
Do you value the feedback of those people who comment on your blog / website?

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Do you value the feedback of those people who comment on your blog / website?

The comments are always a great "thermometer" to show us what is going well - or not - on our blog / website and when those comments come from people who care to leave comments (valid, obviously), they need to be valued.

However, not all blog / website owners know how to value / take advantage of this and end up ignoring these "signs" (which in most cases is always a mistake).

Are you the kind of person who values ??this or doesn't care too much?


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I feel grateful when someone leaves comment in my post. And for me it is very important to comment back to a comment to engagement with your readers so that they will know that you bothered to read their comments. But in myself, there are times that I could not say anything to a comment especially if it is really good and seems there's nothing that I could add up anymore. I just leave it for a while and take a time to think for a reply then do so if I already got one.

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Yeah. You're so right about it.

I also value this very much because I think this type of interaction is essential to create a link with those people who value our work. Ignoring them, besides being a big mistake (professionally speaking), would be a great lack of education (at least in my point of view).

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It is imperative for a blogger to read the comments on his blogs. Take note that old blogs can also get new comments so bloggers should be aware of that. A comment is one way of showing that your blog was read and even if the comment is negative you should still appreciate if just for the effort. When you don’t respond to comments then the reader who commented may get the impression that you don’t care for comments or simply you have not been reading comments.

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I am that type of person that doesn't play with responses of people to my blog posts and social media posts. I always respond and try to show them that I really appreciate the time they took to comment on my post. It's a good sign of showing care to them.

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That's really good initiative. And this way you can retain people on your blog. I wish I could do that much on every blog I write. I have very limited time to write online and even low on checking the content and comments. So I am surely going to pay attention to this part from here onwards. It seems like a good option to build social followers. And it can be surely a good option.

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If a comment gets paid the one who comments will always say something nice and so it would be folly to take that comment seriously.

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Great observation.

Most of those comments - unfortunately - are just focusing on earning the money and to satisfy the eyes of bloggers / websites owners. But the great / true people still exist and we must value them very much. Do you value the feedback of those people who comment on your blog / website?

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What is difficult is to identify those genuine comments. And then there is the question of interaction. Not many will get back to have an interaction adding further to what they have already said. Constructive criticism is always welcome but that is rare.

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Yes, I am looking forward to sites that pays for comments, would definitely stay a long time there. I don't mind writing 100 words comments either

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If the comment is constructive criticism then yes that is something worth valuing about. I think people these days however often don't come out with constructive ways to critic. So we have to consider what else we can do about it. I personally have learned that it's reasonable to let people comment and they can explain a lot to you about the topic. So it's good to have other people comment.

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I value my users or readers feedback especially the critical ones I take them seriously and try to fix whatever is recommended.I don't joke at all with recommendations because when these are put in place then it means more money for me through views and good valuable site for the users.But for the pure envious comments, I take them in my strides and press the ignore button.

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I don't agree that comments are always a great "thermometer" to show us what is going well. It is one important indicator. But, visitors don't always perceive making a comment as the natural next step after reading a blog entry. That said, when a visitor does take the time to post a comment, I believe it is extremely important to acknowledge it and respond. I do believe it is extremely critical to show visitors that the relationship is not onesided and that you value their engagement.

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Well I believe that a number of factors contribute to it being an indicator, or "thermometer," of your website's health.

For one thing, if you're not receiving commentary then you probably aren't engaging the reader all that effectively. Personally, if I feel that a content creator, be it someone making videos on YouTube or a blogger making posts, has created a connection with me though their content, then I'm going to be compelled to leave a comment.

If you're not receiving any comments on your content, it might be that you're not really adding any sort of value to the viewer's experience, which is obviously an indicator that you might need to add something that is missing.

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I don't necessarily agree with that. I manage a website for a local nonprofit. They receive almost no comments on their blog entries. However, as part of our distribution practices, we share the links to those posts on multiple Facebook groups and they spark a ton of conversation. Moreover, we follow a strict posting schedule, which has educated our readers. As a result, you can watch the traffic pick up in anticipation of a new post.

I'm not arguing that blog comments don't have value. It just shouldn't be overdramatized as a defining characteristic.

