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We all have people we admire and read that are deemed influencers or gurus when it comes to anything online marketing.
Sure many of you may say most gurus out there are all talk and no substance, that they most likely are always trying to sell you on something.
The truth is somewhere in the middle, sure most of them have a personal agenda and in essence want to make money out of their popularity. But a lot of things the are doing and saying can be very important to anyone that want to stay on top with everything new that comes and develops in the online marketing arena. Point if you can learn a lot from such gurus or influencers.
I'll list below 10 of them I find the most relevant and worth reading, keep in mind this top comes from my personal views and opinions, I have no hidden agenda on promoting certain people in front of others.
1. Rand Fishkin - this is my number guy, possible because he tends to focus more on SEO and has been around for a long time and has a fast experience in anything SEO. But I also like the guy on a personal level, he usually has clear and simple to understand statements and I totally recommend you watch his video content named "White Board Fridays" on Moz blog.
2. Larry Kim
3. Jay Baer
4. Matt Cutts
5. Neil Patel
6. Guy Kawasaki
7. Jeff Bullas
8. Ann Handley
9. Seth Godin
10. Avinash Kaushik
Which are your most important influencers on your list?
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However I quite like Pat Flynn. I first came across him over a year ago when I was trying to figure out how to write my first ebook to give away on my website and I just didn't know where to start. I downloaded his free ebook on how to write an ebook.
I liked the way he explained things. It was so simple and easy to understand, so it really helped me get started. Well I do most of my learning here to be honest! However I quite like Pat Flynn. I first came across him over a year ago when I was trying to figure out how to write my first ebook to give away on my website and I just didn't know where to start. I downloaded his free ebook on how to write an ebook. I liked the way he explained things. It was so simple and easy to understand, so it really helped me get started.
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