
Obtaining local clients with enticing discounts

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Obtaining local clients with enticing discounts

Online marketing is a dog eat dog world and you will need to stay competitive if you want to seal the deal with some local clients.  This is especially the case if you offer a service that can be acquired anywhere in the world, but you have a leg up on the competition if you're local.  Being local means you are within a certain proximity to the clients business or home (Duh).  But being local doesn't just mean you're close, it means you can be trusted more since you can shake the hand of the potential client if ever needed Obtaining local clients with enticing discounts

I've had plenty of local clients want to sit down with me just to see who I was.  They wanted to make sure that I was actually local and that I was who I said I was.  I completely understand this because there are so many SEO companies out there pitching that they are "local" but they're actually 200+ miles away.  This happens a lot in the Chicago area, I've even heard some Indiana companies saying they're "Local" because they're close to northwest Indiana haha Obtaining local clients with enticing discounts

Being local is what will get your foot in the door, giving local discounts is what will seal the deal.  When I'm talking with a potential client and I think they're still on the fence, I will offer them a local discount.  Now local businesses would rather hire someone local because they're keeping the money within their community, but they will outsource work over seas if the price isn't right.  By offering discounts to your local clients, you will entice them to sign up with you instead of outsourcing what they need done. 

Why People Like Discounts
Consumers and Businesses will love a good discount because it simply saves them money.  I've actually had people sign up for my premium services, which were twice as much as my competitor, because I was local and gave them a 20% discount because we were in close proximity lol.  They were paying more to use me, but were happier because I was close and gave them a slight discount.

People like discounts because they feel like they're saving a ton of money.  Now you can't go an offer a 2% or 4% discount because you'll just get laughed at.  I like to go as low as 20% and as high as 50% depending on the service or product.

Why Local Discounts Work
Local discounts work because if a potential client is on the fence, or negotiating a price, they will instantly be sold on the XX% off.  You can pitch to them that you want to keep the money local in order to keep building, which will help build value to the neighborhood, and the client will get hit in the feels and likely work with you lol.

I had a local web design client sign up with me after I quoted him almost twice as much as my competitor, while offering a discount to help him out.  He signed up with me because I treated him well and we got together a couple times to go over what was going to be done with his website.  He even told me how he didn't like the presentation of the other company because they were all business and didn't seem like they has his best intentions in mind.  He also said that the discount didn't hurt because it showed I was trying to work with his budget lol Obtaining local clients with enticing discounts

Why Offer Discounts
Offering discounts has been around for longer than anyone reading this discussion.  It's a way to entice people into making a purchase because they feel they're saving more money with you than they could with your competitor.  With 99% of businesses being online today, it's easier to shop around when you want something physical or digital.  By offering discounts to low ball your competitors, you will be seen as a great service or product provider as well as a great deal to everyone's pocket book.

Offering discounts in a strategic way can actually increase your profits more than selling a top dollar service or product.  Haven't you seen a car commercial where they say you get $X,XXX off at singing?  Well they all do it, and those are all discounts lol Obtaining local clients with enticing discounts

In Conclusion:
A discount is great, but a local discount is even better because it shows you're trying to help out people within the area.  I run a global online marketing service but I will give local businesses discount codes they can use in order to save some money.  Them saving money means they can use it for their own business and I make money from the business owners that might not have signed up with me lol.  Coupons and discounts will be around for a very long time becuase they work.  If you're not using discounts and coupons for local businesses, I urge you to try it out and thank me later lol Obtaining local clients with enticing discounts

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Not just Online marketing but marketing as a whole is dog eat dog world. I have a front store and I sell vehicle tires. There are over a dozen shops in the town that sell vehicle tires. In order to maintain my market share, I have to offer various schemes such as discounts, upto 90 days credit limit (the buyer will have 90 days to clear the due), warranty, and tire fitting service. If I don't offer these schemes, I will lose my business.
This offline business scheme also works with online business. Offline business is not very different from online business.

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That dog eat dog atmosphere of competition is what I abhor. I have seen convenience stores here that have their own gimmicks and tricks for a cut-throat competition to outsell the rival. There was the story of 2 stores that competed for the market by giving unimaginable discounts to customers that in the end both stores closed shop due to bankruptcy. That is a neat lesson to be learned in this dog-eat-dog situation.

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I have seen a lot of business collapse because of fierce competition. However, this is in the benefit of consumer. Because of dog eat dog kind of thing, consumers are receiving good deals. As far as the businesses are concerned, you need to have the right mindset. You cannot give every thing for cheat or discounts in the name of retaining customers.

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Certainly, it always worthwhile trying to be a little nice to customers by going local and giving a local discount.In marketing, a discount is like a bait to potential customers.Instead of losing them to other competitors for whatever reasons I think it better one just give a rebate of this nature to retain or attract them.Discount is a weapon in which all marketers should have in their arsenal.

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Yes, I think giving discounts and coupons is always good. It encourages people who would otherwise not do it to try your products. These are just some of the things that you can find when you are looking for the types of discounts and coupons you can use locally or online.

