
Is there Future for Local Search Engines

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Is there Future for Local Search Engines

Hello Friends,

Are there any future for local search engines, local business listing engine as google is making its own search listing like to find the restaurants, call taxi etc.
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No. The future is most probably Google. I can't think anyone can challenge this gigantic at the moment. Facebook is the only decent competitor but it hasn't made a move into classic Search just yet, even though I expected to move that way in 2017.

Either way any small search based company, local companies, any new and creative startup it will all die before reaching anywhere close to challenging Google. And even some of them will develop so really incredible new technology, all will be bought and absorbed into Facebook or Google.

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True. In some way shame that local people doesn't support local search engines or link directories so much. But Google is overpowering everyone and people is so used to searching Google that it's hopeless to start some serious local search business, because it would involve huge marketing investments and still may be questionable... Is there Future for Local Search Engines

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Maybe a new search engine can do well but not in the big league. An example is DuckDuckGo which has many followers but it it out of the big league yet. For a local search engine to be at par with Google, Yahoo Search or even the 3rd placer Bing, I guess it will take a long time before the trend would change to favor a new search engine. Maybe we cannot chart the future but we can see it now.

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Google it..has become a verb. It seems like people rely on Google for almost everything these days, so it is hard to see the day when local search engines will make a comeback. I just think that they will never be as effective or as utilized as Lord Google, knower and seer of all!

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I don't see those local search engines coming back not when the Almighty Google is still full of life and kicking. People depend so much on Google search engine even now some people don't even know about other search engines.

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You never know. We just don't know what the future will bring especially if an extremely special and unique local search engine is introduced. But like the others have said, there is very little chance of a local search engine or even a local listings site doing well. Google is just too large a company to compete with especially since how easy they have made searching for local businesses.

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I do think that future is going to be there for the local search engines. You can see that some of the search engines are being purchased by the Google and others. You can see that bing search is there for the local content too. You can see that local content is in demand. And many search engines are first going to show the local search results. And that is something needs to be considered.

In future I am guessing the search is going super global. And they will find out the context of the local and the international. So this way they can guess more on which is the content being searched by google. And how that is impacting the person's way of managing the search there.

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There was always Myspace before there was Facebook Is there Future for Local Search Engines

But with Google having such a hold on the market share, I don't think there will be anything that can give it a run for it's money anytime soon. If a billionaire decided to get into the search engine niche, then they might have a fighting chance at the top market share. Even then it would take 100 years for them to gain any ground on the giant that is Google. Hell, they probably wouldn't be able to overthrow Bing or Yahoo within 50 years if they invested all of their money Is there Future for Local Search Engines

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Well people are always looking for options for one reason or the other. Some people like to venture into new frontiers and others as established as a huge company is, some people will have issues with them. Recently I've seen some stories about security concerns regarding these major search engines with some insights suggesting that there's invasion of privacy. Competition may not be the only reason why some may opt for another search engine irrespective of it's reputation. People may choose other search engines because of these suspect conditions as well. Take Firefox search engine for example. Some people will choose Firefox irrespective of how it stacks up to the competition because they may feel it offers more privacy and as a result more freedom which is the number one essential trait in the free world! If people feel that their freedom is being compromised in one way or the other, no matter how powerful the competition may be, it will definitely lose it's faithful following.

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It's all about Google at the moment considering the fact that they have taken much of the market share when it comes to search engine optimization.

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I think for some small towns, cozy, or quaint communities a local search engine can be quite profitable and useful. But these are rare cases. The towns infrastructure has to be built and constructed specifically to promote, embrace and prop up their local search engine. Local businesses must be attached at the hip to it, and local young people must be heavily attracted to its usability and features to pick it over google. Local schools also must play a role. It really must feel like a community project and tool that everyone can contribute to and be a part of. Otherwise, citizens will just use google instead.

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Back in the day, there were a ton of local and niche search engines. Some actually had good initial success. But, Google and the major search engines have pretty much put an end to them. Some still exist, but a new one would be nest to impossible to get off the ground.

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If you mean by future local search engines is a new search engine aside from the existing ones, I guess they have a fighting chance if their business plan is small scale. You simply cannot compete with the giant Google and even Bing and Yahoo still have their loyal users and big in terms of numbers. Maybe the only one that is in a good position to wage a challenge with the giants is another giant itself – Facebook.

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The new world order is change. Very exciting things happen everyday. The best part is that things happen when we least expect. I know Google dominates everywhere. But you just never know. For example in China Baidu is the most popular search engine. We tend to forget that.Its also possible that in future local search engines will come up.Its a matter of innovation and money. Right now most innovation is coming from the US, but things are changing quickly especially with generation Z. I would watch this space.

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