
Some productivity tips for online entrepreneurs

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Some productivity tips for online entrepreneurs

As an online entrepreneur you are your own boss. While this might sound great at first, you will realize that you can lose motivation. In order to stay on track with your online business, you need to set daily goals. Make a clear schedule for the day and do your best to stick to it. Working too long without breaks is not good for productivity either. Take short breaks to clear your mind.


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Besides what you listed I also feel that it's important to limit your distractions. Since as an online entrepreneur, you will most likely be working from home and it can be quite distracting. If you live with your family or other people, they can keep interrupting you and limit your productivity and focus. You should try to create a ''distraction/interruption'' free room and make sure that you stick to using it. It can really boost your productivity levels.

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I agree with you! This is happening to me right now, as my office is in my own house. Thanks for the advice!

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Becoming an online entrepreneur is not easy, however, good thing about becoming online entrepreneur is you can start with a small budget. You need $10 for a dot com, another $10 to host your website and you are done. You can start selling your product or services online. The most important thing you need to remember is how to convert your traffic to sales. Selling online is not easy.

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These are all very helpful tips so thank you for sharing your insight. I'm sure this can help many people.

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One thing I learned is just be professional as if you are working in an office and dealing with clients face to face.

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I personally think online workers should have a good health. Because if they don't pay attention to the health then they are going to have a lot of issues. And in due time, there are going to be things that may not be getting at some point in time. So health and being fit is one tip I can share from my side. Ofcourse other people have their own ideas on this.

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Costumo programar 3 ou 4 atividades importantes para o meu dia. Eu basicamente faço uso de listas de verificação no Evernote e sei exatamente o que devo fazer no dia atual.

Eu acredito que a organização inicial e os hábitos contra a procrastinação, são a base para um dia a dia produtivo online.

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There is so much truth in this post. I've noticed that unless I take frequent breaks throughout the day, I'll just be even more prone to not getting anything done and burning out.

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Hello there! Thank you so much for sharing. Was really helpful to me. I think it's normal that when it comes to digital jobs sometimes we don't take it as serious as we should. It's great to read this kind of tips!

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Working online is not really that easy. It requires hard work and determination. If I work for extended hours online then I start to feel nauseous and I even get migraines at times. Those are the reasons why I usually take regular breaks. At times I exercise or listen to meditating music during my breaks and those make me feel so relaxed.

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I can relate this with the story of the two loggers. Logger A is chopping trees non-stop, while Logger B takes a few breaks from time to time. Logger A is wondering why Logger B ended up chopping more trees than he did when he did not stop chopping trees. Logger B sharpened his saw while taking breaks, thus helping him restore his energy while making his saw work more efficiently. This makes him more productive and create more results.

Putting a balance between activities is an effective way to be productive. It's true that working for long hours is not productive at all. It is very tiring, thus deteriorating your performance. Working for long hours can also cause health problems in the long run, which interrupts your job as well. Taking breaks and balancing activities make you more productive. You will be able to restore your energy and give more ideas on your job and business. You also stay healthy that way which helps you prevent health problems that may interrupt you. Setting short and doable deadlines for yourself is another way of being productive. It gives you focus since you have a short period of time to complete your goals. You avoid procrastination. This allows you to finish tasks faster. You don't need to spend long hours working on your business. Be like Logger B for a productive day.

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The disadvantage of being a freelancer is you know that you manage your own time and you can rest anything you want. It's not a great practice that whenever you feel a little bit tired, you can easily stop in whatever you're doing online, just like me. I don't know, I guess I can't help it since the bed is less than a meter in me. But I think this can be overcome once I find the right online job that would really give me an excitement and joy in doing it.

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There are many factors affecting the productivity of a person and one is the environment. It should be conducive to your activity whether you are playing or working. We have a space in our living room for our desktop. When I am using the computer, everyone at home observes silence because they know what I need and what I don't want. Even the tv cannot be used for it will cause a distraction.

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