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Tips On How To Create A Marketing Video - Part 2
In the beginning we didn't know the power of video marketing, but now we do. In this I'll discuss part 2 of my tips to create a marketing video and what you should be doing. Loads of people are now focusing on how to build a proper marketing video because this method alone can bring in sales directly from the platforms they are placed on. There are loads of other benefits from posting your marketing videos such as branding and higher search engine rankings, but we'll get into that later 
So let's get started...
Tips On How To Create A Marketing Video - Part 1
Add some Call to Actions
This is just like a blog or forum post, you will need to add some call to actions to your videos in the descriptions in order to get some clicks, sales and increased rankings. You can get people to sign up to newsletters this way as well as just click through for more information. You won't want to make it seem like you're forcing people to click through, so make it nonchalant and more people will click.
Show your viewers the "behind the scenes"
People love seeing the inner workings of a business. It's like you're inviting them in to see how everything works from the littlest details to where all the major decisions are made. A "behind the scenes" type video will usually make it seem like you're an open book, and buyers love that kind of thing because it makes it seem like you have nothing to hide
Tutorials or "How To" videos are what everyone loves. If you teach your viewers event he smallest thing, they will love it. You can give them a step by step process on how to do something, even if it's only a little task, and people will usually say something nice, click through or like your video.
Short and Sweet
When people are online they seem to have the shortest attention spam ever. If you make your videos short and sweet it will be easier to remember. Longer videos are great, but if you're doing something along the lines of marketing you will want it to be short in order to keep people from leaving and sweet to get them to click through to your pages
Professional Tone
When you have someone speaking on your videos, and you probably should, you should always hire someone with experience. You should also have someone that comes across as a professional so that your business isn't seen as an inexperienced new shop trying to get some quick sales. Be sure that your person is also well dressed and is use to doing something like this. You won't want someone doing this for the first time because your video will almost always come off as low quality.
Micro-Video Apps
A micro-video app is something that will shorten your video to 10 seconds or less which is ideal for posting your videos on platforms like Instagram and Twitter. This way you can get your point across without the video cutting out. This also fits in with the short and sweet tip above because you're adding in all the main points of your video which is sweet
Ask Questions
When creating a marketing video for your website or business you'll want to get some of your own questions in there to create activity within your comment section. This will help your SEO and also get people asking questions about your video, website or product
Don't worry about perfection
If you're worry about perfection, you'll get overly stressed about your video going into take 100 and still not being right. People will know you're not pixar or another billion dollar company, so don't try to go overboard. You will actually make yourself look fake if you're doing this and people will be turned off.
Worry about quality
You won't have to worry about perfection, but no one wants to see a crumby quality video when searching. You won't want to film your marketing video no a cell phone, even if it has a good camera, because it will come out as low quality. If you want to be serious, hire a company to do a short video for you so that you don't have to worry too much.
View videos that are already going viral
If you go through a bunch of videos that are already going viral today you will be able to figure out what is working. I guarantee that they aren't too long while being engaging. They will switch the attention every couple seconds in order to keep you engaged. Study them and you will do just fine
Build some hype like Flava Flave
Flava Flave was a hype man and you'll basically need to do what he did on stage, but for your videos. To do this you'll need to promote your launch date on various platforms such as facebook, niche blogs, your own website and anywhere else that is considered an authority.
Make it funny 
Not all videos for corporations are meant to come across as serious, some are suppose to be funny to show that the big business has a good sense of humor. This will in turn bring the business down to the consumers level since they are showing some emotion. If you can relate with your viewers and get them to laugh, you will have a better chance of signing them up.
Embed your videos
If you embed your video within your own website you will notice an increase of sales. This is due to the fact, which was statistically proven, that your landing pages conversion rate can jump up 80% with an embedded video.
In Conclusion:
Adding marketing videos into your online marketing rotation is a great way to do various things such as increase your sales, increase your SERP rankings and increase the amount of readers and subscribers you have. Follow all of the tips and see what works best for you. Obviously you won't be able to implement all of the tips within a single video, but you can create loads of marketing content and use a few within each one
Remember to follow me!
The tips on promotional video creation are really useful and informative. If you want to do video marketing, the main concern is not on making perfect video but knowing how to create video. In order to make video you need video making skills such as shooting video, editing video, mixing video etc. as long as you do not have these skills, you cannot create a good video. Once you have video creating skills, you can work on other aspects of video, such as video content, video quality etc. The tips on promotional video creation are really useful and informative.
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