
Freelancing Vs regular job

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Freelancing Vs regular job

Hello guys!, I hope you are having a terrific day.I’ve beenworking as a freelancer for about 8 months now – I’m pretty much a newbie for you
all- but as most of us I started making my living out a regular job. One of thebenefits of online working is you get to have your own schedule but that’s not
it, what about the money? Before I start making my life as a freelancerI used to struggle to buy things like clothes, shoes or even food, because I
couldn’t afford them. Later I begin to work as a freelancer andeverything change drastically. I make way more money than working in my regular
job. How is the case for you? Do you make more money as a freelancer than in a
regular job? Or is it just equal and you just do it for the benefits of having
your own schedule? Please share your experiences!


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I've been freelancing since late 2015 or so. Online freelance work only constitutes a small amount of my income, as when I think of "freelance work", I think of the work I do in my community, offline, where I am my own boss. I have my own video and photography business as well as a full time job with my college degree. My full time job is nice because it guarantees me a steady income, but my freelance work bring me in more money hourly by far. If it were full time, I'd probably leave my current job to pursue it.

I love freelance work, and the experience I've gained doing it ensures that no matter what happens with my current job, I can always fall back on the skills I use for freelance to keep myself afloat if need be.

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I think that I honestly make way more money as a freelancer than I would at a regular job. On top of that, freelancing also has so many amazing perks such as; flexible schedule, not having a boss, picking your own tasks and more. I just love that aspect of it and I can't see myself enjoying a regular job as much as I am enjoying my current work. I make more than the average wage is in my country so I couldn't be happier.

I think that it also depends on each individual. Some just perform better in a regular job with a strict schedule because they don't have enough self-control and discipline to be a good freelancer.

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I like both types of jobs. Having freelance job is great but leadership and man-management can be learned at our regular jobs. I believe that freelancers are more of a specialist job. Regular jobs also require self-control and discipline. It feels good to be able to choose your jobs as a freelancer though.

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I Love freelancer Jobs. Freelancing Vs regular job
Thank you Seoclerks

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Thanks For sharing this, In my experience I do freelancing jobs to make extra money, Just like others I have a regular job but I'm a workaholic kind of person and I prefer to take advantage of some of my free times to make extra money which is an add on my salary, I can not say that what I make is better than my regular salary but of cause sometimes I make more than expected and that makes me like it more and more :-)

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Like you, my freelancing affords me extra money. And although the earnings of my freelancing stintbis small, it is a big help for the extra expenses. I have a regular job and instead of whiling away my time in front of the tv, I enjoy writing in forums because that is earning and learning for me. And the best part is in preparing myself for retirement. Freelancing is a very good occupation.

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I have a full-time job. Freelancing is great as it allows me to get additional side income.

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You would have to be one competent freelancer to make money than a regular job. Most people who have been at it for years don't even make a living, and that is sad but true. Given the right set of circumstances and the right drive though I am sure it could happen.

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Both works have positive and negative things. I would not particularly switch my freelance job for a regular job. I know both sides of the coin and I can guarantee that freelance work really was done for me.

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I don't have a full time job, and freelancing really helps making some profit at the end of the day Freelancing Vs regular job

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Actually, I do "both". I have a regular job, which I have had for several years, but I also love writing, and freelancing lets me do that for compensation. That being said, if I could find a way to be a full-time freelancer and still pay all of my bills, I think, at this point in my life, that I would be willing to do that. I sacrifice time freelancing from social activities in the "real world:, and that to me is the major drawback--having to stare into the computer all day.

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I couldn't agree more to this! I also have a regular-schedule based job, many years on it, suddenly one day freelancing came as an opportunity to do something that i like to do. Here I am doing both, full time busy, so my social life has become unusual, so this was supposed to give me more time for me and instead I spend my days with my pc or laptop.

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Well the beauty of freelance work is that you have more control over what hours you work. Put that laptop down and be social if you think it's having a toll on your personal life! Once you wrap up work for the clients you have currently, what's stopping you from scaling back a little bit to give yourself some more personal time?

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This comment has been split into a new thread here.

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Not everyone is actually successful when it comes to freelancing. I just started a freelancing job as an online tutor and I can say that I am really liking this job. I am continuously learning many things from my students about their countries and cultures. In terms of pay I am getting a better pay that I would have got had I been working in a regular job. The other benefits are the I don't have to rush to work in the morning or get stuck in the traffic jam. I can work at my own pace and there is no one on my back.

