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This post was inspired by a few discussions I’ve had with some freelancers recently.
There are loads of different types of people in the world. I am going to focus on people that I believe have the entrepreneur mindset.
That would be me and a lot of the freelancers here. Why are you freelancing? Yes maybe some of you haven’t been able to find a job and you are grasping at straws desperate to get some money… but a lot of freelancers have chosen to be here simply because they don’t want to work for anyone else even if they can.
In my life I have come across lots of people that I call takers. There is one thing I really don’t like and that is someone that just takes and takes without giving anything back. Usually this type of person believes that the world owes them something. They should be successful and they feel they should be.
Entrepreneur mindset people are not takers, well not from other people anyway. They go out into the world and they carve out their own little space for themselves. They work hard, they work crazy hours and they try all sorts of things until they get what they want.
If you are this type of person you need to find more people like you!
Here’s why I say this. Since joining this community I have found entrepreneur type freelancers that are true givers.
They give ideas, they share their knowledge and their creativity and when another entrepreneur type of person needs support or advice they give it and lift that person up.
For me this means I have been inspired by others creativity and knowledge to work harder, to be better and to try out crazy ideas that just might work.
Thank you to all the givers.
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