
How to Featured a service

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How to Featured a service

I want to know how to featured a service. I want to highlight my service. anyone can help me highlight my service.


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Hi clintonbhowmik thanks for your interest regarding SEOclerks featured service. It is really great decision to make service featured. Hope you will get good sale after making it. Which type of service and what kind of featured do you want to purchase. Because, SEOclerks provides 2 type of featured one permanent featured and another category featured for 31 days. And at the same time you can make highlight of your featured or you can just make service highlight. Both should be beneficial of your service and you can make some good sell. Just go to here:
and for hightlight:

Let me know if you need any more help.

Regards by Ajlancer

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Hi clintonbhowmik,

If you would like to feature your service in the category your service is in, then you can check this out: and this only costs $50. You can also highlight your service making it more visible for only $19 and you can buy it here: . You can also get a permanent home page feature here: This is currently out of stock but this is the most useful because it features in the homepage of SEO Clerks as well as the top of the category page. If you are interested, then you should keep an eye on the homepage feature so you can order when there is stock. Since this only has a limited number of stock, it also means your service will be viewed more often on the homepage.

You can also go to a service and at the left side, you can see options to the links I mentioned:
How to Featured a service
Hope this helps and let us know if you have any questions.

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