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I always get asked "How can I become an influencer" from potential clients and new ones as well. Well I'm here to tell you that it's possible, but it's not an easy road. You can do it, but you'll need to be devoted to generating content, videos, commenting, etc. before you begin to notice any pull within your niche or industry.
Most people want to be an influencer of some sort in order to gain traffic to their websites that result in a sale or sign up of some sort. You may want to be the face that people recognize when they're browsing YouTube or see a video on Facebook and they say "Hey, that's John Doe the Internet Marketing guy!". You may want to have your business name related to this type of branding and people will always go to your website for advice or information.
Everyone wants some sort of fan base whether it's a few thousand or a few million followers who will blindly click the links in your posts on social media or your blog and make you some money. Influencers work hard for what they've achieved and once they are profiting enough, they can actually hire teams of people to push them even further. So if you're not willing to put the time or money in up front to build your authority, then you may not want to start at all. You need to put time in because this isn't a get rich quick scheme or you can put money in by hiring a good team right at the start. Most people go with investing time because they don't have the money, but if you have the money I would do both and get the biggest bang for your buck
The best part about this is that you aren't restricted from becoming the top of your niche. The only restrictions are the ones you set for yourself. Do you think the top influencers in your niche are sitting around in the beginning twiddling their thumbs thinking about what they want for lunch? NOPE! They're busting their butts posting content that works and getting people to read and love it at the same time.
To get you started off on your journey, I'm going to cover 3 quick tips on how to become an influencer within your niche. These aren't super difficult so I know you can do it, they just take time to see the best results since this isn't an overnight type of thing
You need to be yourself
I honestly don't care what the other influencers in your niche are doing. I've had plenty of clients come to me and say "Well my competition is doing this, so I should be too!" and that's a bunch of bullsh*t". You want to be yourself when it comes to branding yourself because you want to be seen as unique and not a copycat.
Think of how you can brand yourself. If you're not pushing a BS (bullsh*t) product or system and you shoot from the hip, then your tagline can be "Tells it like it is Online Marketer". People will know that you don't add a lot of fluff to your content and posts, which is nice. So many people out there add pointless information to their posts just to make them longer and more "interesting" but all it is, is more content to try and get you to sign up. Remember, you're running a business, but people like honesty
Serve your online community
A smart marketer knows that you need to serve your online community in any means necessary if you want to become popular and eventually an influencer. You won't become an influencer if you're always having people pay you, they will eventually go somewhere else that is giving the information away for free, like your competitor.
Sometimes they would help users out within their own niche and other times it would be some odd request and they would try to help as much as possible. Over time you'll build up such a following that when you post something, the people you've helped will come in and comment on it saying how nice of a person and how knowledgeable you are. This is like getting reviews on your posts without asking
Your audience doesn't have to be massive in order for you to start serving them. You could actually have less than 10 people to help out, but if you do a great job, you'll have them as followers for life You could even set up a vlog or podcast in order to reach out to others and see if they need help with something you specialize in. If they need help, and you're offering it for free, they will likely contact you.
You could give speeches at local events or even travel to some and talk there. You never know how many people will sit in and ask for some help afterwards. I actually went to one of these that were selling a system to make money online and it was insane how many people signed up at the end. This was obviously a paying service, but these people were willing to spend $4,000+ that day in order to learn about affiliate marketing lol. Just imagine if these people didn't sell anything, but instead offered the membership for free and got everyone in the room to sign up. They could then increase their list by 800% and get more people to purchase up sells attached with contracts. Giving stuff away, even if it's information, can make you more money in the long run.
Set a goal and commit to it
Wanting to be an influencer is just like wanting 1,000,000 views on your YouTube video. It's a great thing to want, but if you're not willing to get out there and market something, you're going to fall short of your 1,000,000 views goal. Now you can pay for 1,000,000 views but we all know that's a bunch of garbage and it only inflates your own moral while doing nothing for your bank account and building your lists.
When you wake up in the morning and think "How can I become an influencer?" you're actually doing it all wrong. You need to set a goal of how you can brand yourself while helping others. Do you see what I did there? I tied the first two points into this one to round it out But it's true, if you wake up and are striving to be an influencer, you're essentially stepping over milestones and you may screw stuff up. You can have the goal of being an influencer, but you need to take baby steps first. No one was an influencer in their niche overnight without doing the hard work and hitting their goals, so you shouldn't think that way.
Set up small goals like:
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