
A few ways to boost your internal drive when you get down

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A few ways to boost your internal drive when you get down

Everyone wants to be successful online but there aren't many who actually have the drive to do it.  Sure, you might have a website up and running that gets some traffic and possibly a sale here and there.  But are you working 16+ hours a day in order to make your website the best it can be and get as much traffic as possible... probably not. 

Having a drive isn't something that you can learn, it has to be within you and it needs to be strong.  Many people say they have a drive, but they only have a website and think they're a millionaire after they get a few sales here and there each month.  Being successful online means you have no worries in your day to day life, have you achieved that with your online success yet?  If you answered anything other than "YES!" then you need to get back to work and achieve greatness!

I'm not writing up this discussion to discourage you in any way, I'm actually trying to encourage you to get to work and build your drive.  Again, the drive within you can't be learned, it can only be nurtured and grown over time.  Sure, you can have a good drive in the beginning and quickly get discouraged because you're not an instant millionaire.  This is where you need to fight the urge to sit back and take it, you need to keep at it and achieve greatness.

If you aren't sure if you're driven enough to be successful online, I'll show you a few ways that I like to boost my drive when I'm down.  These little tricks work well when I hit a wall and fail at something, but I always get back up on that hoarse and work until I'm successful.  Yes, you will fail, it's inevitable and you need to overcome it when it does happen.

Inspirational Videos
When I'm feeling bummed out after a failure I will always go to YouTube and search for "Arnold Schwarzenegger inspirational video" and watch what I can.  There are many videos that will pop up with this search, but the one that I really like is here:

There are many inspirational videos that can get your drive boosted, this is just one of my favorite because it hits pretty hard and I always feel like I can overcome anything when it's done A few ways to boost your internal drive when you get down

Listen to some music
I'm not talking about music you like to listen to from day to day, you'll need to find songs that boost you up and make you feel like you're on top of the world.  I'll use some examples on YouTube for this one as well since it's a free source and anyone can listen A few ways to boost your internal drive when you get down

My first song is "All I Do Is Win" by DJ Khaled featuring Ludacris, Rick Ross, T-Pain and Snoop Dogg:
I love listening to this song because they sing about exactly what I want to do, and that is WIN.  I primarily listen to heavy metal, but I do mix in a variety of other styles of music as you can see lol. 

My second song is "No Sleep" by Wiz Khalifa:
This song doesn't exactly talk about being successful but the beat, music, and feel of the music give me a boost for some reason.  Listen to it, maybe you'll see or feel what I'm talking about A few ways to boost your internal drive when you get down

My third song is "Donald Trump" by Mac Miller (lol at the name):
This song, if you couldn't have guessed it, talks about taking over the world and making money.  Something we all want to do, sort of, when it comes to being successful A few ways to boost your internal drive when you get down

My fourth song is also from Mac Miller, and it is named "Smile Back":
I listen to this song for a different reason, it's not so much a motivational song/video because it's more aggressive than the previous videos I posted.  This video helps me keep my edge when I need it, and yes you will need an edge because others will walk all over you if you let them. 

There are many more songs out there that I listen to in order to boost me up, but I won't post all of them because we'd be here for days lol.  The links above may help you out, but it's really up to you to figure out what type of music and songs give you the biggest boost in order to keep your drive strong.

Go Work Out!
This may seem like a weird way to get boosted up, but it does work.  You might feel pretty drained after your first few work outs, but over time you will notice that you actually feel more alive after a good work out and it becomes something you use in order to get a boost at the beginning or middle of the day.

