
I cant sell anything on SeoClerks

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I cant sell anything on SeoClerks

Help me! When i make a service, it disappears between 10 minutes. I made a new account, but the same thing happened.


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Hi - so far, you've only submitted Youtube related services - on two accounts. And, as said ten times, we are not accepting new Youtube services. Any new Youtube service (especially related to views) will be deleted by the moderator. Please do not submit these type of services as we are not accepting at this time.

You said that you can't sell anything on SEOClerks, when there are literally hundreds of other types of services which you can offer and sell. Why not branch out to other types of social media (assuming that is your niche), maybe into a category not already overly saturated such as MixCloud.

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Can I sell recipe videos at SEO clerks or maybe offer my service for cartoon drawing for websites? I have those talents.

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Try Pixelclerks

its like SELO clerks, except its centered around artwork, web design, graphic arts..etc

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