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To be honest, I am currently on a test period for freelancing in preparation for my retirement from my office job. When my boss advised me to hone up on my written English, I started joining forums and writing articles for submission as a way of enhancing my English. And I believe that I did the right thing for I can see the big improvement especially in my writing. But freelancing is a different story. Right now, I'm still not sure if my online work can sustain my daily expenses because the earning is meager like a dollar or 2 in a day. And sometimes I don't have the time to go online so I don't earn anything. I am hoping that things would change for the better before my actual retirement.

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Unfortunately, writing forum posts or articles for content mills won't be gigs that easily net you a substantial amount of money. But they're a great way to get some spending money on the side while you work a steady job. Not to mention I don't think a lot of those options pay enough for your time to really, really be worth it. To make the most out of freelancing, I think it's best to hone in on a skill or service you can provide for other people. Like graphic design, animation, etc.

You mention your boss told you to better your written English, which tells me you're bilingual. Your written English is really good, so have you considered looking for translation jobs? I'm pretty sure translation pays well!

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If you don't mind me asking: What translation sites do you know? I'll like to consider this option too and I just don't know where to start. Please share your experience in this field.

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I am facing the same problem as you did. I am a housewife and had been working online for the past 8 years. Honestly, I don't earn much money now compare to the past. Before, there were Bubblews, Blogjob and Literacybase where I could earn USD$50 weekly or monthly but now I could earn USD $2-5 weekly. Now, I am thinking of going back to regular job with a fixed salary. The problem is some sites are going down. Unless you have your own domain site.

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I'm actually freelancing because I quit my day job - yet once again. I hate working retail in physical brick and mortar stores. Freelancing puts me at such ease.

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I'm a newbie in the game as per making money as a freelancer because of the recession in my country.I think with the little I see I will be making more money.

but my full-filled part of this freelancing job I like so much is having my time and working when I like which is not possible with a regular work

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yes! I agree the perks of having your own schedule it's great. You get to feel like you own your own life and not someone else that's moving you around like a Barbie doll.

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Its not about Freelancing Vs regular job, and make a living with it. Its the factor to get the jobs in time. If you are a freelancer, and getting regular projects. I am sure, you will be making more than enough. But as a backup plan, becoming a Freelancer is workable. But it has no guarantee that - the next day when you woke-up, you see a project/job is waiting for you or not.

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I didn't understand you very well... So do you prefer the regular job instead of freelancing? or do you use freelancing as a plan B to increase your usual incomes?

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All of my online work is my extra part time work which I do while taking care of my kid. I'm a stay at home mom who cannot leave the kid behind can go for a regular job. For me my family is my priority so I had to sacrifice my career for it.

But thanks to the growing web world that brought so many work opportunities. I started working online only a year back and since then there is no looking back. I can work at my own convenience with no fixed working hours. I can earn some handful of amount and enjoy motherhood as well.

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It's true! I agree. I know several stay home moms that now dedicate to freelancing because of the perks of being able to enjoy the childhood of their kids and having their own schedule. The best of both worlds!

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Consistency in always getting a project is a must but not everyone will be accepted in project biddings unless one has built up a good reputation and rating then I would say that it would really pay more than a regular job. It takes time and effort though.

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Thanks for you answers! I agree with most of you, Freelance require consistency and determination to be profitable, it can give you the benefits of choosing your own schedule or doing the tasks you want but I also agree it won't give you the stability of a "regular job" and the benefits of interacting every day with people in a "face to face" way... I miss that from my regular job when I compare it to freelancing because I actually like treating people and working with them, as a freelance I just do it once in a while now and through a webcam mostly.

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Freelancing give me extra income aside from regular work. I can work anytime, everywhere without restrictions. But I only see it as part time job where I can earn extra cash. I will prefer to do regular job where their is a fix income and freelance doesn't have the benefits like other regular job like medical and dental services, insurance and others.

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A stable freelancing career is one of the greatest gifts that anyone can receive. To be your own boss and work according to your own means and desires is a fantastic way to make a living. It is extremely liberating and I wouldn't ever trade it for a regular job. That being said, freelancing has the potential to be more stressful and unstable than a regular job. With regular work, you're pretty much guaranteed a paycheck so long as the business is still functioning. On the other hand, with freelancing work you're never guaranteed the same pay each month. Some month it may be more, some month it may be less. That's why as a freelancer you also must be an expert at budgeting.

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I agree with you on this too. Budgeting is the key is this kind of job because as you said one month can be really good but some others not that much. At the beginning I didn't know this and I didn't handle my money very well. But now I'm learning this because of the "bad months" but I guess it's just a matter of addapting to it and learning how to work with the money you have while you don't have that much projects.

