
Focusing on Just One Website as Opposed to Many

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Focusing on Just One Website as Opposed to Many

I just wanted to share that I am feeling so burnt out. It is not coming up with content ideas for my websites that tires me out, it is writing so much content on a constant basis that gets me.

It can really become quite overwhelming at times.

So I have decided to just concentrate on one website for now, I am going to put everything I have into my mommy blog for the next few months at least. I will write a new article once a month for my other two websites just to add something fesh every now and then.

Are there any other bloggers here that work blog on more than one website? How awesome it would be to combine all 3 into one website! But my 3 niches wouldn't fit goether.


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Lynne.. I can relate with you even though I don't even have a blog, (yet).
These last couple of months have been truly tiresome and I won't even mention these last few weeks. It's like a living hell.

I can't even imagine how you must feel with 3 different blogs, along with everything else you need to do. You're one crazy, amazing and wonderful person! - If you feel like taking a break, then I'm positive that you first of all, deserve it, but also that you've given this some serious thoughts.

Christmas is at our doorstep too, so now is probably the perfect time to reduce the work on two of your blogs. So just go for it, and I wish you the best of luck!

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Well you know Andre emotional stuff can be so tiring! Add in Christmas and everything can get a bit overwhelming. I know a little about what you are going through so I hope you manage to destress a little bit.

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Oh Lynne. I am in same trouble. Maintaining multiple website is really headache if you want to keep them in top shape. So most of my websites i turned into Seocleks affiliate stores, so it's all automated and i don't have to worry about.

Now i have another web2.0 website where other members adding / sharing their posts, so i don't have to worry about it too. But there is one website which i had to turn into multi-niche and multi-lingual. Ehhh I had to turn that website into multisite network so i can maintain different languages and different niches on different subfolders, instead of running separate websites. My main reason is that this domain is high authority and i want to boost it and keep it in good shape, but also there is nothing wrong for me to have multi-niche website. So all in all i made it little easier for me ;)

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I think you should focus on your best money blog. Focus on this, make money from this blog, and use a part of incom invest to others blog.

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Thanks for your input. Yes I am finding my mommy blog is really bringing in the money now which is awesome! I am just focusing there and I think I am going to do just what you suggest and invest my earnings into my other websites too.

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Well, I'm not necessarily a blogger, however I do own and operate 4 websites. I can imagine what it would be like for content creators to create content on a daily or weekly basis. Here's my issue:

I'm trying to handle 4 websites, in different niches. 2 websites are gaming based, 1 is CPA marketing based, and the other one is my PHP script marketplace. I have a hard time finding the time handle all 4 of those websites, do my freelancing on other sites, and house work. Sometimes I get so exhausted that I have to stop using the internet for a couple of days.

Thankfully Netflix exists, because i can chill and Netflix when I'm feeling too exhausted or feeling like everything is just gonna come down on top of me, it's quite tiring!

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Reading your post I can totally relate Everett. Imagine only being alone for 4 hours in the morning then having a five year old and a three year old with you for about 8 hours before you can put them to bed and pray that they stay there!

Funny you should say Netflix, today for the first time in months I just decided to take the day off and stream a series back to back. I usually just work flat out every moment I can get. This is the first time I am doing anything related to work. Its been all play for me. Even after picking up the kids, I put movies on for them and streamed in my bedroom. Oh what a relief right? I should do this more often LOL.

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Yes, it's a relief, but it does not last forever, no good thing ever does, it's impossible. The universe loves to do that to us, it takes away all the good things! Now, I do not know how I would survive if I had children. I often say this to you, I have NO idea how you do it. I would not have the time, nor the patience to raise 2 kids. I am 23, almost 24, and do not have any kids, and hopefully won't have any anytime soon..

And I love netflix, and binge watching, i'm addicted to it.. ugh!

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I found managing 2 websites is much more fruitful comparing to managing single or multiple sites. This may sound weird, but for me it always works.

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There is no doubt that 3 sites are a lot of work. I think that considering that you seem to be in love mostly with your mommy blog it is a good idea to focus your efforts mostly on it. The other sites can be updated with new content, but there is no need to see to it on a daily basis.

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They say you cannot travel in the ocean with two legs on two different boats. However, they also say don't put all of your eggs in one basket.
Don't go with what they say, instead what you like to do. Having just on website may be less demanding and you might be able to give your full time. However, you cannot cram everything in one website, you need different website for different niches.

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In any endeavor, it is better to be focused than to spread yourself thin, so to speak. It’s just like having one child versus many children. You can put all your attention on your child and can give him the best of everything that you can afford. Think if you have 5 children, how can you give them the best when you cannot even give them enough time. A website needs your full attention unless you have the budget to pay staff that will handle the operation. But if you are alone as the admin of your website then give it your full attention and focus.

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You have given a good example (one child vs, many children). However, you have to remember your website is not your child. your website is your business. Business means making money. You will earn more from many businesses than from one business. samsung has different models of handsets, why did not Samsung stay with one model. Because it will lose the market share. That's what happens with websites.

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I have also had similar experiences but with forums. I used to manage four last month but my time got less and I even got tired and coming up with ideas was hard. So this month I have been working on two forums and I feel relieved but they still need my time. I also feel I can handle them until my next holiday so I can go back to working on other sites like before.

I have also neglected my blog for a while but I will go back to it early next year.

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One of the problems associated with having more than one website/forum/blog is time management. Your blogs, websites and forums need time and if you do not have time your websites will be soon dead. If you do not have time, you need to have a budget to hire a moderator or manager. making your websites a success depends on number of things like SEO, internet marketing, social media branding, and building contents. For a single man, doing all of these things on multiple websites can be a lot of problem.

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