
Blogging about personal experiences

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Blogging about personal experiences

It seems that nowadays people love to read about other people's personal experiences whether they be good or bad or even their personal lives. I guess it's just something that interests people nowadays. I myself used to blog about my personal life, about what had gone on in my day or what I had experienced during that day and I found that it gain a lot of interest from people who enjoyed coming to my blog and reading about my day or about what I had learned that was new.

What are your thoughts on blogs where people write about their personal lives? Is this something you would consider writing about in a blog or would you rather avoid talking about your personal life in a blog?


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Blogging about personal experiences

Most general blogs are long dead. Sure there are a few old bloggers around that are still relevant and have a community around them. But overall most blogs have niched into specialized fields.
Nobody wants to read someone that writings about "nothing", you need to have a theme, a niche. Otherwise, you are just rambling.

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The problem is, people are starting to lack the quality of writing articles for their blogs that provide useful and intriguing information.

In my opinion, I find personal experiences the easiest to blog about. Whether it's elaborating on content already made for someone else's blog, or writing my own original piece. Nothing is easier than drawing from personal experiences. Normally, I choose a topic, then research on that specific topic for more background information before beginning my writings. To have the ability to write from personal experience as a starting point basically, gives me background information without the extra step of research (though nothing's wrong with a little additional information).

I also think people can relate to personal experience blog articles, better than someone talking about how something should be done without any personal experience or nohow. Or at least that's how I feel when reading through blog posts.

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Lot of bloggers got successful because they were blogging about their personal experience. So it all comes down into the journey. If you have control over your finances then surely you can make some good money off the blogging. I have worked with the bloggers in many contexts. I can tell you that their honesty of changing the financial background surely helps. Personal experience are very much helpful for others to learn in their own context. So I think blogs are good for these reasons.

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My blog is a personal finance blog so there may be posts that will have to relate to my personal experiences. However, I don't really want to focus on my personal life because there's nothing exciting about it. People follow personal blogs for different reasons but mostly because the blog provides the content they're looking for. If I want to start investing in stocks, I'll probably read blogs of people who have been investing in stocks for a while and are sharing tips and useful information about it. I don't think I'll read blogs that simply share how the blogger spends every hour of his/her day.

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My friend was actually sharing about her life and travel experiences on her blog. However, she was unable to attract that much readers. She even tried to advertise on social medias which didn't really work. She has now decided to write about other topics. I think blogging about personal experiences may work for some.

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Based on my experience of writing on the internet for 10 years, I can say blogging about personal experience really counts. Blogging about personal experience does not mean you write about what you had for breakfast, or where you took your dog for a walk. Blogging about personal experience means writing on the topics that people can really relate. For instance, couple of years ago, a great earthquake occured in my home country. I wrote about my family trapped in the earthquake zone and how I was able to move them from the earthquake zone. It was really liked by my readers. I also wrote about my father's heart attack and how I was able to save my father. These are the things that people can relate.

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Writing a blog about yourself is very appealing to readers. People love to read about experiences that they can relate to. They love learning from the experience of others. Just make sure that the things you write about yourself are not about rants or drama. This is a turn off to readers. Life is already stressful for most people and they don't want to read depressing stories. Most readers appreciate stories that teach them a lesson or give them an inspiration. People love reading about how you were able to overcome challenges which they might be going through at the moment. It's informative to them. They also love reading about things that make your life happy. They might want to adopt those things to their lifestyle as well.

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We travel abroad frequent like 3 times a year at the minimum. This year we have travels to 7 countries. My husband said that if he has the time, it would be great to put up a travel blog that will mainly depend on our travels. Writing from experience is one of the easiest to do since the information is already n your head. Add to that the pictures and videos that we took in those travels, I guess blogging of our travel experience would be easy to do.

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