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Everyone knows that you're suppose to optimize all of your main pages and sub pages, but a lot of people leave out their terms of service page, privacy policy page, contact us page, etc.
These pages are just as good as your other pages and need to be shown some love as well. Don't treat them like a red headed step child and ignore them over time.
When you optimize your odd pages, the ones that people usually ignore, you can do it just like any other page. Focus on the title of the page and be sure to get your keyword and domain in there so it looks legitimate. You don't want to have it just say "Privacy Policy - SEO Marketplace" You'll want it to be more along the lines of "SeoClerks SEO Marketplace - Privacy Policy" that's if you're the owner of SeoClerks, but I think you'll get the idea
You can also target the description of your pages, and again, optimize them just like a normal page and get your keyword(s) into the text so that the search engines know what your website is about.
The content of your odd ball pages will be a little trickier because you'll obviously have specific information on the terms of service and privacy pages, but if it's in text form it can be optimized Not many people optimize the content on the terms and privacy page, but don't let that stop you. Take your time and write up your pages, then go back in and optimize them. Don't focus on the optimization of the pages in the beginning, I've learned that it's easier to do these pages after you already have the content written down.
For a page like your "Contact Us" you can put a small article in there that goes over what you're website is about and how quick it will be before you reply to the person. Again, remember to get some keywords in there
Be sure that you're under 5% keyword density whenever you're optimizing content. Some people will say it doesn't matter, but those are probably the people who havne't ranked for a keyword that gets 300k searches per month
Well, those are just some basic tips that people look over all the time. Try not to be one of those people
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But when it comes to terms of service page and privacy policy page I don't see much relevance here, is not like you are going to rank for certain keywords WITH these pages. Never the less I implement custom titles tags and meta description, but I don't optimize the content, most of the time for new websites Google will not even index these pages as they aren't too important from an SERPs point of view. Having them in your footer is enough in my opinion. I found Contact Us and About Us pages hugely important and I put a lot of accent into doing a proper optimization for them with good content, custom title tags, meta description, headings, including them in the sitemap etc. But when it comes to terms of service page and privacy policy page I don't see much relevance here, is not like you are going to rank for certain keywords WITH these pages. Never the less I implement custom titles tags and meta description, but I don't optimize the content, most of the time for new websites Google will not even index these pages as they aren't too important from an SERPs point of view. Having them in your footer is enough in my opinion.
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