
The 16 Types of Facebook User - Which one are you!?

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The 16 Types of Facebook User - Which one are you!?

The 16 Types of Facebook User - Which one are you!?
Everyone has a friend on their friends list that can be put into a certain type of category of friend am I right? And since there are quite a lot of different types of Facebook friend, it's likely that you have one of these types of friends on your friends list. And while some friends are just obnoxious (we all have them!) some of them are funny, or some of them are just trying to be funny and trying too hard for that matter too. But let's look at the 16 types of Facebook friend you can have and what makes them that type of friend. And then we'll ask, are you any one of these types of Facebook friend? The 16 Types of Facebook User - Which one are you!?

1. The Lurker
This is the friend you have that never posts anything on Facebook let alone any comments on your status updates and photos and things. They will read everything you post and might even talk about something you said on Facebook bringing up an old status update or something you shared just to make conversation. But they never post a single word on Facebook!

2. The Hyena
These types of friends never really say anything of value on your status updates, photos and things that you share. They simply put things like "LOL" or "LMAO" or even "PMSL" (a slightly ruder way of saying they are relieving them self through laughter).

3. Mr/Mrs Popular
These are the people that have like 5000+ friends for no real particular reason. They usually accept anyone that that adds them regardless to if they know them or not. And some of them even add up random people just so they can have more friends than you have and thus appear more popular than you are!

4. The Gamer
These are the ones that don't really do much socializing on Facebook other than sit there playing games like Mafia Wars, or baking virtual cakes and sending you and everyone else virtual cup cakes all day long. ALL DAY LONG!!

5. The Innocent
These are the friends that always take a positive and innocent stance in their comments on your status updates and things. They usually always make reference to God or Jesus in everything you say or share as though there is some just cause and reason to do so.

6. The Thief
These are the friends that steal your status updates! They are too lazy or too unimaginative to come up with their own so they steal yours instead! That way, their friends can think they first thought of it and get some credit for it. That is until you post a comment on their status update saying "Hey, this was my status update you status thief!" The 16 Types of Facebook User - Which one are you!?

7. The Cynic
You know the type. They hate their life and everything in it! This is evidenced by how they take a somber tone in all of their status updates and never really say anything positive. They kind of remind you of that miserable cat meme!

8. The Collector
These are the types that never really say anything on Facebook, no status updates, no comments and posts on people's posts. But they join every group or like every fanpage going and even become fans of the most random stuff ever. Just because they can!

9. The Promoter
These are the friends that send you invites to everything such as events and fanpages, groups etc etc. Even if you haven't already expressed an interest in that type of thing or not!

10. The Liker
Very similar to the collector type of friend, they'll never really say a single damned thing but they will always click the "like" button on everything. Even if they don't really like it or even feel that inspired by it.

11. The Hater
Very similar to the cynic in that they don't often have anything positive to say but always think that someone hates them or they then show their hate for someone else even if no hate was first shown to them. They also think that everyone is out to get them and ruin their life.

12. The Anti-Proofreader
We all have friends that have bad grammar and spelling skills. And it's soo tempting to pick them up on it because you feel bad for them and want to help them. But you can't know if they was typing too fast or they're just lazy and can't really spell!

13. The Drama Queen/King
We all have those drama queens or kings! At least one or two! You know the type, they are always posting things like "I can't believe she said this" or "I'm going to snap today" with the hope you'll ask them what's up or what's happened or what's wrong even. But then they never really tell you the full story LOL.

14. The Womp Womp!
This is the friend that is forever trying to be funny but often trying too hard and never laughs at or likes any of your own funny stuff! They just want you to womp womp to them but never show any grin grin back! Even when what you say is truly funny!

15. The News Anchor
These are the friends that are forever telling you about what they are doing and who they are doing it with. They'll constantly check in with places even if it's their local coffee shop for 5 minutes and tell you the most mundane, arbitrary thing no matter if they know you'll be interested or not.
The 16 Types of Facebook User - Which one are you!?

