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Hiring content writers and what to look for.
Most of us know what a content writer is and that they write content for our websites, write articles, write press releases, and so on. But what do you look for when hiring content writers? Is there a specific set of rules you have when hiring a content writer or do you just wing it and hope for the best? Well I've learned a few tricks over the years that might be able to help you out when hiring anyone as a content writer or something similar.
So here we go
1) Language Barriers
I couldn't tell you how many times I've posted a WTB around the web on forums and marketplaces just like SEOclerks.com that clearly state what language I want the article or content to be in and I get people with broken English trying to get the job. Now I don't have anything against these people, I understand that they need to eat too, but do they think that I'm going to accept the content after they send it to me in broken English? Probably not. I'm hiring them to write it, not to give me an idea of what they're talking about and then I rewrite it. To avoid all language barriers I will ALWAYS chat with the service provider for a few days before plunging into the sale. If I ask a basic question like "Do you have any samples I can look at prior to purchasing?" and they respond with "Yes Sir! I attach samples for your ready!" it just shows me that they don't know English very well and I should move on
2) Middle Men
Many times I have hired someone that has good typing skills when it comes to sending me PM's but when I get the content it is complete garbage. This could be due to many things, but I mainly think it is because they are outsourcing the work to a cheaper source that does not speak the same language you do. I've been the middle man plenty of times, but the end result is always quality work and not rubbish. It's hard to avoid this, but if you use specific marketplaces like this one, SEOclerks.com, you don't have to worry much. Just be sure to get samples prior to purchasing and if the samples are high quality and in your native tongue, then the finished work should be as well. If the work submitted is trash and in broken English you can more than likely get a full refund.
3) Bulk Content
If you're hiring a writer for bulk content creation you can usually work out a better, lower, price for the work since it's a bigger order and not just a simple article that takes a few minutes to write. If the service provider is not willing to budge on their price, even a little, then you should look for someone else since they just see you as a sale. Now some people will say "Well he's doing a good job and deserves to get paid!" and I say that if he wants to get 50 orders from me over the year then he should be willing to negotiate lol. He/She could easily feed their family for a few months due to my orders but now they will miss out on that money because they didn't want to give even a 10% discount on months of work lol. If you're not willing to negotiate, then someone else is going to take your work, it's as simple as that.
4) Due Diligence
When hiring a writer for a lot of work be sure to look up their usernames so you can see what people are saying. A few times I've hired service providers through their websites later to find out that they have horrible customer support, don't offer refunds on late or horrible content, and even that they are attempting to scam their buyers. Now these reviews I find online are taken with a grain of salt because each person posting could just be one of 1,000 disgruntled customers that know their way around the web. One bad review can hurt a company but it shouldn't be what you look for. If a company has a dozen bad reviews from different usernames on every platform possible, that's when you should run for the hills lol.
Now these are just a few things to look for when hiring a content writer and even through it's only 4, it should help you filter out lower quality writers in no time
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