
What are Bumps in Seoclerk?

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What are Bumps in Seoclerk?

Can anyone give a quick description of Bumps? What is the that how to use and what is its purpose?


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I really don't know about this, but I am interested in reading the responses. I think that I am just interested in the sorts of things that are going to end up making me money. I am not very involved in SEO clerks so I am not really sure what this is all about.

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Hi harikumar

When you bump a service, it goes to the top of the category that your service is listed in and higher up on the front page of SEO Clerks too. Then, as other people bump their services, your service will gradually get lower down in the list again. The higher up you are in the list, the more likely it is that people will see your service.

You earn free bumps as follows:

Earn one free bump per day for logging in (1 per account and all linked)
Complete an order on time (2 per day)
Generate an affiliate sale for $5 or more (2 per day)
Generate a service sale for $5 or more (2 per day)
Create/ask a new topic/question on the FAQ (2 per day)

You can bump up to 5 services per day and each service can only be bumped once every 24 hours.

You can also buy bumps, which will bump your service up to the top in the same way as free bumps do, but it also re-bumps the service automatically after 12 hours and it highlights your service for four hours as well.

Bumping definitely works, so give it a try!

Hope that helps


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Thanks for the information, it will really help me.

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Yes. Thanks for this very clear explanation. I have only used the "bump" once. But I am a newbie at offering my services and this is the first time I have ever tried making a sale. I was advised to bump regularly. But because I am inexperienced I hesitated. But once I did and saw it was so easy, I will do it more. It says I have 251 "free bumps". That's a lot! That's generous even without buying them!

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This is actually the real definition. I remember being asked to bump threads on another forum. What I understood is that you reply to old threads which makes them go to recent and be seen faster. Well, it is a nice idea to bump services so it can gain more views which can lead to high sales.

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