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Startup, The very first step on Your Road To SUCCESS! Now,

  1. Crank the character trait "Self Awareness" all the way UP.
  2. Get a piece of paper.
  3. Get a pen/pencil.
  4. List #1 "What I suck at doing."
  5. List #2 "What I'm really great at."
  6. List #3 "Things I want to learn."
  7. List #4 "Things I'm pretty much an expert in."
  8. List #5 "My favorite activities."
  9. List #6 "Crap I hate doing"
  10. List #7 "Bucket List (things you must do before you die)."
  11. List #8 "Tried 1x but I'd love to do it again."
  12. List #9 "Stuff I've done for paying work that I'm great at."
  13. List #10 "Skills that I'm jealous not to have."
Draw up a minimum of 5 items for each list and you'll probably be surprised. I think you'll find some trends and most likely narrow down something you'd love to do for the rest of your life.Find your passion, so that whatever you try, you know you'll be all-in for. Once you find that, find more people just like you or the people/community/groups that which effect or are effected by your passion. Become an expert there and build up your own personal brand via rich content via writing, blogging, tweeting, etc. Then you'll start to have ideas pop up from your head and everyone else whom you positively effect.Best of luck.


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This is an excellent list especially for students in high school and undergraduate undecided what to do in a career or major. I am definitely going too make a list for what website I want to make in the future.

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Yep I believe so THE ROAD TO SUCCESS IS ALWAYS UNDER CONSTRUCTION, RIGHT? I see success as a long stairway, where it's always hard to keep walking upwards, and it's terribly easy to just simply walk down and never see what it's like being on the top. You just have to keep going, every little step counts as progress, it may take longer than you would think, but just think of ways to make it easier ^_^ walking up the stairs doesn't have to be such a drag if you can think out of the box ;)

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You are right that the road to success is like a stairs that we have to climb. But once we reach the peak of the ascent we can have some rest and enjoy the fruits of our labor. It is not good to be aspiring all the time because that will just give us unnecessary pressure. Life is not just about work and success. We also have to enjoy what we have no matter if what we have is not enough.

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Success is many fails resulting into one big success. Aim at success and you will get it. Dream success and when you wake up it will be there.

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I think road to success is the real journey. Becuase once we reach there it is not going to be easy for us to remember what we did. And that's where things change as you can see that road to success takes time. and each one of us have their own way to understand how to deal with some of those problem. You may have to work on that part in order keep the grit inside going. otherwise success is not that easy to keep up with.

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Shared this image at one of my blogs years ago. It's what I like to call a Power Quote. Those quotes that give you some extra motivation and drive. This image was not created by me. But I think you might like it. THE ROAD TO SUCCESS IS ALWAYS UNDER CONSTRUCTION, RIGHT?

Created by LoboBrandon

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That was really amazing. All it says there are true. The road to success is definitely not easy. But if you have strong mind and determination to be successful you will do it for sure.

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Great post pitty he did a dynamo and vanished. Its great writing lists and also doing your own brain storms for what your good at and can bring to the table.
Also 2 lists be good one for what you can do and have achieved and the other what are your weak points and goals you need to achieve or want to achieve.

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The road to sucess is indeed under construction as it is in our hand the way we have it. Sucess is not easy to achieve as it involve persistence even when things seems difficult if you can discover yoirself, but to destroy takes no time.

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That is right. As long as we live the road to success will never end. Thats how it goes. Keep on fighting to make the road to success smooth and polish.

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Strange that he disappeared. Still, it looks like good advice and I've printed his list. I'll try to work through it and hope that I benefit in some way. I just wish I'd seen it when I left school because I've spent my whole adult life trying to work out what I'm really interested in dedicating my time to.

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The road to success is always under construction and we may be called upon to help out during its construction. When the call to serve is made, only the strong and bold are always available to answer. The weak, lazy and fearful are always looking for the easy routes where potholes are absent and constructions have long been completed. Such routes are smooth and spotless. In their speed and haste and enjoy the facilities on the Broadway of failure, millions are destroyed before their time and end up as victims of their own choices.