16. The Rooster
These are the friends that like to say "Good morning" every day on Facebook but don't ever post anything else. Like all there is in life are good mornings. The 16 Types of Facebook User - Which one are you!?

And that my friends, is the 16 types of Facebook user and we all have at least one of them right? The 16 Types of Facebook User - Which one are you!?

What type of Facebook user/friend are you?

And what other types of Facebook users are there?


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Hey! Leave Mafia Wars alone The 16 Types of Facebook User - Which one are you!? I used to play that game, haha.

Anyway, I think I'm a mix of two or three of these Facebook users. I sort of recognized myself in some;
The Liker - I don't know why but I always like posts on Facebook. Even if it's something dumb I still press that like button, or now, since they added emoticons, I press one of the silly ones.
The Promoter - I love sending out invites or getting people and my friends to gather and socialise a bit. It's also very good for business purposes to stay on top of your social game. I don't spam people though. I hate that myself.

Thank you for a very nice and entertaining post, Mike.

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I am a moderate Facebook user so I guess I wouldn’t fall exactly to any category. But I have noticed in the list some of my Facebook friends who are addicted to Facebook that it is like their life. One friend even said that she couldn’t do her work if she had not opened her Facebook account in the morning. And to think that she is roaming Facebook during breakfast, that is obviously a clear indication of addiction.

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I don't really see the category I belong here, I use Facebook differently everyday, It depends on my state of mind and what is currently going on around in my life.
I think you should add one more group and name it "The Hybrid"- people that combined all characteristics in using Facebook but changes with time.
This is where I felt belonged, because I can be a Lurker today and next thing tomorrow I'm The Womp Womp and then the following week I'm The Anti Proofreader. I combine all characteristics and I belong to the Hybrid group.

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I am the LIKER, I like those posts or images and don't say much or at all. Facebook friends are not my real friends, they are international people whom I don't know at all. So, I don't want to offend anyone either.

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Oh my gosh. I have almost all those kind of friends on my Facebook. The 16 Types of Facebook User - Which one are you!? I don't seem to find there what my type is. Definitely not the news anchor. The 16 Types of Facebook User - Which one are you!? Haha! I like to watch news and current events that's happening at my country or the whole world. The 16 Types of Facebook User - Which one are you!?

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I guess I'm The Collector. I don't really post anything, but I am part of several groups. To me, that's the best part of Facebook. I get to interact with others that share the same interests. Everything else is overwhelming, people sometimes post too many silly things about their lives.

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The liker because i like everything that comes down on the Faceboon page. So lh friends call me the fan because i'm not the type who publishes his diary or watches videos or follow pages. :-D

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Hahaha! Great article. I had a good laugh at some of the categories (Hyenas, Lurkers The 16 Types of Facebook User - Which one are you!?). The description is so true. They are some good and some creepy people out there, not only on Facebook though. Which is why some folks like the option of being able to see who viewed your profile (as LinkedIn).

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I think I'm number 5, the innocent type. I'm not really a religious person so the Jesus part isn't relevant for me but I do like to stay calm on Facebook instead of getting into pointless fights online.

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I fall in the category of the lurker, promoter and the liker. I do a bit of promoting of some site, sometimes prefers not to comment on any post but just likes

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This really cracked me up--I have all of these types of "friends", and I think, at times and different intervals over the years, I have been many types of these kinds of "friends". Lately, I am closer to the promoter--I have some big projects coming out, so I have been trying to use facebook to generate interest, but this forum makes me feel a bit guilty, lol.

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This is funny! I have all this types of friends. I think I'm a liker who spend a lot of time just liking some random post on Facebook and I can be the hyena sometimes.

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I am the liker actually. I tend to like mostly everything irrespective of who posts it. I feel that it is actually not bad to give a like for something. I rarely comment on others statuses or photos. However I have a Facebook page. When it comes to my page I am really active on there. I make sure that I respond to my customer queries and I am always there to help them.

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I guess I'm the collector. I have tried to stay off Facebook because the amount of time it can absorb. Half the time I don't even enjoy it until I find myself doing just that. But the way the world is now it's a great way to stay in touch, plus a few business are showing interest in people with Facebook experience so that and helpful Facebook groups have kind of drawn me back in. Then again I haven't been on there in a week so yeah...

