
Blackhatters - A Real Threat For Authors And Product Creators

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Blackhatters - A Real Threat For Authors And Product Creators

Blackhatters - A Real Threat For Authors And Product Creators

Have you ever seen the movie Blackhat? - In my personal opinion, it's a decent movie, but nothing too fancy.. However, this topic is not about that kind of blackhatters.

What I'm talking about here, is the people who share products and softwares for free, openly to the public. Just like when you download a movie, a game or a song using torrents from a torrent site. These people grab themselves a copy of a product, they crack it if needed and they share it, so others can use it for free.

That basically means that the authors doesn't get paid.. And they lose money they should've earned.

Most of you are aware of the fact that I write and sell ebooks. I even shared one of my ebooks in the Community Discussion. - That specific ebook was actually shared by a so-called blackhatter at one point. Just a day or two after I released it. - Do you think I missed out on a lot of profits? - It's impossible to say, but I definitely believe that I missed out on a few sales at least.

Fortunately, I quickly contacted this person and after that, he actually removed the product, so people couldn't get it for free.. But I think it took him about a week to do so..

Anyhow, do you think a lot of creators and authors are missing out on money due to blackhatters, and do you think these so-called blackhatters are a real threat to freelancers in general?

Best Regards,


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Andre I have never had that happen to me, so I don't know what it feels like to have someone take my work and give it away for free or perhaps even sell my work themselves.

However piracy and blackhat behaviour like this has been around for a long time. It is up to each person to take responsibility for themselves (buyers, sellers and creators) and remember that we cannot control what other people do.

We can just hope that people that take part in things like this learn and come to do better. Just like Mike has shared his experiences with torrent.

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Lynne. At first it was devastating. I was devastated. I was angry, upset and very emotional in general. - However, upon the time I contacted this specific person, I was still angry and upset, so I probably said things I shouldn't have said.. But I guess he got the picture as he deleted the share.

That being said, when I realized he deleted it, I started to think about it differently. I mean, just judging by the introduction and sales copy, he stole my ebook and wanted others to be able to learn from that.. - So that's actually pretty cool. But it's still terrible as I could've earned more money.

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I have had people copy my blog posts which was kinda flattering and also highly annoying! The thing is that like I said we can't control that and I guess part of working online means you need to be prepared for these types of hits. Just like if you decided to open a supermarket you would need to be prepared for food spoiling, breakages and even shoplifting. It goes with the territory right?

But yes I can only imagine how upset you must have been.

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Blackhatters are the thieves of the internet marketplace. I once posted my script for sale on a marketplace (won't mention which one, and no it wasn't ionicware marketplaces) and someone had bought it, and then offered it on their nulled scripts blog for download, and then chargebacked the funds.. This is blatant theft, and it's very annoying. For someone to buy something from you, then post it on a website where many stolen things are available for download and then to basically get a refund from the purchase is cruel. Don't be cruel, and don't be a blackhatter. There will come a time, when you will post things on the internet and someone will steal it, offer it for free or paid download, and then you won't get any money.. how saddening is that? Please don't be an internet pirate, or blackhatter please!

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I crack browsers by using a bit of code that does a massive search and replace for any url's emended within the machine code (exe,dll,xml files) which works like a treat so long as the length of the Url is not changed and then release a clean version of browsers such as software-Iron, Firefox and Slimjet to the public and take it from me all these browsers are in bed with Google and the other agents of the NSA

Lot's of things White Hats do cannot be done to the letter of the law but few of us do it for money and if keeping free access to porn and bit-torrents open on the internet along with a right to freedom of speech put's me in the black-hat group then i will ware that badge with pride as will many others too.

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