
Create Online Courses and Earn at Udemy?

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Create Online Courses and Earn at Udemy?

I have just come across a really cool website called Udemy. Have you heard of Udemy?

It is a website where you can create training courses in any niche really and then make money from people that find your courses on their website, or you can earn even more by promoting your own courses to your readers on your websites.

This looks like it will be an awesome way to create courses and sell them online.

There is no cost to join but you do need to apply to be a premium instructor to charge for your course which makes sense.

What do you think?


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Udemy is great, my manager is making a lot of money by uploading courses there, he puts a lot of work into his courses and also haves a very good spoken English. This is where the deal ends for me, I'm not the best English speaker in the world and I think I may have a heavy accent which it isn't sexy at all. I have to work a lot on my spoken English, all I need is practice.

Maybe I do need to make some videos, sure I'll sound like a foul at first but maybe I'll improve with time. I always wanted to have an English-based YouTube channel on something....

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What do you mean an accent is not sexy? I love accents,all accents!

Thanks for the feedback on your manager, that is awesome to know that you've seen firsthand that it can be profitable.

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Oh yeah Udemy is very cool and popular website where you can learn many things or even become instructor and earn money. I actually don't visit it very often but on few occasions i found some very informative and interesting free tutorials. Though i never used paid tutorials but i believe they worth the money you could spend there because it's not just some crap to watch and listed but really high tech tutorials for many niches.
For those who have good knowledge to share and time to make these tutorials, it's surely good place to earn some money even if you sell just one or few tutorials with quality knowledge shared in it.

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Thanks for the feedback Abid. I have been thinking of creating a course on blogging but I wasn't too sure how to go about it. This would really close so many of the gaps for me, the things I was worried about. Plus then I also have the chance of making more sales directly through their website too which is great.

I can't believe my luck finding that website.

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I need to make a course about Bitcoin and other crypto currencies! This could explode with everyone trying to invest rite now. I am going to Google them now and check it out thank you so much. I love this idea and im so glad you took the time to write about it. I need to find a writer who is better than me so that i can put some really good stuff together man this could be a good investment of my time. The best part about this is that its FREE to sign up wonderful for testing the waters and trying new things.

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Yes isn't it great! I only found out about it today Jkeyz2, and every time I find something awesome I come here and share about it. I hope you manage to make some money from this, it really is a cool opportunity.

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Never heard of them before. Typically I'm the type that doesn't have the time to take any courses, or to even sit down and go through an entire course. I probably would not pay for the premium courses, as you can find a lot of information on the internet for free these days. Why pay for a premium course, when I can get the same information, if not better from another source online?

Now, if I was in the market to be buying some courses to get a little education, and knowledge would I try Udemy? Probably, why not? If it works for you then go for it. I like how they offer you the ability to sell courses, this is really neat. I wonder if they take a cut of the sales price? I mean they probably take a cut of something if they offer for you to sell them, right?

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Everett I am so with you, I don't think I will be paying for courses there, but please note that they do offer free courses too which I have heard are also really good.

If you become a creator there you get 100% of the sales from the people you send there directly through a coupon or special link.. or something like that. But if people buy the courses you have created from finding them through the search at Udemy then you only get 50% of each sale.

You can also just become a Udemy affiliate and make money promoting other people's courses.

So all in all it looks like a pretty cool platform.

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Ah, 50% commissions even if you created the course? Wow, 50% is not a lot. That, to me, feels like a greedy action on Udemy's part. I can understand a 30 or even 40% site commission but 50%, holy! If I was a course creator, I would not stick with Udemy, if fact, I would just create my own online course website to sell courses, or a course marketplace of sorts. I like commissions to be worth it for a creator, would you create a lengthy course knowing you'll only make 50% commission from the sale? I would create courses if the commission was either 40% or less. Meaning the site takes 40%, and the creator gets 60%.. that seems to be good.

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Yeah true, but I am thinking only in the light of the people that I personally send there myself. I would get 100% then Create Online Courses and Earn at Udemy? Anything else I would consider a bonus.

So how would you then create and sell a course Everett? Do you have a better place that will provide me with all the tools I could ever need to create an online course easily?

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Yeah, I've heard about Udemy. I've never used it myself though. However, I found it when I bought a product actually.. Because the author of the product sold a course that was offered for free on Udemy. By someone else. So it wasn't even his own product. LOL!

And yeah. I requested a refund within 2 seconds after I found out about it. Create Online Courses and Earn at Udemy?

That being said, I think Udemy could be really cool. As a seller (coach, teacher or whatever you're called). But I think you'll have to offer tons of things for free, to build reputation and all that, just like you would have to do on SC or any other marketplace out there.

I think it's hard to compete against established people who already offers lessons for money, so you'll have to work hard and beat your competitors with free content for starters. - When you've done that. Then you'll be able to make tons of cash.

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Yes perhaps, but I think the whole thing is to not rely on making sales through people finding you through the website. I would send people to my courses from my websites since I already have a level of trust with my readers.

I totally agree with you that it will be so tough to compete against all the people that are already selling courses there.

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I think they need better voice quality. And I had issues with that while publishing the videos. You can see that some of the videos that gets the approval from the udemy directors who manage the community. It can be possible that you may get it from outsourced way. And that also works out for promotion. Udemy is a good place to have your content hosted. It may not earn much but it is definitely a good place to learn things and skills.

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I have attended a couple of courses on Udemy and I think Udemy is a great platform to learn skills. I have heard that you can earn money by developing a course and selling on Udemy, however, I am yet to try this. I think developing a course is not an easy job because you will have to write course materials as well as create videos.

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