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Hello. In one of my last posts, I posted on the 16 Types of Facebook User and asked, which one are you? Which got a fairly good response! I guess people take this Social Media / Facebook stuff to heart quite well!? Well in this post, I want to do something similar, except, instead of talking about the types of Facebook users there are and which one you might be, I'm going to post on some of the types of people ruining social media that you can find on social media today. Just for kicks and a bit of laugh!
1. The Quoter
You know the type - they constantly quote, quote and requote people and what they have said. Like I can't already see it! Hold up "Socrates"! While I/we do like the occasional inspirational boost in the morning. Enough's enough already! Just please take a moment to step off your soap box and making out like you have it all together. Also, while I'm saying this, please stop posting on "how to dance in the rain". If I see it any more I'm going to track you down and beat you over the head with my UMBRELLA!
2. The Regurgitator
We all grew up with that one annoying friend or sibling that would forever repeat everything that you, or someone else said, to try and drive you stir crazy. Ever had a friend that kept asking why to everything? It's the equivalent. They are the types of people that follow people more clever than they are and then repeat everything they, or you say just to drive you crazy. It's like, come up with an original thought or status update every once and while please!
3. The Spammer
Ahh the spammer, it's as though they never sleep! They're always there or always have something to say to shove down your throat. And they also pay to have all their posts sponsored so that you cannot escape them and are haunted by them on a daily basis like an unrepentant sin! Enough's enough already! The plus side to these people though, is that if you need 100k followers or likes on your post, they're never too hard to find lolol..
4. The Masturbator
When you have something to say, you say it. And you say it because you liked it. That's enough for most people. And you leave it at that. But the masturbator goes one step further by liking all of their own posts. They actually like, favorite, tweet and retweet their own social media posts over and over again. Plus when you say something nice and or positive about them, they like/share/reshare/tweet/retweet it over and over again. OMG it must be tiring being that awesome!
5. The Automator
If you're the type of social media user that tries to sell wellington boots during a downpour at Glastonbury or you even make the odd inappropriate comment about how your Instagram is "blowing up right now", even during the most inappropriate of times during the nations history. Well that is because you are a social media automator! Or you're just insensitive or stupid or both! And we get it!! You place a lot of value in consistency and efficiency, you're on a roll so why should you stop? And we know you have a really really long list of things you need to do on a daily basis, sure, we all do. Well, one of the things you can check off of that list is "sucking at social media". Mission success!
6. The Slacker
Oh woe is to the slacker! The procrastinator of social media. I mean, if you're going to use it, at least use it more properly. There's nothing better than a well formed post or update on one social site than the same one across all of your social sites. That's the digital life of a slacker for you! They are too lazy and inept to handle and manage all social networks differently but not that inept they can't sync them all together just leaving a incestuous stream of a mess of posts all over Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and train wreck of disaster on Pinterest..
7. The Linker
The Linker, he or she is very much like the spammer and the automator, but they are the worst kind since they are usually on your friends list and there only purpose in life is to drop a link into every chat message chance they get. Updated a status about your new puppy? They'll post a link to their blog about wellington boots! To the linker, social media is nothing more than a traffic generator to them lol. In their minds, there is much logic and method to the madness! They way they see it is like this; Tweet your blog post once a day and share on social media, get 10 hits. So that must mean if you link to your blog 1000 times a day, you'll get 10,000 hits. Post 10,000 times and get 100,000 hits. It makes perfect sense see! Yeah if you want people to not like you and not ever talk to you in case you get link bombed by them! lol..
Do you like these? Do you want more of them?
I'll post more of them soon on other types of social media users that are ruining social media and making it a less nice place to be too from, instigators, drinkers, vanishers, venters, eaters, SEOers, Oopsers, taggers and more. Just for kicks!
Are you any of these types of social media user?
What other types of social media users are ruining social media today?
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