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Entrepreneurs are the ones who run their own business, so it only makes sense that they will invest a good amount of time learning the top marketing trends in order to become even more successful. Online marketing is extremely important when it comes to your website generating sales. You can't just put up a website and expect to be a millionaire over night, it simply doesn't work like that. You will need to grind and figure out what is working in order to be as successful as possible. Not learning the top 5 online marketing trends can actually hurt your business or make you work much longer hours becuase you don't know some simple little tricks.
Every business owner should make themselves familiar with the 5 online marketing trends that you need to know in order to stand out when it comes to being competitive with your competitors.
1. Work on Up-selling and increasing customer loyalty
When it comes to getting traffic into your website, you will usually have to invest some money into Adwords, Bing Ads or Facebook ads like the rest of us do. This means that with each sale you could actually be getting a lower ROI per purchase, but getting more purchases over all because you're bringing in plenty of traffic. If you don't up-sell your clients, you could actually be spending more on PPC campaigns that you're profiting. This is because when you make $5, $10 or even $15+ per sale, you could actually be spending more than that to find someone to purchase. This is where up-sells come in handy because people will see something they might like and then add it to their cart, which makes your profit higher per purchase. Up-sells are actually pretty easy, you just have to show the buyer something similar to what they're already purchasing and offer them some sort of discount along with it. It doesn't have to be a huge discount, just enough to get them intrigued. They already have their credit card in hand, so why not buy 2 of those dresses or beer signs, right? lol
Selling to existing customers is much easier than selling to people just browsing your pages. This is simply because they know you're a legitimate website and they have already received items from you in the past. By showing them some love, with a discount coupon, they will come back time and time again to purchase from you
2. PPC Look Alike Audiences
PPC is a great way to get people into your website, but what a lot of webmasters forget about are the look alike audiences. Basically what you'll do is install some pixels on your website that will monitor your traffic and help you build an ad campaign based on what your visitors are all about. The look alike audience will then be generated based on what your current visitors behaviors are, and you can then target people who will likely come in and purchase from you.
Some people don't like using look alike audiences because they think it's not very targeted, but I can say that I've had some pretty good campaigns based on look alike audiences in the past
3. Social Media Is Your Friend
A lot of businesses, small and large, still think that social media platforms aren't a great way to bring in sales through advertising. This simply isn't the case because you can get super targeted when it comes to advertising on social media, and that's always a great thing for 90% of businesses out there
You'll have to test it out and see what works best for you since no business is created equal. Figure out what ads work and what times of the day to run them in order to get a better assessment of what you should be doing. You never want to just jump all in when starting an ad campaign because you can go broke fairly quick. I like to let some of my ad campaigns run for a couple months before I go all in. I'll run them at a few dollars a day and tweak them to my liking while getting a better quality score over time
4. Testing won't always show instant profits
Like I said above, I like to run my ad campaigns on a low budget and tweak them over time in order to get the best out of them before I open up the flood gates. I would highly suggest you do the same in order to have the best ROI coming out of your campaign as possible. You could easily invest $10,000 a month into you campaigns and lose all of it because you didn't want to test anything. You could be targeting the worst keywords, have horrible ads and even have your targeting all off.
By testing your advertising campaigns on a small budget at the start, you won't waste too much money figuring out what works
You won't be very profitable, or at all, when testing out your campaigns because you're figuring out what works. Give it a month or two and then go all in with your campaigns only after you feel they are converting well
5. Expand Your Marketing
This ties into #3 and #4 pretty well because it's like the final step after you have a successful campaign up and running. What you'll want to do is start to expand on what you've already learned from running your campaigns. You will increase your budget in order to bring in even more traffic which will turn into even more sales if you optimized your campaign. You will target more keywords which is similar to testing, but you will get keyword suggestions based on your current keywords, and we already know those work, so why wouldn't the new ones lol You do have to be selective through, you don't want to pick just any keyword that is suggested to you because remember that PPC platforms make money off of each click, and the more keywords you target, the more money they make in the end.
In conclusion:
These top 5 online marketing trends aren't going anywhere, so study up and get use to them Implement them with all of your websites, but take your time. You don't want to be giving your shirt to Uncle Sam overnight lol
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Otherwise, I agree, you need to stand out and test your campaigns until you start making a profit. Talking of trends I believe one of the biggest trends of 2018 will be the fact that websites will start dropping pop-ups ads, especially on mobile after Google said it may penalize big pop-ups ads on mobile. Otherwise, I agree, you need to stand out and test your campaigns until you start making a profit.
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