
Top easy 3 tips to help gain more website traffic

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Top easy 3 tips to help gain more website traffic

Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking is a super simple approach to slightly increase traffic. Social bookmarking locales enable clients to bookmark their most loved sites that other individuals can freely view and vote up or down. In the event that you bookmark helpful info other individuals will discover it, share it, and vote it up so others can appreciate it. Goodness no doubt, and it just takes around 30 seconds to bookmark your site.
Guest Blogging

Great way is Guest blogging is an extraordinary approach to create free activity – you should simply invest an opportunity to compose an article. Connect with the most well known web journals in your industry and inquire as to whether they'll give you a chance to compose a visitor post. Most site proprietors will have no complaints to having other individuals compose free posts and information for them.

Forum Posting

There are group discussions setup online for all intents and purposes each specialty, or subject you can envision. The web is a prime place for similar individuals to converse with each other. Forum posting is a great way of link building don't just join a forum and blast out your links. You need to at least sound of interest to the site and also if the forum lets you have a profile and signature place your links there.

Great way I find guest blogs , Commenting and forums is use dropmylink website great free tool online which I use daily.There are group discussions setup online for all intents and purposes each specialty, or subject you can envision. The web is a prime place for similar individuals to converse with each other. Forum posting is a great way of link building don't just join a forum and blast out your links. You need to at least sound of interest to the site and also if the forum lets you have a profile and signature place your links there.


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What if your website doesn't have a blog or forum? Does it mean at that point you add one or is there an alternative method for websites that don't exactly need forums? If a forum is needed, is it possible to buy them here as well?

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Hi AlexHarris,

These methods are to build and publish your website's link only other blogs, forums, and social networks. If your website is about gardening, you can use a blog that allows guests to blog about gardens. You can provide an informative blog and include your website link if a reader wants to learn more. The same idea goes for forum posting on another forum to publish your link in your profile/signature. I believe you can use a service to hire a professional to build up your links. However, it would be cheaper and money effective to do this yourself. I hope I clarify your misunderstandings.

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Yeah, google largely depends on SEO and SMO. If you don not have good SEO of your site then no one can catch your site on the first page of google.

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Guest blogging and forum posting are the two I tend to use the most when I am looking to gain more website traffic. I find these both work really well in not only increasing your backlinks but they are also good quality backlinks and also related to the niche of your website too as you can choose which forums and blogs to post on yourself and choose the ones which are similar to your niche. I have found in the past that just from forum posting with my link in my signature and guest blog posting as well with my link placed in my blog posts I have seen a big increase in my traffic on my sites and it's always good traffic as well, plus it's free and who doesn't like free?

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I don't think I have the patience for guest posting. I have very little time on my hands and I only have enough time to write things for my websites. I have also heard from others that it's a nice way to get organic traffic and is great for SEO. Maybe someday, if I have enough funds, I'm going to hire somebody to guest post for me.

On the other hand, social bookmarking is truly working wonders for me right now. The site that I currently use is Stumbleupon. Your site or post can go viral if it has interesting content. Pinterest also is a great site to get a lot of views. OP, may we know what other sites you use? You have mentioned the methods but you haven't told us any sites that you use to get traffic.

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Guest blogging can be a great option to get website traffic as well as potential customers. But the most important thing is to do that effectively. Even we have started doing that!

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Thank you so much for these methods. I think they'll be very useful

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Social bookmarking is the most convenient way to get traffic. It does not cost anything other than a few seconds and there are a few Softwares which offer to share your links automatically to the social sites.

If you don't have a forum or a blog on your website the don't worry it is never too late. You can make one and start posting. You can give the authorization to guests to post on it but you would have to keep checking to make sure that no one is spamming.

Thanks for sharing an informative piece of text with us. This is a nice article to guide the website owners.

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Among these three options, I choose forum posting the easiest ways to gain website traffic. Join forums, and put website address on your signature. When you post, your link will appear on the bottom. Write a good treasure to grab people's attention.
MY second favorite method is guest blogging. Publish an article on the blog that has good number of subscribers and gets good traffic. If people liked your article, they will surely check the link.

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Yeah I also tend to steer near to forum posting its your best choice. There are plenty of great forums out there some tend to spam but there is no need to spam. All you should do is have your link in profile and also on the signature bar.

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Great info. But in need your honest opinion on using services like link collider and the likes to create backlinks. I have been using the service for a while now to create backlinks, but i'm not seeing any of the links created showing on my google searches. Is there anything am doing wrong? Is it because they are not Web 2.0 sites?
Are backlinks created by such services quality backlinks. Or are they just wasting one's time on clicking on buttons to gain points?
Recommend an affordable alternative.

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Guest posts really works well as long as you can create compelling article that editors love and be natural when adding links back to your website. Consider only posting on hige DA website which allows a dofollow link then watch the traffic come in.

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I agree that forum posting is great way to increase traffic to a website and I am using this way on popular forums which having high traffic.

I don't know which way you are using to get traffic from forum posting but I am using signature as a way to get clicks to my website, and as I analyzed then I got some sales from forum posting via signature.

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I have been reading guest blogging in many discussions. It seems to me that guest blogging is an effective way of getting new traffic. Of course, you have to choose a popular blogger that will allow you to submit a blog for publication on his blog. With the multitude of his followers that can read your blog, it is a given that you can get new viewers of your own blog and probably followers too. But your guest blog should be nice and cool, relevant and full of substance.

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