
Askimet Spam Blocker Wordpress Plugin Review

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Askimet Spam Blocker Wordpress Plugin Review

If you've ever had a wordpress blog or website you know the difficulties of blocking all the spam that could be coming in. Askimets spam blocking plugin for wordpress is one of the top spam blockers I've come across. Askimet will run every comment through their system and assess it to see if it's spam or an actual post. If the post is blatent spam you can have your plugin set up to burn the post so that it doesn't take up precious space on your dashboard/server. We all know how precious our space is so don't let it get cluttered with pointless posts lol.

I know I've had problems with spam, so much to the point where I turn off all comments or set them to all be set into moderation. Without askimets spam checker plugin you will be sifting through a lot of comments trying to approve the good ones and remove the spammy ones if you have a lot of comments.

This plugin is free for personal websites, like the ones most of us own, and there is a small fee for big corporation type websites. I don't know exactly how askimet comes to the conclusion if your website is personal or commercial, but I think you'd usually be safe to register as a personal website lol.

You do need to register for an askimet API key, but that's free for personal websites so you don't have to worry too much about that. Once you get your key you just add it to your plugin and activate it. After it's activated you can configure it in a few minutes and let it block all the spam for you, which is a huge time saver.

Askimet Spam Blocker Wordpress Plugin Review
The askimet plugin has been downloaded over a million times and if you've ever used it you know why. The power of this free spam protection plugin is second to none and seems like it will be that for for a long time. There isn't much competition to askimet because they've always been cutting edge with their updates and block all those tricky spammers around every corner Askimet Spam Blocker Wordpress Plugin Review

If you have a lot of comments that are spammy, you probably need the askimet spam blocker plugin. It's free to check out and install, you just need a free api key to activate it, but that's not difficult to get Askimet Spam Blocker Wordpress Plugin Review

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I used Askimet in the past, and while it may be a spam blocker, I found it to be more of a spam filter moderation tool. Sure, it may block some spam, but then you'd still have to moderate the comments. You could just add the function to where every comment was moderated, and then approve manually. Then block IP addresses that were contributing to spam. This is sorta like how Askimet functions. Usually, if I have a wordpress blog then I disable the Wordpress comment section, and use other platforms like Discuss, or even the Facebook comment feature. Most people only spam blogs for backlinks, and with those it's kinda harder to get a backlink with anchor text.

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World press uses "Ping-Back" and lot's of tools try to spam that because it's so easy to code.

Only so much cream to go around when it comes to networking and we are in danger of being overrun by traffic that is none human but on the bright side it keeps our friends working for NSA/Mossad/GCHQ in a job and i think WP are one of the few good guys still left on the internet.

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So you're saying spam (that is mostly bots) are keeping the NSA 'in a job'? I do not think so.. I'm unsure how you figured that one out, but the NSA keeps their jobs by focusing on data, and by leaks.. they have their ways to fetch what they are looking for, and i can assure you they don't spam wordpress blogs.

Now, as for the ping back feature you mention. .. Are you talking about the comment blog pingback feature? That feature is annoying, yes.

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Indeed the NSA are not spamming WP and yes they can get into any system running windows because they helped to design it but i have come up with a way to detect them which i cannot share with you here.

All digital data just about can be faked so the NSA/CIA as it collects our META data is having to deal with all this web-bot traffic too, that keeps them in a job for sure

Tell me Evertt have you put black tape over your camera yet like me and most of my friends or have you thrown away that free wif-router your ISP gave you and replaced it with a firewall because if you have seen what i have seen then i bet you would

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On my personal laptop, it doesn't even have camera or microphone functionalities. However, yes, I use to put black tape on my camera, and was once hacked, and the hacker gained access to the camera, I noticed because the camera light came on. Also, I have heard they can access your camera without the light coming on as well.

Now, in regards to the router, no I still use the one the Internet Service Provider sent me, I am not really scared if the government was to access my data, they won't find anything, and would think wow, this dude is boring as hell!

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Yes i've come across people saying that they can disable the light on the camera but you never know what's true and what not these days but i do know that any speaker can double up as a microphone, just a magnet and copper coil will do.

A server of mine a few months ago got this ".Locky" virus all over it so all the files got encrypted and you get all these .txt files left all over the place telling you how to pay for the key to decrypt the files by cranking up Tor and paying in BitCoins.

Now the kicker is the machine was running the Tor Client 24/7 but it was only being used as a winsock proxy for my code, no browser was used on the machine, nothing so that says to me that the virus popped out of the Vidlia bundle software on the machine.

Bitcoin is nothing without Tor and Tor wanted to push BTC up if you ask me so now i tend to use a semi-legal bootnet for that type of work which is a shame because Tor is a good tool.

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Thanks Razzy. I was using Akismet previously and I had no problems with it. However after a while I read online from a number of sources that they were going to be moving from having a free account to being a plugin that you need to pay for.

I then changed over to WP Spamshield. This worked well for me for a while but then I had difficulty with people not being able to comment on my websites. Even if I logged out I couldn't comment on my own websites so I disabled it.

Is it true that Akismet is starting to charge or perhaps that was just a rumour that got spread around?

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I am not using Akismet, but I have used this plugin in the past. I have never heard of WP Spamshield. I may try this plugin. I always use free plugins. It is good to invest in premium plugins, but I don't have budget for plugins. I may try WP Spamshield.

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