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Online marketing is always evolving into a new monster and we all need to stay on top of it in order to keep the sales coming in. We all know that search engine optimization and email marketing through opt in lists will always produce sales in the long run, but what trends are you not taking advantage of in order to pull in sales right now?
In this discussion I'm going to go over 4 trends that not every marketing is currently using. These may be something you've thought of using in the past but never pulled the trigger, or you may actually be using them in some way, shape or form
1. Use Micro Influencers
We've all heard of Influencer Marketing and how well it will work, but what about showing some love to those people who are building their accounts and are pretty much micro influencers right now? There have been companies that build a brand solely through influencer marketing and now they are raking in millions each year by having people promote their products and services.
Influencer marketing is only getting more expensive as time goes on, so it's a good time to get in now while it's still affordable. The main influencers in your market are already charging a premium, so this is why you should be targeting micro influencers and building a relationship with them. Not everyone can pony up $100,000 and hand it over to a Kardashian for a post on Instagram or Facebook, but you can find $20 to $30 and pay a micro influencer in the same niche Over time you can build your empires together, the influencer gets paid for your posts and you get paid by the people following the influencer. You can bootstrap everything that comes in and you both will grow.
2. Live Video Streaming
We've all seen the popular apps and social media platforms launching live video streaming in the last year or two, but how many people are taking advantage of it? Not too many people are using live streaming to help their businesses, it's usually someone streaming an event or conference they're at just so others can see a glimpse of what's going on.
Live streaming helps bring people into your business even through the video quality isn't that great. Most video promotion is of a casted, scripted and well edited video of your company, but that's not necessary anymore with live streaming videos. You can show people who you really are and they will like you better for it. They will see you, your office, your employees, your daily operations and any flaws you may have in real time You're touching on a more personal level with your viewers and they will feel like they know you better. This also is a trick to increase your conversions because you're bringing people in to your inner circle of sorts
3. PPC on social media
A lot of people hear social media PPC and think "I'm going to get people directly to my website and they will pay me for my services!" but that's not always going to happen. Sure you can do this and make some sales, but it's usually better to build up your following and marketing to them later on down the road with simple posts to your social media platforms
You can pay for social media PPC on Facebook and get likes to your business page. Sometimes this will cost a pretty penny, but it's usually worth it since you can make a basic post on your page and it will show up in their news feed every time Obviously you'll have to be active on your page because you never know when all of your followers, or the majority of them, will be online. News feeds fill up pretty fast so you'll need to figure out the best times to post
4. Chat Bots
Companies are investing into AI more and more each year and is suppose to triple in 2017 and even more in 2018. So if you get in now, you're more likely to strike while the iron is hot
Big brands are working with artificial intelligence, or chat bots, when it comes to support systems because in the long run it will save a load of money. Imagine if you could run an ad that works with chat systems on social media platforms. You could literally send messages to users who you're targeting and they will usually look at it. I'm not sure what kind of privacy act this would abuse, but I'm sure there is one out there that it would break lol
With any sort of ground breaking technology, the early adapters are usually the ones who profit the most when it comes to pulling in sales through the systems, or chat bots
In Conclusion:
These are just 4 trends you can start using in order to help increase your sales through online marketing. Some are easier than others obviously, but all of them are a great way to help you make some more money online. Adapt early and be the one profiting in the long run
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