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Dear Freelancers. Full time, part time and for all of you who's working extra online to make some extra pocket money..
- When do you think you should quit your 9-5 job and become a full time freelancer?
For me, the answer was actually rather easy. I started out online in the same way as most others. I was searching for a way to fill my pockets with some extra money.
Nothing much for starters. A few dollars would've been nice.
I don't think I've published anything similar before, even though it actually feels like I've been telling this story before.. - Anyhow, I hope you haven't heard this exact thing at least, and I hope we'll be able to touch on new grounds with this one.
At some point, I realized that I was actually good at doing what I did, and shortly, I also noticed that the few extra dollars I was looking for.. They came, but all these dollars were rushing their way into my pockets.. Like a flood.
- During the same time. I lost my job.
So it was never a choice for me really. I just decided to continue doing what I did and I decided to stop looking for another 9-5 job.
Do I regret my decision? - Yes I do. In fact, probably a handful of times per month.
Do I regret that I didn't get a 9-5 job again? - No. Not in a million years.
Listen, guys, Freelancing ain't easy. It's easy to become a freelancer but it's harder to stay as one. It takes tons of effort. Endless of work hours. You're your own boss. You are the one to blame if you can't make enough money to pay your bills in the long run.
You can't point fingers towards a colleague and tell them that this is their fault. None of that exist in this world. Not like that at all. - You are alone and you work for yourself.
Anyhow, some people doesn't dare to quit their 9-5 jobs and others seems to do it as soon as they've made an easy $1000 month online..
When would you quit your 9-5 job? - When did you quit your 9-5 job? - Do you regret it?
Best Regards,
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I am a blogger. I like the fact that I can't point fingers at anyone else when I make a mess of something because you know what? I do the job better than anyone else would. I was so sick and tired of other people messing me around, or putting all my hard work to line someone else's pockets.
Yes I work really hard, but everything I do is for me alone. Nice topic Andre. I agree with you that freelancing is not easy. I am not sure if I am classified as a freelancer though? I am not exactly a seller here, yes I sell some services sure.. but this is not my main income by a long shot at all. I am a blogger. I like the fact that I can't point fingers at anyone else when I make a mess of something because you know what? I do the job better than anyone else would. I was so sick and tired of other people messing me around, or putting all my hard work to line someone else's pockets. Yes I work really hard, but everything I do is for me alone.
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