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I definitely understand where you're coming from. I personally don't have too much experience under my belt concerning the subject so I'm only basing it off of my perspective with blogs and other content, and just general observation.

Obviously there are no absolutes in any business and results are going to vary on a case by case basis. I suppose I built my opinion up on the idea that a talkative community is an active one, and an active one is a healthy one.

It might also be a matter of ease of access, as most people these days are on Facebook and it's an easy place to engage in discussions, while many people may not be as inclined to register for an account to post on a blog.

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Comments are a great indicator but I don't think that they are an indicator of whether or not you are doing well in terms of content. You may have the best content in the world but if there isn't a real need for discussion needed or if the user doesn't have time to post a comment, it doesn't take away the fact that the content is still good. There are various reasons why someone may not leave a comment on a post. I, for example, rarely comment on posts that I read, it doesn't mean that the post was awful.

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As I've put it in another reply I made here, I'm sure it is also going to vary on a case by base basis, and there are no absolutes in any field of life. I'm much like yourself in that regard, where no matter how great a video or post may be, I'm probably not going to feel inclined to comment.

On the other hand, there is content out there that specifically compels me to want to comment and add to the discussion, and to me that is what separates great content from amazing content. I just personally put a lot of emphasis on the value of engaging with a community, and having that community be lively and active amongst themselves.

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Currently I don't own any blog or forum, but I have received commentary in different forms throughout my career, whether it was while working as a freelance designer or as a writer. I've come to learn that you absolutely do need to value the opinions of people involved in your work, but also to take everything with a grain of salt.

For example, just ask any content creator on YouTube with thousands, or even millions of fans. A lot of them will tell you that while it is important to listen to your fans and people active within your community, you shouldn't listen to absolutely everything.

Fans might demand one thing that they believe they want, and in reality when you actually give them that, they react completely opposite to your expectations. You should consider commenter's suggestions and opinions, but don't always take what they say as something that is written in stone.

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Yes, I do consider a great deal on every feedback that I get since it can help me assess my work, in a sense that I get to measure its effectivity on the readers. I would treat those comments as my mirror, to see myself if I did become an effective writer and/or a blogger.

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I love it when people leave comments on my site whether they are good or bad ones. The bad comments actually help me to know about the improvements that I need to make. I try my best to interact with all those who leave comments on my blog. I know that this is what will actually drive them to my blog again.

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Receiving bad comments can be very positive (if you know how to deal with them). I like good and bad comments, but I like that both have consistency (and in relation to bad comments exclusively, that are well structured... otherwise, what's the point of it?).

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Yes I highly value the feedback that people leave on my blog/forum. Without user feedback, you will never know where you need to make improvements. Having said that I am open to criticism and welcome it because without it you will never know what your doing wrong.

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Yes certainly, and sometimes and it is a way to have a great learning experience and also shows that you value your customers that you need. It is a way to get honest feedback and answer questions.

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Yes very much so, it gives you more confidence as well when you get positive feedback. Sometimes you may get the odd negative view of your work but that often makes us stronger and can find weaknesses in our work. But yeah it helps a lot when you get great feedback on your work and shows some do appreciate what you are doing.

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Some theories in communication says that communication is not complete until it reaches its destination, while some other theories are of the view that it's not complete until feedback is received. Now, I'm practically in support of the second communication theory that stresses the need for feedback, as this allows you the opportunity to access that actual effects and impact of your already passed out messages.

With this being said, I would definitely recommend that blogs/sites/forum owners takes feedback very seriously as it would have a lasting and positive impression on the people who left such message as their feedback.

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Yeah, I love that theory, Communication is not really complete, until the intended people, at which the communication is channeled to, get's the frequency and returns their own signal, in which the communicator must take serious and tune into. Feedback, should be duly noted

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I value my users a lot and I think we all should. If any of my users give me some feedback on my blog or website then I will value it because it can help me to improve my site so that my users can enjoy using my website. It is definitely not a good idea to ignore your users or their suggestions because you may end up losing your users who do not feel valued or don't want to use your site because of the lack of improvements and developments.

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If it's constructive feedback then sure. That's the key word, constructive. If it's trolling, attacking me, the site or other commenters? Then no. I don't have a problem with salty, direct or edgy language. Just so long as it isn't just someone leaving a comment to attack others because they're in a bad mood or it's 'just what they do.' Otherwise, you'd be a fool not to value the feedback of your audience.

