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When it comes to Amazon you are going to be fighting plenty of competition no matter what you're selling. You could think that you're selling the most unique thing in the world but then there are 3 other sellers offering a similar product at a lower price than what you planned on selling yours for. I wouldn't worry too much through, you can always set up PPC ads within Amazon and you can pull traffic to your listings all day long. Below I'm going to go over a few little things about the amazon PPC platform for you so you know what you're in for
The Bids:
Just like all the other platforms you will be bidding on the placement of your listing(s). You will place your bid and if you're the highest you will begin seeing traffic to your listing and sales (hopefully). When you get a click on your ad you will notice that you get charged for it. Now you're not guaranteed a sale when someone clicks your link so be sure that your listing is optimized to increase your sales.
You will need to monitor your bids each day until you can get them just right. After a few weeks of monitoring your bids like a hawk you can likely check them out once a week in order to stay on top of things.
Optimizing your listing:
You will need to make sure that you know how to optimize a listing in order to increase your click throughs. If someone sees a bland listing they will likely pass it up and not bother to look at it. If your listing is compelling and optimized you will see a good amount of clicks, but that's not all it takes to make sales. You will need to add in a great description in order to convert your traffic at all costs. If you have just a single sentence saying your item is the best I wouldn't expect to make many sales.
Get your keywords into the title so that people know what you're all about. There's a higher chance of Amazons algorithm listing your item more often to your target market if you add a keyword within the first 50 characters of your title.
Be sure to get your keyword within your description a few times, but not too many because Amazon is pretty good at removing items they deem are keyword stuffing. Having your keyword in your description 2 to 3 times per 100 words is fine, but I wouldn't go to much higher than that just to play it safe.
Free $50 Credit:
Amazon is offering all new advertisers a free $50 credit, so if you're not selling on Amazon just yet, maybe you should think about signing up Let's say your item makes you $10 per sale and sells for $20. That means if you are getting 100 clicks with the $50 credit then you're likely to get 5 to 10 sales. Now that means you could be just breaking even or profiting a few bucks, but the initial $50 credit wasn't yours to begin with so stop complaining
You will now have to boostrap your earnings and keep doing it until you plateau. You might never hit your profit plateau, but if you do, you will need to figure out what else you can sell since you're profiting a good amount with the first product.
Advertising Multiple Products:
You're not limited to advertising a single item through Amazons PPC platform. You can actually list a ton of items through their PPC campaigns if you'd like, but I would suggest working with a few and figuring out a good campaign in order to duplicate with your other items even if they're different. Each PPC platform is different so if you're great on Adwords you may not pick up Amazons PPC right away.
In Conclusion:
When it comes to advertising on Amazon you will need to optimize your listing and watch your PPC budget like a hawk at the beginning. It's like any other campaign on other PPC platforms for the most part, but there are a few different things since you're promoting a listing on a website that is not yours. There are always chances that the person can click through to your listing and then leave almost immediately, so be sure to have engaging content that will keep them there, or at least add your item to one of their lists for later.
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