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It can also encourage your current customers to buy a bit more from you. If you are offering them a discount on your service/product then they may be inclined to purchase a bit more as they will not be spending more than the usual amount they spend with you. And like you said, it will obviously entice people that may not have tried your product/service to try it out.

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Yes, I agree like I run an online social exchange and also traffic exchange website. I do offer coupons and most time I am practically giving major discounts. Doesn't always work for me but willing to try different things.

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I can sell my products at a much lesser price locally as the shipping and delivery fee are much lower. Moreover if someone is buying in bulk then I usually give him a discount and I have noticed that such customers keep coming back. I have also tried other promotional measures such as 'buy one get one free' locally and this definitely works. It is important to use promotional strategies every now and then. You can attract new customers while retaining existing ones by adopting such techniques.

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Discounts are almost like a cheat code that businesses can you because it almost always guarantees some sales and revenue for your business. Everyone loves to save some money so it is no surprise that when you offer some sort of a discount for a product or a service that people love to go through with the sale. It's also good to get local clients because of how close you are to them

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Oh that is pretty clever. I always just thought about discounts in general not just local specific one. But I guess it can be very beneficial if you are aiming to be a local business.

A discount is always a good strategy though. No client will refuse or dislike it so it is not a bad method even if you offer it to everyone. It can boost your sales and attract many new customers.

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To me some discounts are scam, and I don't really get enticed by discounts. Because I have been in a discussion with an E-commerce site owner, and he told me that discounts are not really discounts, that the discounts they offer, are very far from the actual price of the product. That they still make their money back. Like a product of $200, they will label it with $250, and then give you discount and the product label will now be something like "product $250 now $200"

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I agree. This is especially helpful for those who are just starting out since most likely they won't have the credibility of businesses that have been up and running for years or decades. Giving out discounts is a good way of gathering some good nature and doing it locally can be very helpful since the ones around you will be the first ones to vouch for you even if your target audience is international. Other people are more likely to trust you if your neighbors say you are a good person or business owner.

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Only problem with discount is that people get addicted with it. And they don't consider the discount as something bad. And they keep on asking for discount in due case. So that is surely something bad. I won't consider that sort of thing as a good option. People have to pay for stuff. And discount often breaks the hard work into half or even lower. So we have to consider that not all people can afford it. And we should not always give the discount for the sake of it. Because that's not something we can afford for the business long term.

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it's really cool to read your articles on a daily basis for they come with much wisdom attached to it. I think the use of discounts has been proven to work wonders in the sales of products and offering of services and I'm glad to learn more about how we can use that in enticing local clients.

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I don't think discounts are scams at all. They are simply promotional tools that allow people to get the kind of options they need. It is just one of the choices that you might benefit from as an entrepreneur. I use Ibotta and get paid to try various things I otherwise wouldn't.

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I never said discounts are scams in any way. I simply said that they can be used to great effects by some businesses/freelancers that really need a boost in their sales.

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I wasn't referring to you. One of the other responses, said that they thought discounts were scams in some respects. I just look at them like a marketing tool. They have been used for ages.

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I agree with what you wrote, though... The power that a great discount can have goes far beyond the virtual world. The word discount has almost a magical effect attached to it.

When consumers see it or listen to it somewhere, it seems that the eyes even shine, haha (especially when the product is something they are looking for).

So, the golden rule is: never underestimate the power a discount can have.

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Offering discounts to local customers is a good idea, extending such discounts to non-local customers will make it a better idea.

Discounts are like incentives, incentives for customers which can help encourage, attract and grow a customer base. Discounts can also be of advantage in a competitive market. Good article by the way.

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Let me share my experience with discounts. When I opened up my boutique which was located in our neighborhood, you can imagine the neighbors coming for the inauguration. Aside from the giveaways, we also distributed discount cards for some particular items like hats and underwear. We thought that we were successful but so very few came back to use the discount card. Until now I cannot answer the question why that gimmick of giving discounts failed. I understand that a discount is an effective motivation for customers to buy but not always.

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This is a great article! thank you. I think this is a great idea but how do you know how much of a discount you give to people, that's the thing about them. How much is enough and how much is not enough. Here in my country people are always bargain things and it's never enough with them. How to handled that sort of people?

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Offering incentives is the name of the game. It works on the psyche of the customer, specially women. Who have not heard of women running to shops just to hear the word 'sale' Honestly there is nothing like 'sale' The rate is propped up and a pen is used to strike that rate and mention a reduced sum. As long as it works why worry (lol)

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You are right with the effect of the discount on the psyche of the customer. There was a time that we went to the nearby furniture store that was having a big sale for the year end. We spotted a very rich man who can buy the entire store. And we overheard him tell his wife that they hope to get a good discount on a rocking chair. To see that rich man and his wife fall in line to the cashier later, it was a long queue that may cost him 30 minutes at least. But he was willing to spend time just to avail of the discount.

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