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Definitely Yes! When someone left their feedback or comment on my website, it would be an opportunity for me. This is where we'll be able to consider their feedback or comments. Either positive or negative, we should be grateful that they have concern about your website or blog.

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If I wrote a blog, or had a forum, and would have a certain section on the website where users could add their input then yes I would definitely value their feedback and/or opinion. It is nice to know what your readers, or visitors think about your content, design, advertising, etc. However, unfortunately a lot of the times comment functions turns out to be nothing more than spam links, and comments that are in no relation to the topic that is being discussed. I see many blogs that are often spammed, or that have been spammed for years yet the webmaster does nothing to combat this spam. Why they don't do anything; I have no idea. Maybe they like the spam, perhaps it makes their blog/forum/etc seem a bit more active? I would definitely not keep that spam. Good feedback is any feedback as long as it's not spam..

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It definitely does not make their site look more active, quite the opposite actually. If I saw a blog or a forum that was full of spam then I would assume that it was not active because even the staff are not bothering to do their job. So I would just leave the site straight away. I agree with you, I would definitely not keep that spam, it just makes your site look bad

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Yes, I do. I have a blog based on getting paid to post at forums and blogs and receive comments from fans home and abroad. I really value and appreciate those comments made because it adds more to the credibility of my blog in all ways. One thing I do to prevent unwanted spam on my blog is that I restrict posters' comments to approval before their comments can be published on the blog. This is due to the experience I had in the past about some intruders who would do nothing but post rubbish and unwanted comments on the blog.

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Of course I value them, but that depends on the type of comment they make, and the purpose of making them, some people who comment don't really comment because they want to compliment or give you a feed back, of where you should amend or detract. Some just comment mostly due to a loop holed or a non completed offer.

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Whether positive or negative and maybe even if the comment is violent, put some value on it and find the benefit. Writers would say that you have to write for your readers and not for yourself. That means the comments or feedback about your work is valuable, it is something that you cannot buy. Especially if your blog is already popular, a negative comment is of great value because it is a way of knowing on what area to improve on.

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Where the one who comments gets paid they invariably write something to please the blogger, specially where a comment is first approved. The whole concept of commenting is directed towards opening the concerned blog where Ads appear and so longer the comment the more it is appreciated.

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I do not have any comments on my recipe blogs but I have posts at Hubpages a, Blogjob and Literacybase where I reply back to all the people who had commented on my posts. I appreciate their replies because they help me to become better

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Yes, I value customers' feedbacks and comments posted to my blog. It is the way to quickly step up on search engines. It occurs that traffic flows at geometric rates when the number of replies, comments and feedbacks increases on your blog or website. For your blog or website to generate real traffic in no time, the comment or feedback box must be enabled for visitors to use. This is the first step to building an online income. It brings about solid foundation to your online business.

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Yes I do. It always shows the person took their time to read my post and even be kind enough to leave their thoughts so I can know if I am doing well or if I need to improve. Although the success of a site is not completely tied to the visitors feedback, it is always nice to respond and put importance to every word they wrote because their support and feedback is what can determine the current state of your site.

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I do value feedback in all the tasks I do, and that includes writing/blogging. Feedback is a good way to learn and it makes a room for improvement. I understand that no matter how high the quality of work can be, nobody is perfect. There will always be something to improve. This is a good way to better your best consistently. I also appreciate the fact that someone gave a feedback because it shows that someone took time to read my work and help me improve at the same time. This adds value to me. It also helps me determine if I have done the same to my readers as they use my write up for whatever purposes it may be. Feedback is very important. We should actually ask for it for us to know the standing of our work.

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I feel very greatful, honoured and above all very fulfilled when people leave comments on my blog. It gives me some sense of achievement. A blog isn't always a personal diary, we do post for people to engage with and what other way to know that your messages are getting through to the right intended Persons, if not by comments being left after a visitor's read.

I personally feel that every blog or site owner should learn to appreciate a reader's or visitor's comment be it valid or not, follower or not, whatever the case, those comments really should mean a lot.

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Nice tips. I will consider them in my blog. Thanks

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