
Coinbase restricted jurisdiction

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Coinbase restricted jurisdiction

Whenever I attempt to pay with BitCoin for any website that uses Coinbase as their BTC merchant, I get this error:

Coinbase has detected that you may be located in a restricted jurisdiction. We are sorry that we cannot provide our services at this time.

Why am I getting this message and what jurisdictions are not supported? Is a jurisdiction a country or state or what? Is there any way to fix this?


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Maybe switch to a for a wallet. Never even heard of this happening. This is very irregular and strange because it would defeat the entire purpose BTC and how it works! If coinbase is actually blocking parts of the world from using BTC and the blockchain, then I would expect that they will lose many customers in the future. Could it be that your country - government has blocked BTC? Banks and Governments have the most to lose so take a look at your country's laws concerning bitcoin.
You can always use TOR browser or other I.P. masking tools to conduct business. Just an FYI.

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Which block chain is recommended.

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Very interesting discussion, however another interesting thing is how in the heck did you post this discussion and were Last seen 1977 days ago? That is a very very odd bug (if it is a bug). Back to the topic at hand, i believe coinbase blocks accounts if you are buying/selling illegal things. Also, if you're interested in the legal stuff of bitcoin in other countries go here: Legality of bitcoin by country. While this marketplace offers no support for Coinbase, it's best to contact them to figure out why your restricted based on your jurisdiction. Maybe you're in a country where bitcoin is illegal to use as one already mentioned.

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