Sometimes this little trick will backfire on me because I like to eat.  I'm sure you're thinking to yourself "You're talking about working out, why does eating make this backfire?".  Well if you're "going hard" at the gym you will more than likely be pretty hungry when you're done.  I wouldn't advise eating prior to working out because your breakfast or lunch might just come up when you're done lol.  Eating after a good workout sometimes backfires on me because I will get sleepy.  Since I'm starving after a good workout, I will eat what seems like my weight in food, and get tired because of it.  I will then take a nap, which is always great to do, but your motivation is usually gone after that and now I'm back to where I started.  But that's ok because I just got a good workout in and now I can listen to a motivational video or some uplifting music to get me going lol A few ways to boost your internal drive when you get down

You can do some Yoga
Now this isn't my cup of tea, but there are many people who preach by this.  I've heard many people saying that they do some Yoga to get their day started off and they feel extremely energized because of it.

I can't go into too much detail with this one since I'm not very limber lol, so hopefully you can do some research on this part and let me know how it turned out for you A few ways to boost your internal drive when you get down

Read some success stories
This is a more unconventional way to get boosted because no one is talking, singing, and you're not doing anything physical to boost yourself.  This helps in a mental way since you're just reading what others have done to become successful online.

I haven't run into too many websites that are credible when it comes to finding success stories, so I'll have to update this at a later time.  Most of the success stories I've found online are on sales pages of services from companies trying to entice users to purchase something, and that's not what I'm trying to read because they're likely fake haha.

In Conclusion:
There are many ways to boost your drive and it's up to you to figure out what works best for you.  I personally like using the videos and music methods first because they're quick to start up and I don't have to do anything other than type in a website and search for a video.  I can even take the extra step to just bookmark these videos or even make my own playlist that I can start up so I don't have to search for anything A few ways to boost your internal drive when you get down  I like to let the videos run in the background while I work, which seems to boost me up as I'm doing stuff online A few ways to boost your internal drive when you get down  In the end you'll need to configure the best routine that works for you in order to boost you up when you are down.  My ways may not be best for you, but hopefully this discussion will help you set something up of your own that will pick you up when you're down A few ways to boost your internal drive when you get down

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Realizing that I'm still not in the place where I wanted to be, motivates me to push harder no matter how hard it seems to have a successful online business. So I spend most of my time reading, watching tutorial videos, and practicing so I can move closer to achieving my goals. Yeah it's really true that not all who started an online journey became successful but it's really great to try and gain lesson in taking this path. The insights given in this post could really help to stay on track and be motivated to pursue and take the challenge even it is so hard.

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It starts with understanding that we need to move further from the position we found ourselves. It doesn't matter how we feel, but that realization is meant to push us to go higher.

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I have failed so many times but I learned from my failures. Failures do make me feel discouraged at times. However to make myself feel better I get engaged in different activities. Listening to meditating music actually makes me feel better. Nowadays we have many such videos on YouTube. I also enjoy going to the park with my dog. I get to meet new people and talk about various things which helps in clearing my mind. I will try to watch the Inspirational video you mentioned above. Thank you for this great post.

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This is well written,A lot of times I have been down and burnout and not willing to go on because my passion has waned down but what lift me up is my desire to succeed and my can do it spirit.

I believe we can speed up our drive no body how low it is and these outlined points would really help.

For me meditation and self caution helps me pull pull through. So yes always talk to yourself to speed things up.

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For me, music is one of the best things to boost your internal drive when you are down. Obviously, you will have to listen to some good music, there is no point listening to some sad songs because that will just get you down even more. Working out is also a good thing to do, even going for a walk can help you relax and make you feel a lot better

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Listening to music can be a cool way to boost our internal drive in the sense that music is a food for the soul. So, when we listen to songs we like, that is a great way to do it as well.

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For me music is my inspiration, I whenever I am depressed or when I get writer's block I often turn on music and the words just flow. I can not even count how many times I have been stuck for words and turned on music and have been able to crank out content for the rest of the night. =)

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This informative post could apply to any situation when one is down at out. Each of us have our own methods to get out of such situations. I am a Reiki channel and that helps me a lot. Reiki taps our sources within which we have to bring out by following certain principles as dictated by this spiritual healing tool.

