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7 additional ways to help your website with free SEO
We all know that SEO isn't always the easiest thing to do when it comes to making your website profitable. Many webmasters will actually just outsource the work to a credible company so that they don't have to worry about it and can focus on other aspects of their business.
But what if you don't have a budget for SEO and can't outsource it? Are you dead in the water? Nope! You can use these 7 additional tips on how to help your websites SEO for free 
If you've been following me, and I hope you are, you will be able to find the first 10 ways to help your website with Free SEO here: https://www.seoclerks.com/faq/2320...our-websites-SEO
Now then, here are 7 additional ways to help your website with free SEO
1. Link to Authorities
Google has an ever watching eye when it comes to your content, so if you're citing authoritive sources within your content they will notice. Citing authorities will help back up your content which will show your readers that you're not just posting garbage for them to read, there are actual facts to back up your posts. Google will love this and in turn grant you a slight boost in the search engines. Just make sure you're not doing 100 links per post because you won't gain any benefit from that lol.
2. Add social media sharing options
You should give your readers the option to share you articles and posts with simple one click icons that will open up their favorite social media platform. Some "gurus" say that social media shares won't affect your rankings, but why not get them anyway, right? I mean if I get 1,000 social shares and bring in 1,000 additional people, that means I could get even more shares and potentially turn all of those new visitors into sales
3. Decrease your page load times
When it comes to rankings, your page load times are a factor. This may sound complicated, but you need your pages to load as quick as possible in order to please the Google giant lol. With AMP now launched, you can decrease your load times to almost nothing on mobile devices, which is amazing

You can also have your cache dumped regularly, switch to a better hosting account or just get a better server all together.
4. Having a responsive design
Most web designers and themes out there are now responsive, or are switching over to responsive designs. Having a responsive design simply means that your website is mobile friendly and whoever visits your pages from their phone will not have difficulty reading anything.
Google actually launched an update saying that responsive designs will rank higher in the SERPs (search engine results pages) because the majority of traffic on Google is from people on their phones.
5. Get some backlinks
Link building is, and always will be, a main key factor when it comes to gaining rankings within the search engine results pages. Of course you can purchase some packages here on SEOclerks and get some quick links, but what if you don't want to spend money on them? Well you'll have to go out into the internet and find places to drop a link that will stick
You can visit forums and build up your profiles in order to get a forum signature. You can post to highly trafficked blogs and hope your links will stick. You can also off up some guest posts to websites within your niche in order to gain a backlink to your website
6. Remove back link neighbors
You can use Googles disavow tool in order to remove any bad links. But first you'll need to find them. You can use something like ahrefs to find all of your backlinks and figure out which ones aren't helping you at all or are potentially harming your rankings, then using the disavow tool to tell Google that you don't like the link and it should be devalued.
7. Syndicated content
You'll need to share you content around your social profiles, just like syndicating it across content markets. You will likely get some clicks here and there, but what you're targeting are those sweet sweet social signals lol.
You'll have to do this often and keep up with it in order to gain any sort of traction. In the end it's worth it and you should never stop sharing to your social profiles
In Conclusion:
These are 7 great ways to help your websites SEO for free. Just like in the last list, you can outsource all of this work for a few bucks by hiring a VA (virtual assistant) here on SEOclerks, but that's not necessary if you don't want to. You can easily do all of this work, but you don't have to if you don't want to. The more points you accomplish, the better chances you'll have to rank higher in the search engines.
Remember to follow me!
Now, this is new to me, never heard of it and would never actually think of it being one of the ways to improve SEO for your site. As for social media sharing, honestly, I don't think anyone should even think about leaving those out nowadays. Social media is so big and having a quick way to share something is a great thing for you and your site [b]Link to Authorities [/b]Now, this is new to me, never heard of it and would never actually think of it being one of the ways to improve SEO for your site. As for social media sharing, honestly, I don't think anyone should even think about leaving those out nowadays. Social media is so big and having a quick way to share something is a great thing for you and your site
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