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That was really true and I totally agree with you on that. Success is not easy you will go to the different kinds of road,sometimes its polish sometimes its rough. But wherever it is as long as you you have the goals to be successful then you should not stop to take this road.

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How true this is. I normally believe that we always have many successes in life. If you are going on a journey and you arrive safely then that is success. If I happen to post this comment then it will be success. We always succeed but we never realize. Is there some other successes that we do not know?

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That's great. i heard about it long time ago but i didn't tried to do that even it helps a lot.

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Cool, you have made a good list that I should start to ponder on. Never thought of those.

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I'll definitely be using that as soon as I find a pen and paper. Great strategy for planning ahead and knowing what to focus on. Keep up the informative posts!

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Great article! The road to success is always under construction. As long as we are alive, we have to keep improving and learning. Once you start to think you have arrived and you know everything, there comes pride, then comes the great fall. Learn from massive mistakes of companies like Blackberry, who missed the opportunity to evolve and move with trends. There is always something new to learn.

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It's a never ending construction site. Great insight and thank you for sharing.

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Wow, that's an interesting list

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That's a great list. I am just waiting for this day when I can say that I am successful. I have achieved many of my goals but I also have other goals which I have not yet achieved. I am working really hard to achieve those goals. I will definitely try to work on the above list one day. I am sure that it will help me.

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Yeah dont stop to work on your goals. Find time and exert more efforts to get it. The more goals you have the more chances you win and be successful in life. Life might be tough but you have to do anything to reach your goals and find success.

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Great post!

I agree road to succes has to be in construction always because if you start getting confortable you'll end up settling down and conforming. The road to succes is about keeping yourself learning new activities and improve yourself as a person. So this list would definitely help you finding out what you are good at and use it on your favor.

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This is honestly some amazing advice you've compiled here. I'm a man who likes to use processes and methods when it comes to solving his problems, as opposed to just winging it and hoping for the best. This is a pretty amazing way to organize your own character traits and really analyze yourself. It puts your character in a perspective that you may not have normally imagined. I will definitely be saving this and using it in the near future. Bravo, keep up the good work.

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I agree that the road to success is always rough and long. And in making a list of how to reach your goal, you have to note down everything that is related to the success that you desire. And since we are always on a trail and error method, you have to list down all your mistakes so you can improve on it next time. Repeating the same mistake is foolish and you can also learn from the mistakes of others. But don’t forget that your goal should be first on the list.

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You're right. The sad thing is, there's no other way, this is the only path going to success, there're a lot of shortcut, but it's not really safe and sometimes it will leads you the danger. All we have to do is to move slowly, even it's so hard, well, we're moving right? and that's the most important thing, just keep moving.

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The road to success is not easy. There are times people feel that they wanted to surrender but at the end they would realized that life must go on. Determination and perseverance and willingness to be successful makes them not stop and pursue no matter how hard that road is,they will never give up because they believe that at the end of the road there has a rainbow.

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Even though the guy who wrote this post is no longer here I'm glad it's still published. I felt lik having some fun today, so I came back to it. My lists are really short. One item each. But my answers are truthful.

List #1 "What I suck at doing."

List #2 "What I'm really great at."

List #3 "Things I want to learn."

List #4 "Things I'm pretty much an expert in."
Laughing at myself (for being so dumb!) THE ROAD TO SUCCESS IS ALWAYS UNDER CONSTRUCTION, RIGHT?

List #5 "My favorite activities."
Listening to Music (old school; throwback)

List #6 "Crap I hate doing"
Cleaning the bathroom.

List #7 "Bucket List (things you must do before you die)."
Go to heaven. I can die first or be like Enoch. It's OK either way.

List #8 "Tried 1x but I'd love to do it again."
Visit The Bahamas and Puerto Rico again like it was BEFORE the hurricanes.

List #9 "Stuff I've done for paying work that I'm great at."

List #10 "Skills that I'm jealous not to have."
Art skills. I really wish I could paint!

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Nice list and suggestions.From trying and failing a couple of times, I can tell you the key to sucess is getting up and doing it. If you read business and self help books they always advise that the best thing you can do is start. You can learn along the way, however you just need to start. You can learn as you fail. I can attest to this. If you over plan and wait, you may never start. This is the first step to anything.

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