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I would be glad, if you share more tips on how the channel works. Is it all about a spiritual aspect or one that has to do with a realist point of view.

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Here is a link that will give you full information on Reiki. You need to be initiated and for which there are Masters that do that. You must have someone in your vicinity for easy proximity There are various grades. I did the first two.

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Yea,this apply to situations where one is really down doing the following can help bring back the steam,it not just about one's online journey,even in offline stressful jobs,instead of killing one's self over nothing one can as well,lift self up by working out or lisyening one's favourite music or betterstill just meditate,it helps to refresh one.

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Inspirational videos can actually do more for you than you would really think.

One of my favorite quotes regarding motivation and inspiration is from Zig Ziglar. "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily."

People often compare motivation and passion to a fire, that they have a flame within them that drives them towards their goals. Well, what happens to a flame once you stop feeding it? It goes out. A flame doesn't burn without fuel, and you have to get that fuel somewhere. A lot of people expect their motivation to come out of nothing.

But like the wood you use to keep a flame going, you have to go out there and get it because it won't appear out of nothing.

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I think constantly working on something can get you out of the depressive cycle. Being engaged into some activity is how many people boost their internal drive. And it can be good enough for many among us. I have not seen how that works out for all. But for me it is working. I have heard that travel also works out for some people. Some do try to get the most out of the travel in the case when things are going the wrong way. I have realized that small things add up so never ever neglect them in the big picture.

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Hi Yes! I agree with you. For me personally, such maintenance in good shape is a sport. When I feel that I am very tired or burned out, I go to practice. Sometimes in the gym with a trainer, and sometimes with the help of programs at home. This is when you don’t want to see anyone, but you need sports. Does this happen to you?

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It is easy to lose the drive if what you're doing is not a necessity or not related to your passion. My take on maintaining the drive is to make your job very important to you. That's the reason why we continue working if our job is our livelihood, that's the important factor.

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Fresh air works not just for online work but for any down mood. I know some people are temperature sensitive and won't set foot outside in anything under 30 degrees but whenever you're feeling unmotivated or not your usual good nature self, a walk to somewhere - anywhere will usually do the trick. Also try cooking your favorite meal.

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I would love to know these people lol. We will probably get anything above 30 degrees once a year. Most people don't really care too much about the temperature over here in the United Kingdom. The best thing to do is to probably go on a walk. Just having a look around your local area may help to get you up and make you feel a lot better.

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Good for the UK. But here in America temperature seems to be driving so much of our current congregation and people movement. People are relocating to states like Florida, California and Texas because not only do those states have the desired city life, but the weather doesn't drop below 55 degrees often if at all in the winter months. New York seems to be the only place people are willing to relocate to despite 19 to 25 degree temps in the winter time.

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It is important to be able to re invigorate yourself no matter what we are trying to do and strive for. It is different things for different people. I think we are all born with different levels of drive though..and if we want to be successful we have to nuture and sustain what we have.

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Yes, you have many ways to boost your internal drive whenever you are down. Things should be done one after the other. There should be no rush at all and you must learn how to give yourself some rest whenever you feel worked up. You should be a person who loves to work but knows how to rest. This way, you will be able to plan your time and work such that you won't work yourself up at all.

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Taking some rest can be important when we are looking at how tired the body is. I mean that it doesn't matter how we feel as long as we do the right things in making ourselves feel good.

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I've used music to great effect when it comes to motivating myself for goals ahead. It wasn't easy for me when I started out as a writer on the internet considering the struggles and stress that were associated with it. Thank goodness that everything worked out fine and today, I feel better working on most sites on the internet.

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When I feel low and do not have the desire to work or do anything creative, I always watch feel-good movies. Movies alter my mood positively. Alternatively, I also listen to music. Music is a great booster for me.
Other things that help me keep my spirits high are:

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I'm not a type of guy that is into movies and irrespective of the fact that I know it can contribute to making us feel better at times, I don't spend my time on movies for some personal reasons.

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