
How to find the most popular, most liked post on a Facebook page?

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How to find the most popular, most liked post on a Facebook page?

Hello all. Can anyone recommend a tool to me (whether online or software) that is able to show me what the most popular (most liked) posts on a Facebook page are?

I know SocialBreakers has this option but they only have a 14 day trial which is limited and wont go back to their very first posts. Also the pricing is quite high as well and seems overkill for what I need!

Does anyone know of any such free tools (online or software) or otherwise, that you're able to do this with? Something that you can put a FB page URL into and it then crawls that page and then counts how many likes, shares, comments etc each post has and then returns all the posts and their likes etc in table format?

Or is it just a case of having to do it all manually? The thing is with that option is that some pages literally have hundreds of posts that go back months, years even.

So to do that manually would take many many man hours and I don't have the time to do that. I guess I could get someone to do it for me but that could be quite pricey too for pages that have many many posts and it takes them a long time.

Plus there's a trust factor as well. You'd have to trust the results they tell you were right.

Anyway I hope you know what I'm on about!

Do you know of anything like that which can do that?




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How find most popular posts? ... Best tool ever for webmasters.

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Oh cool, if there is a tool I would be so keen to check it out! I have no idea what I would use it for but I would have fun LOL

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you can try

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I could write a tool like that in no time because i have a tool already that acts like a local proxy server but switches the upstream proxy and also the VPN based on the number of requests so that should get around any rate limits they use on the site but i am not sure what you would do with the information.

Once upon a time, years ago, i was scanning about a million sales a day from Ebay and the network could keep up with the work load and the CPU didn't get too warm but the amount of data was far too big for even a database and was written to four separate hard dives (NOT RAID ARRAY) that were arranged as a mega large index but they could not keep up so i had to give in after a few months

The reason i was doing this was because Ebay has many large gangs of people all selling each other penny items within the group but when you reported them to ebay it was you that got banned and not them and yes i know i am the antichrist here in this group.

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I don't know of any tool that can help one find the most liked post on a Facebook page. I think that would be exclusive to the page owners at the moment.

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It would be great if there's a free tool that can tell me the most popular post on a Facebook Page. That would save me a lot of time in looking for a target post to comment in.

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I don’t think there is a Facebook tool that can help you with your need to see the most popular Facebook Page. Maybe what you can do is to make an internal search of the niche that you are looking for so that you can get a list of the most popular in the particular niche. But for a general list of popular Facebook Pages I don’t think you can be given that list by Facebook. How about Google, have you tried it?

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