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People are willing to spend more on eCommerce stores due to some simple features
When I started getting into eCommerce a while ago I always wondered how I could easily increase my sales. Each day I would go through my website and figure out what I could edit and tweak in order to increase my conversions. Sometimes it was easy and other times it took a few weeks to add a feature because I was horrible at coding and programming lol.
Over the years I've figured out a pretty good setup in order to increase my sales without having to actually do anything after the initial implementation of the feature or tweak to my pages
And I'm here to share it with you, but you may already have something like this running on your website and not know how powerful it actually is 
Rating Systems!
When you're running an eCommerce store it is crucial to have your buyers posting reviews for their orders. You can give them a 4 part rating system or just a single point rating system that basically asks "How was your experience with us?" and they will rate you 1 to 5 stars.
For the more detailed rating system you can ask the following...
- Quality - This is where you'll ask the buyer to rate the quality of the item or service based on a 1 to 5 star rating. 1 star being horrible quality and everything resulted in a bad experience to 5 being the best of the best and you wish you could rank it 10 stars lol.
- Shipping - You can ask them how they think the shipping went. Ask them if they thought it was shipped quickly or it took to long and even if they think the shipping and handling was too expensive or just enough.
- Support - Asking people how the technical support was is kind of difficult because they could rate you 1 star if they didn't have to contact you or they could rate you 5 stars because there was no need to contact you due to everything being streamlined.
- Overall Experience - This is a pretty obvious rating factor. A buyer can rate their overall experience with your shop and this tends to be a 4 or 5 star rating if they had a good experience. If you set everything up right you'll usually get a higher rating

Sometimes you can add in multiple factors for your rating system like "Did our design please you?" or "Did our website load quickly?". Now these are pretty pointless and people could rate you all over the place because it's based off of their own taste. If you use blue as your main color but they prefer red, you get a 1 star. If they have a bad internet connection and you ask if the site loaded quick, you get a 1 star. You'll always want to control the rating system and tweak it to your favor. Don't add anything that can be altered based on the persons taste, connection, etc. Talk about the service or item and you should be good.
Simple Checkout
Having a simple checkout is always great when it comes to increasing sales on your eCommece website because people don't like wasting time. I know that I've dropped purchases because they want everything from my first borns name to my blood type and I thought the amount of information they wanted was insane.
All you should be asking for is the information you need in order to get the item shipped to a person.
- Name - You'll obviously need their name because when the package gets to their house they will know it's for them. I actually don't think you can main something without a name on the package. You could always add "Local Customer" or "Our Friend At" and send it out, but that's not personal at all.
- Address - You'll definitely need an address because if you get someone who buys a physical product from you without adding their address, you won't know where to send it and they'll just be pissed off. Of course it would be their own fault for purchasing a product without adding their own address, but they'll think you're at fault because you didn't require it.
- Email - Asking a client for their email is pretty standard practice in todays world. You would want to collect buyers emails because it will give you an option to contact the buyer in case something goes wrong with their package.
- Phone Number - Asking for a phone number is well known to be used as another method in order to contact the buyer in case something goes wrong with the purchase. Similar to the email, you'll want to have the phone number just in case anything goes south.
You might have all this on your order form already, but you'll want to make them all mandatory fields. If they're optional then someone may not fill one of the fields out and that's just a cluster bomb waiting to happen if not caught quickly.
In Conclusion:
These may seem like pretty simple thing to have on your website in order to increase sales, but you'd be amazed at how many people don't do these. Add a star rating to your items in order to have verified buyers leaving feedback so your other potential buyers can see them. Adding a simple checkout will increase your sales a lot because they don't seem intrusive and scammy. Asking for only the basic info will increase your sales because people won't mind submitting just enough information to make the purchase.
Remember to follow me
So the points you have mentioned would be very helpful to increase your sales. I do not have a website,but I have experienced this as a buyer.Some websites ask so many details before we are able to buy or even download what we want,most of the time I just leave that site and find another. So the points you have mentioned would be very helpful to increase your sales.
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