
Targeting different languages to increase sales - What I do.

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Targeting different languages to increase sales - What I do.

Whenever I get a website to a certain point I where I feel I'm starting to plateau I start thinking of where else I can advertise. Normally I start doing my research as to where I'm getting traffic from that does not speak English as their primary language. If I'm already getting traffic from there, I can probably find a good place to advertise and make sales Targeting different languages to increase sales - What I do. I'm going to go over my method of finding places to advertise and how to talk with the people running the sites.

How to find your new advertising spots

When you're looking for a new advertising spot on a website you don't know how to read, it can be difficult. What I like to do is go over to and type in the type of website I'm targeting. If I'm running a watch company I would type in "watch forum" or something similar where I know there would be more people congregating online. Forums are a great source of income for a lot of people, so that's why I like getting my banners on them.

After you type in your word, you can then translate it to whatever you want. Let's say you're targeting something like a Persian watch forum, you would then choose Persian and translate "watch forum" to whatever it would be in Persian. When you get the new word in google translate you copy it and open up Google in a new tab. Paste the Persian word for "watch forum" into the search bar and click enter. You will now have search results in Persian for the word "watch forum" and most of these with be, you guessed it, Persian watch forums lol Targeting different languages to increase sales - What I do.

After finding the forums, you're still not done. Now you'll need to figure out which ones actually get traffic and which don't. You can use a ton of tools to do this, but one of the easiest ways is to copy the domain name of the forum you're on and then go to and paste the domain in the search box and click enter. Now I know Alexa isn't the best tool to figure out if a website has a lot of traffic because they rank websites based on how many people visited them and have the alexa toolbar, but it's free and quick lol.

After you find a handful of forums or websites you're interested in advertising on, you'll now have to figure out if they offer advertising at all. You'll now use the google translate trick but instead of translating "watch forum" you'll want to translate "advertise" , "ad spot" , "ad section" , "sponsor" , "sponsors" , etc. In English you can type in ad section or ad spot and you'll know they are both ads because of the word "ad" but in foreign languages the slightest variation of the text can change the word completely, so translate a lot of variations of "advertise" just to increase your chances. Now you'll want to copy one of your words and go back to the website or forum and press CTRL + F (for windows, sorry mac users) to find a word on the page. Now that you have the new search bar open you'll press CTRL + V to paste the copied word into the search bar and then you'll press enter. If you go through all of your words and you see 0 of 0 then they don't offer advertising Targeting different languages to increase sales - What I do. Usually you'll get around 1 in 5 that do offer advertising, and if they do, you can now find their advertising page Targeting different languages to increase sales - What I do. Translate their entire advertising page to see what it says, usually you can figure out their pricing which is in their own currency and that's where the next step comes into play Targeting different languages to increase sales - What I do.

When you find the advertising page ad their pricing, you can then go over to Google and type in "Currency Converter" and you'll see a nice little converter tool at the top of the search results. You'll simply add in the amount of the Persian currency, or whichever currency you're targeting, and convert it to your own currency.

Now you know which websites are getting a good amount of traffic and how much they want for an ad spot, and you don't even speak their language! All you have to do is email them or fill out a contact form. Be sure to type your message into google translate and convert it to their language so they aren't burdened. Explain that their language is not your primary one so it might be jumbled a bit, every webmaster I say this to usually understands and works with me around the language barrier.

In conclusion, if you do the little trick above you can find some really nice websites and forums to advertise on. I've found some that only charged me $50 to $100 a month to get a 728x90 banner on their pages and get it in front of 500,000 unique people each month Targeting different languages to increase sales - What I do. Targeting different languages to increase sales - What I do. That's a gold mine when it works out, but usually you won't find something like that. You won't usually have to pay much for these ads either since the conversion rate usually works in favor if you're in the US.

Remember to follow me Targeting different languages to increase sales - What I do.




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It is really challenging to advertise a website in places where English is their second language because you will never know if the visitors can understand the contents of your site. I have been to several Asian countries like Singapore, Vietnam and Thailand that I can say only a minority can speak conversational English. I don’t think those people will be reading a website that is English.

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