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I definitely make more money as a freelancer now since I work for people in foreign countries that pay more than the employers from my country. That being said, I wouldn't have been able to make it as a freelancer if I didn't have the work experience gained from having a regular job.

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That's a good point! No one had explained that approach in the past, but you are right, my regular job give me the experience to get the job I am doing today and we must be thankful for it. What did you do in the past? if you don't mind me asking.

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years ago when I completed my university education. I had two choice, to continue freelancing or look for a regular job. Since I was already earning fairly well with freelancing, I chose to become a freelance. I have never regreted my descision even tbhough I am not earning a much as my friends who have regular jobs. The best thing about becoming a freelancer you can work according to your convinence and you are your own boss. bad thing about becoming a freelancer is the scarcity of work.

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yes! not having a regular income can be an inconvenience of the work. But that also depends on how consistent are you with your work. Determination in this kind of job is the key to succes as I said before.

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My income as an online freelancer had never reached a point where it can approximate my salary when I was working full time as an accountant. However, I do believe that when one focuses on freelancing, success is not too far-fetched. In many cases, the equalizing factors are the non-quantifiable benefits like more hours spent at home with the family, more time to learn and acquire skills that can boost one's profile and future earning ability, and bigger savings by working at home instead of travelling to and from the office, buying work suits, and eating expensive meals.

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True! saving in transportation, clothes and meals out can be one of the perks of working from home. Spending time with your family is really important too and definitely online working can give it to you. I didn't consider the "non- quantifiable" benefits as you described before, but there are some!

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I must say that working as a freelancer brings better pay if one can really remain committed to the cause of the work and not being distracted by other things around the corner. I started working as a freelancer just a few weeks ago and in as much I've not earned the amount of money that I desire, I'm quite optimistic that I'm on my way to having the kind of life that I want to live. My first pay working as a freelancer was a surpirse to me and I'm hoping to making more soon.

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Hi, I'm currently working as a regular employee and planning to transition becoming to a freelancer and an entrepreneur. Regular job is great if you really earn great amount of money. But as an employee, you don't own our time. You need to go to the office and deal with the traffic every. You need to deal with clients or customers. And you also have to deal with our boss. If you got sick, you can't work, and you won't earn.

Being a freelancer, according to you and what my freelancer friends are saying, it gives create income. Hopefully I could experiences the same.

I mentioned that I want to become an entrepreneur, and the reason is so many. It gives total time freedom. You can manage your own time on when or what time you are going to work for your business. You don't have a boss. You don't need to drag yourself every day to go into office. You can choose to stay at home whenever you are sick. And of course, it gives you all the profits of all your efforts and commitments.

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Freelancing has alot of potential, way more than we can imagine. There are online jobs and investments in stocks and online stores and blogging. The possibilities are endless. The key is to understand and work on selected projects and determine whether they are profitable or not within a reasonable turnaround time. I am still pretty much new at this but I believe the potential to earn substantially is much greater than having a regular job. Your hours are more flexible in freelancing, you can learn quite alot more, you can learn new skills, learn about the stock market, improve your writing skills, gain valuable contacts and learn tricks of the trade that will eventually increase your revenue gaining capacity tremendously. This takes time and patience and persistence but once you get it right, the possibilities to gain are endless!

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I know, a regular job is still better than freelancing as it will benefit you in the future and you can also write it down on your resume. Although having a regular job is much better, freelancing has its own potential and more convenient once you have found the right online job for you. it's just so hard to find a good online job that would fit your skills and knowledge. I hope that in the future, all the jobs can be done online. It will lessen the traffic, everyday expenses and much more.

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A regular job is good for the instant money and for someone who is interested in developing a career. E.g your goal in life is to the best engineer, doctor, lawyer or manager.However, it has limits like the amount of money is limited. Your increase in knowledge and experience doesn't reflect on the amount of money you make like in freelancing.

Freelancing is better for flexibility in terms of work schedule and social life. Freelancing is also better in terms in terms of long-term financial plans. You can have income goals and achieve them with freelancing. You can have multiple income streams, some of which are passive. Freelancing depends on your effort and development of our skill. It is open to anyone willing to take a chance and put in the time. It's a risk, but there is hope and the returns are promising. I vote for freelancing.

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I have a full time job in the office and I also have been freelancing for a time. My reason for freelancing is to improve my written English but I seemed to have enjoyed it that it’s been more than 3 years now and I’m still at it. This is not to brag but I am earning good money from my regular employment and the fixed income that I receive cannot be replaced by freelancing unless maybe I would engage in an online business.

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