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I think that logic holds true in some cases and on the other hand I have seen some cheap products that are 100x better then the most expensive product on the market. It's all about the build quality and the quality of the material being used. For instant awhile back I bought a $380 headset and I dropped it from a small distant and It broke the mic right off and I was devastated. And on the other hand I have dropped my cheap $89 headset a million times and it's still fine after 2+ years.

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I guess not all expensive products are of good quality. Though most of it are, because it just depends on how the person uses it. Even if it is expensive and the usage is very rough, I think it's going to get broken in an early time. There are also cheap products with good quality and will last longer than those expensive ones depending still on the usage and how the person maintained it.

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Well this might not be in all situatons. Price can lie too.

There are sometime when the prices of some items are just overrated and are not worth the price they are given. A famous brand say a company that sells socks might produce poor quality socks and sell them at an expensive rate and still getaway with it because they have a name or goodwill already. Irrespective of the quality of their produce, people still tend to trust them. Some companies take advantage of this fact on their customers.

Similarly, another competing company could be producing socks that are of high quality at a cheaper rate but be making poor sales because they don't have a name out there already i.e. they are not yet a famous or respectable brand.

It all boils down to the individual making the decision at the end. Personally, I prefer quality stuff irrespective of the price.

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I select both cheap or expensive services, not mean cheap will give you low quality services, you need to check what they will provide and make sure that you tested with it.

Some expensive services can give you low quality services if you trust them without any tests before purchasing.

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In my opinion, the choice is not cheap versus expensive, it is a question of value. Sometimes, the more expensive thing is just not worth the price. It may have a good name and reputation, but it is not that much better to justify the price.

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I am a frugal person who is always on the lookout for bargains. However, I never sacrifice the quality of a product or service for a cheap price. It is not wise to be patronizing cheap brands that are not reliable. On the contrary, there are cheap brands that later on proved to be good products. But you need to learn of reliable reviews before checking on the cheap products in the market

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I always try to look for cheap items. You know, there are a lot of high quality products that have low prices. Take for instance 1 and 1 en hosting service. They provide very cheap shared WordPress hosting yet their service is top notch.

Same goes with smartphones. There's the Samsung Galaxy 8 and the iPhone X. They're both high quality phones with absolutely high prices. But there are phones from other companies that provide almost similar quality phones at lower prices.

Yes, price connotes quality. But that doesn't mean you have to buy costly products. There are a lot of alternatives.

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In purchasing goods, I always choose quality and value of reasonable price. I understand that you can never sell an item of high quality and value for a bazaar price. Quality and value are very important to me. I want an item for a long term use most of the time so I am willing to pay for its price. High quality and long term use of items can be cheaper a lot of times. I don't like the hassle of buying and replacing an item over and over again just because of poor quality. I invest a lot on quality goods so I can enjoy it for a long time. I just do my best to afford it.

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You are right. The higher the price, the higher the quality. But some people still sell fake goods at a higher price. For this reason, I will say that the market, store or shop matters. Some markets are known for selling high quality goods regardless of the price.

Some cheap secondhand goods last longer.

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Secondhand goods last longer because they come from the 70's, 80's or 90's. Which is when most things were made and produced with better quality materials. Especially cookware and automobiles.

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Not necessarily. Very many factors go into price. I don't agree that the cheaper the price, the cheaper the quality.They are people who make products of the poorest quality. They then put very high prices, because they are greedy and want to make money. They are others who make products that have the highest quality but believe in economies of scale and want as many people to buy their products.They reduce their prices.

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