
How to get more free BUMP per day ?

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How to get more free BUMP per day ?

hello there,
thank you advance for helping me ! can any body briefly explain how to get more bumps per day ? usually I get 5 bumps per day ? need more to increase business .



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You can purchase paid bumps.

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Make sure you are bumping something that stands out though. Make it catchy, something that will keep people interested, bumping just the same thing over and over without anything special about it wont get you far

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thank you for the info.

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I do not think he is looking to purchase any bumps. However, purchasing bumps is an easier way if time is an issue for you.

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I 'd suggest you to buy bumps because it best and saves you time.

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Hi soundcloud01

Here’s how you can earn more free bumps:

Earn one free bump per day for logging in (1 per account and all linked)
Complete an order on time (2 per day)
Generate an affiliate sale for $5 or more (2 per day)
Generate a service sale for $5 or more (2 per day)
Create/ask a new topic/question on the FAQ (2 per day)

These are all listed on the page that you see when you bump your services.

Hope that helps


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thank you for your useful information though I already seen this . How to get more free BUMP per day ?

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Yes you can buy bumps to help you with your services. I have not actually tried this as yet at the time being I just use free bumps for now if I had such a popular one service I would buy bumps or featured option.

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thank you so much for you help.

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I' have not tried it though, but you can buy bumps and can also get some for free

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There are several bump that are renewed every day, if you want more you need to buy them.

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Just interested to know how many bumps that you get each day? And if you buy them how much are they?And anyone who has had to buy them is this real worth it? Does having extra bumps really make any difference? Has this worked for you?Or is having the free bumps adequate?

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