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I'm totally the liker every moment I spend on social media i scroll though the feeds and like, like, like and another like. I do like posting too but mostly scroll and like. I did not know I fitted a stereotype but oh well.

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Based on the sixteen types, I suppose I am the lurker. I do not use Facebook too much - once in a while a post, update, photo but I normally use it just to contact with family and friends that live in different states or countries.

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I'm probably a lurker, though I don't really consider myself interested much in what people do and have to say on Facebook. I admit on reading posts and comments, but only a few and nothing specific, I just scroll around Facebook for a few minutes before I get bored and move to something else.

I could totally leave without Facebook in my life. I only keep it around because I work in online marketing and SEO, this is a good reason and I'm sticking with it, hehe.

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I consider myself a lurker on Facebook, I don't post much about myself. Once in a while I do get interested what is going on with my friends in the world, so I will skimp thru a few profiles.

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It's funny but I am more of a lurker. I don't spend much time on the site. And instead spend time doing things that can be more active for me. It some of the times makes it harder for me to use the site. It also gives me some information. But it is as good as it can get. So not much spending time with the site these days.

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I would definitely fit in the group of "The Liker". I really enjoy browsing through my feed and looking for posts. When I stumble upon any post that's even the slightest bit interesting, I'll like it. You got these Facebook users right on the dot my friend. Great post!

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I'm 1- The Lurker, I never talk with anybody on Facebook, I am more like a hang out friend, I only comment the post where some friends tag me, but I really do not post almost anything on Facebook or another social media, I only see all the post, ever.

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My Facebook type is the:
  • automated poster who keeps my profile and pages populated with "my stuff";
  • who actually took time to get to know the people I talk to on Facebook;
  • who helps a friend out if they're trying to promote their sites or blogs or if they jst need a "hug";
  • who recycles Facebook memories that are worth repeating; and
  • who occasionally throws my "two cents" into a spirited debate about a hot topic that has everybody agitated, but will probably be forgotten by the next day.
I don't know which "type" that is. The 16 Types of Facebook User - Which one are you!?

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I don't think i fit in any, although the closest would probably be the hyena. I'm the type of user that likes to come up with my original jokes in statuses, that or I share a post and just derive a joke from a serious topic. I guess in a way I could be considered just a troll because a lot of times, my posts just don't make sense and are all for the sake of laughter.

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None of them!~ None of them!~

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As for me, i can't really find my type of Facebook user here because i still give comments on people's status and update my own status. Though I can call myself a liker because when i see nice things that demand that i like them i do. one other type i think should be added is the picture savers. I love saving pictures that interests me on Facebook.

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Very interesting your post!

I particularly have a little bit of each profile of each profile. Anyway, I find it interesting to know each person to know how to direct marketing strategies appropriate to each one of them.

Thanks for sharing this tip! I will be following more post of his own.

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We all have all those friends. In my case, very sorry to say it but I'm the lurker... Usually I just check out how my friends are doing, but never have the chance to post. Unfortunately, this is due to the fact I'm always out of time. I'm always working, doing errands, chores at home, so I never have time enough to sit and post a picture or status. Also, I'm kind of annoyed with my friends, they have turned their Facebook's profiles into some therapy, they post literally all their feelings, so I feel I'm reading the psychoanalyst chart.

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Haha! The list is really funny and I don't seem to see where I belong to. I'm that type of person that makes constant posts on Facebook about events happening around me on a daily basis.

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I am glad that I didn’t find an appropriate description for me in the list. Being an ordinary user of Facebook, I log in not really every day but only when I have the time to spare. In other words, I am not the habitual user or maybe you can call me a time-sharing user only because I value my other tasks like house chores and office work, of course. But more than half in the list are true with my friends. I even know someone who is a social climber in trying to have as many friends as she can. In fact, she had reached the maximum 5,000 friends so she created a second account. Sheer vanity?

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