
apart from Freelancing; What other working method to earn income online?

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apart from Freelancing; What other working method to earn income online?

apart from Freelancing; What other working method to earn income online in this ending 2016 that don't include investment?? that is not a get rich quick rich scam


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It all depends on what skills you have. You can try to diversify and to become knowledgeable so as to offer more services, most of which you are going to find on this marketplace. Take a look at the categories available and you might be able to get some ideas. I think there is no need to look any further as Seoclerks and the other sites available from ionicware can pretty much offer you a good platform to reach out to prospective buyers. The more competitive you are and the better quality you offer, the more you are going to build your reputation and earn more.

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Depend what you are cappable to do. There is many ways to earn money online. Like use Adsense ads on your blog. Probably sell some handmade products on ListingDock or Etsy. Sell domain names or developed websites on Flippa or similar marketplaces. Buy cheap on eBay and sell on Amazon. List is simply endless, just use your imagination.

Beside many other things, this is what i done so far: Earn more money from SEOClerks earnings

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Well, I like to develop sites and cash in on packages that the site sells. For instance, I have a game that I am currently working on, and so far I have sold 2 packages totalling $8 USD. The amount seems small, but the site at that time had under 100 users on it, and only like 5 daily active users, so that's actually good. The site made $8 USD in it's first 21 days. The site doesn't have any backlinks, much traffic, but it has these earning capabilities:
  • Offerwalls ~ Users can complete offers to gain in game currencies, this basically is pure profit for me since i am not paying my users to play the game, or paying anyone to market, or do SEO for me
  • Advertisements ~ The website has 2 ad spots, in which i have an advertising platform active running on it.
  • Packages ~ As I already said, i made $8 USD already from the sale of in game items.

The website also has a referral program, so the game users can give their referral links to their friends, or post on another website and this would bring in more players, and I'll get even more earnings.

Basically the oppertunities to earn money from a website are virtually endless. You just have to have a business plan, a solid business plan. You have to know what your customers/viewers want, and supply that for them.

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Apart from Freelancing..? - This was pretty interested actually. Thank you for asking this question the way you did!

I personally think of Freelancing as something I do being my own boss. On SEOClerks, I am freelancing, even though I haven't sold services for quite some time. That being said, I would also say that I'm freelancing whenever I'm writing ebooks, as these ebooks are being published and offered for clients to purchase.

However, I would definitely be freelancing even if I wrote content for a blog or if I sold website designs too. - Just like you're a freelancer if you provide social media services or logo designs.

When you think about it, the possibilities are in fact endless in terms of being a freelancer.

Thank you for this question. I appreciate it!

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Creating and Managing an Online Store is another way of earning some online income, and it's not freelancing, it's an online business.

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Writing your own books is kind freelancing. You are certainly working for yourself and free to do whatever you like which I enjoy. I prefer things where I can decide what I want to do and have the freedom to be creative and ebooks offers me all of this!

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Apart from freelancing, I am also trying to make money by earning revenue from my blogs and selling products on my ecommerce sites. However, at this moment, nothing except freelancing is working. I am earning well from freelancing, but freelancing is a tiring work, you will stop earning once if you stop applying form freelancing jobs or selling your services. I am trying to develop residual income so that don't have to work every day.

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There are a load of scams out there aren't there? It really is so disheartening searching to find something online and all that happens is you find every scam under the sun and nothing that really works!

I am a blogger and there is good money to be earned once your blog is established. I actually have 3 blogs and each one earns me an income. Youtube is also cool, I earn a little money from Youtube and next year I am going to work on making that little side income into a nice big portion of my income apart from Freelancing; What other working method to earn income online?

I earn from so many ways and it is loads of fun, so I'll list some of them here for you:
  • ??Paid product reviews and sponsored posts on my mommy blog (where companies pay me to review their product or write an article about their company)
  • Affiliate marketing - I am affiliated with loads of websites like Amazon and also SeoClerks. This brings in some nice extra income for me every month
  • Youtube videos - not only do I earn some money from Youtube but I also have an opportunity to throw in an affiliate link or links to my blog!
  • Webfluential - once you have built up your social networks check them out... a month ago I got paid $230 to send out 3 posts on my Facebook page and 3 Tweets. I kid you not!
  • Paid guest posts - yes people are paying me to publish their guest posts
  • Creating and selling digital products.. ok I should say product no products! I created an ebook and I am selling it!

Once you have a website you can do so much with it, why do you think there is such a huge market for SEO services!

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I am currently doing a few things to make money online. I started a Crypto currency mining operation along with a trading business. Anything involving the crypto industry rite now is HOT. Bitcoin is really opening peoples eyes all across the world to the value of decentralized currency. Starting a mining operation is time consuming and expensive but once its up and running it takes no time at all to maintain. Trading crypto currency is an all day thing and it helps if you can trade from your phone. Everyone here has given you many great ideas to go by so you should be all set! I hope my answer helped you out! Thank you for sharing this topic. Have a Nice Day!

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I am a part of 2 paid to chat communities. One of them is my favourite. All you need to earn your cents is just post interesting discussions and chat with members of the community. Earnings are very small, but people are very friendly there. That is what I do in my spare time, hanging out there and keep chatting ).

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It largely depends on your skills set. Have you tried Dropshipping? Seems to be the new thing in town these days. You can also try other e-commerce sites like Etsy and Teespring.

Posting on forums is also a good way to earn online.

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Mini importation, buying and selling websites, buying cheap and selling on Amazon, eBay and other online markets are some other ways to make money aside freelancing.
But one thing is my country does not provide much favourable grounds for these opportunities.

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When you say freelancing, what kind of freelancing are you referring? Do you mean to say freelance writing? One of the easiest ways to make money without any investment is by working as an affiliate marketer. You don't need money to promote affiliate products. However, you will make money if you are able to refer buyers to your affiliate networks. You can try dropshipping. You need a website to start dropshipping business, which require money (to set up a website), however, you can do dropshipping on ebay for free. All you have to do is create ebay store and promote affiliate products. You can also sell your skills, which actually don't require any monetary investment.

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I don’t know if blogging is considered freelancing but it’s one way of earning good money if your blog gets a good number of traffic. I have a full time job now and my freelancing is just part time. But my plan for retirement is to have a blog or 2 that can provide for my livelihood. I know of some bloggers who are rich now with high income from their blogs. I like to be like them so I am preparing for that as early as now.

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I agree that people earn good income from their blogs. However this is not an easy or fast way to earn money. It takes time you have to nurture your blog like a child and find an audience. You then need to keep an audience until it reaches the level to trust you enough to trust your recommendations on products. If you get your blog right this becomes a passive income and in my opinion your are financially set. You can then make as many blogs as you can manage. You can also sell them for a huge profit.

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I have to say next to freelancing, Blogging and Vlogging is the second best source of income online. It opens a lot of doors that can be financially rewarding and you can also do on-site monetization.

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