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Freelancer Tools.
What do I mean by "Tools"?
It's simple. I don't mean your coffee, pen or paper or a pocket calculator. I'm talking about online tools. I'm talking about a specific software, tools or programs you're using on a daily basis.
What I do whenever I turn on my PC is to open Skype, SEOClerks website and often PayPal. Along with a few other websites I visit on a daily basis.
I'm using Skype to communicate with friends for sure, but mostly my clients and my co-workers. I don't want to mix my social life with business, so I always try to keep my friends away from Skype. - They can call me if they want something.
SEOClerks is obviously for the Community Discussion. I answer topics and I publish new discussions. - It's the perfect way of gaining reputation, getting answers and it's perfect to communicate with people I don't usually communicate with!
PayPal is used to send invoices and keeping track of sales and mostly incoming money. Whenever I'm launching a new product (mainly Ebooks), I also use JVZoo or W+ to keep track of sales too.
What about you?
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I use Dropbox for saving all my company work in.
Then I also use Jaaxy Keyword tool almost every day since I am always doing keyword research for my websites. I use Pixabay probably every day to find new stock images for my blogs. Canva is also essential so I can make all my stock images original and my own for my websites.
I am on SeoClerks usually every day. Umm what else? I use Aweber a lot, but possibly not every single day.
I use Wealthy Affiliate when I want to find out how to do something and I also network there a lot. Tools I use on a daily basis... ok well of course I open up all my own websites :) Then I use Pastel Online to keep track of all my income and expenses. I use Dropbox for saving all my company work in. Then I also use Jaaxy Keyword tool almost every day since I am always doing keyword research for my websites. I use Pixabay probably every day to find new stock images for my blogs. Canva is also essential so I can make all my stock images original and my own for my websites. I am on SeoClerks usually every day. Umm what else? I use Aweber a lot, but possibly not every single day. I use Wealthy Affiliate when I want to find out how to do something and I also network there a lot.
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