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Over the years I've optimized over 1,000 websites and I can safely say that every time I work on a website it has unexpected turns. I've worked on so many niches that I can safely say that I've probably worked on every type of website lol. When starting to work on a website you can never know what the outcome will be, you can only assume what will happen and even then you might not be close to right.
On Page Unexpected Turns
When doing on page optimization for your own website or a clients, you can run into a lot of unexpected turns because you can be finishing up the final page and then get a list of stuff the client wants you to work on. You're getting paid to optimize their pages but they want you to write 100+ articles and optimize all of them while you work. You most likely agreed to optimize their content but what they heard is "I'll write and optimize new content for you and add it to your pages" which is ridiculous. You can do an amazing job on their pages and then they drop this bomb on you which will result in you saying you can't do it. Then you'll get a negative review because the client didn't understand what they were paying for. You could do the best job in the world but they weren't the brightest crayon in the box and now they tell everyone you're bad at what you do.
Another unexpected turn is when you're optimizing all of the content of a website but mess up the keyword density. This will result in you having to go through the entire website and doing the job over again. That basically means if you're getting paid for this, now you're making half as much because you're investing twice as much time. This will usually happen when people start claiming that they keyword density is 5% so you follow what they say and then Google says around 3% is best.
Off Page Unexpected Turns
Whenever optimizing a website you'll run into unexpected turns because you constantly have to be on your toes and expect the worst in order to stay happy. You can build the perfect structures as well as the best content, but the search engines can devalue your methods and now you're back at step 1 of your campaigns.
You can be on a roller coaster of rankings and never see a top spot for years, but that doesn't mean you should stop trying. Plenty of times I've seen people working for months on a campaign and never cracking the top 3 for their keywords and then say they're just going to quit forever. After another month or two they begin to get waves of traffic to their website and they're glad they didn't stop. People always want those top rankings and unexpectedly it will take 6 to 12 months in order to achieve that coveted #1 position for their keywords.
Online Marketing Unexpected Turns
Over the years I've hit many ups and downs when it comes to online marketing for my own websites as well as clients websites. I can do the same style of campaign for every website and they will all have different results and this is why I quickly figured out that each website needs a unique method of bringing in traffic.
The unexpected turn I see mostly with online marketing campaigns is when they start to snowball, in a good way, and I start getting contacted by random people wanting to talk to the owners of the website. They usually want to talk to the owner of the website for a couple reasons.
Reason 1: They want to partner up with the website in order to increase sales for both companies. This usually happens when my clients website is a single product and the person contacting me would like to add it to their drop shipping website or rebrand it as their own. Either way my client goes it's a good thing because they're making more money
Reason 2: They want to buy in bulk and see if they can get a decent discount. This tends to happen when the person wants to have their own inventory but they don't want to pay full retail price or they just want multiples of the same thing to give out as gifts or if they're a collector. If they're going the wholesale route, they will get a discount and sell the item at suggested retail price in order to make some money on each sale.
I honestly don't know why they would contact me instead of just going through my clients website in order to talk about pricing, but I guess people don't always think like me
Buying and Selling Unexpected Turns
Whenever a website is getting a decent amount of traffic and has a nice design, it will usually get a few emails asking if they website owner is interested in selling the domain/design/content. Sometimes I will jump at this opportunity, or tell my clients to do so, and turn a quick profit. Whenever I'm setting up a website I have a long term goal of making a lot of money and switching it over to a passive income so that I don't have to do much work on the site and can focus on setting up more money generating projects. But sometimes I will get contacted and the price the potential buyer throws out there is much higher than I expected and I cave in for the quick paycheck
My clients usually won't sell their websites because it's either for a brick and mortar type business or they are too invested in the website and treat it like their baby. I understand why you won't sell because you're already incorporated, but not selling because you're attached to the site is pretty dumb lol. I've heard stories of websites getting offered $100,000 for the domain/design/content and the site generates $10,000 to $15,000 a year. This basically means they are offering you 10 years worth of profits tomorrow in order to hand everything over but you're too "attached" to your time invested in the website
Sell it but don't sign a no compete if you want to stay in the same niche and build another website similar to the one you just sold.
In conclusion
There are many unexpected turns when it comes to building, marketing and selling websites but you'll never see them if you're not trying Get out there and see what you can do with some of your websites and maybe you'll be one of the lucky people making $100,000 for just few months of work
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Back when I was building backlinks and only backlinks as an SEO service I really went through every possible niche on the internet and I can safely say I really had over 5000 different clients with different niches. My orders where small and I didn't have to worry about the actual effects of future ranks, loved that type of work because I didn't have to worry about "unexpected turns".
But now things had changed, as you said, I always run into some kind of problems, big or small, point if, the client usually doesn't want to pay for it and for the time to fix it. I'll end up doing it as a bonus which is usually very well received by the client, although a bonus would be nicer. I'm slowly catching up from an optimization point if view, I'm optimizing more and more type of niches and new websites as every month passes. In a couple of years, I'm pretty sure I can claim I've gone through most niches. Back when I was building backlinks and only backlinks as an SEO service I really went through every possible niche on the internet and I can safely say I really had over 5000 different clients with different niches. My orders where small and I didn't have to worry about the actual effects of future ranks, loved that type of work because I didn't have to worry about "unexpected turns". But now things had changed, as you said, I always run into some kind of problems, big or small, point if, the client usually doesn't want to pay for it and for the time to fix it. I'll end up doing it as a bonus which is usually very well received by the client, although a bonus would be nicer.
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