
Why I love the freelance life

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Why I love the freelance life

I do earn a living wage from freelancing. Simply put, it is a business that takes work because you are your own boss and are responsible for all aspects of business.

A full time freelancers survival rests completely on their shoulders and is no different than if they were to open a local brick and mortar business.

Actually, freelancing offers you a huge reduction in overhead costs because you don't have to work out of a traditional office space. Here in the USA quality office space can cost upwards of 23 dollars a foot, not including heat, light, phone, insurance and more.

Freelancing allows many to keep their day jobs while earn what I call fun money. How much fun money a person wants is relegated to how hard they want to work.


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I believe it was Napoleon Hill that said: "If you can conceive it, and you can believe it, you can achieve it."

And you have an excellent point in your post. I do love freelancing and I've been a full time freelancer for about 5 years in total now. However, even though I am my own boss, charging people whatever rates I believe I'm worth and even if I could potentially take breaks or a day off whenever I wanted too, it's not an easy task being a freelancer. I've said it hundreds of times before and I'll say it one more time. It's easy to become a full time freelancer but it's hard to be a full time freelancer.

I have made my fair share of mistakes and I've been on a bumpy road during my online career, but I've managed to avoid drowning. I'm still here. Working. Often 12+ hours a day, and normally without any proper breaks.. So I do work hard. And I don't earn millions like newcomers somehow seems to believe that freelancers does. Most freelancers doesn't make enough to live off of it. Some freelancers can make a living and a handful of freelancers can generate insane amounts of money. It's the reality but I'm totally okay with that because I love what I do.

Thanks for sharing!

Best Regards,

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Work hard and play hard! That is my motto. Oh, yeah love what you do! Just like you said. Why I love the freelance life

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Being a freelancer has various advantages, especially the fact that you do not have to waste time in traffic to get to work, or fuel costs, or rent out an office, or invest too heavily in clothing and accessories as you can practically work in your pajamas since you are at home. You are your own boss and you can work out your schedule. However, there are also the cons about freelancing. I have discovered that the main drawback is that you need to work very hard to keep up with work and make sure you remain competitive. And doing so is not easy you know.

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I still don't understand why, in todays time people still commute to work when all they do is push paper, answer phones etc.. All this could be done in an in home office. Not very green for the planet if you ask me.

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Freelancing has the following pros:

working anytime you feel like

It doesn't cost money to start working

you don't really need an interview to start working

you don't need to leave your house.

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Glad to hear your story Why I love the freelance life I am also full time freelancer and i love doing it. It's not easy but, previously i was in few different types of own businesses and nothing is easy. Every job have it's own difficulties and good results. Depend how you approach it and how hard you want to fight for your dram to come trough. So... Freelancing is still OK and much less stress then if you running coffee bar or grocery store and i enjoy being freelancer and work from home Why I love the freelance life

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Anything worth making serious money takes hard work. There are no free lunches in business. Never has been and never will be.

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I have to say that I am enjoy freelancing here, and I can now actually say that I am an SEO freelancer now since I got my first proper SEO job here on SeoClerks yesterday. Yes I've sold the odd small service here over the last few months but I wouldn't call the income from that substantial until now.

I can now say I am a part time SEO freelancer which is quite cool.

Other than providing some SEO services here, my main work is blogging and affiliate marketing. I have a few websites that I blog on.

Yes there are some down sides to working for myself, but the freelance lifestyle really appeals to me. I am a mom and I love being able to fit my work around my family needs. I am able to have my young children at home with me in the afternoons. If they are ill or need me I can be there for them.

This means the world to me, so yes I also love the freelance lifestyle too!

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Lifestyle Freedom! There is nothing like it!
BTW: All of your blogs are really awesome and a great inspiring read! I feel like I know you even though we are thousands of mile apart and have never met. Keep up the great work!

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Thank you! I work really hard on them and I am so glad you like them Why I love the freelance life

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I love working for myself and making money, i just wish this was play money for me as well. Things can be rough running your own business because nothing is guaranteed and someone can just come and take it all away from you in a matter of months. We should change the name from freelancing to survival of the fittest. Im not complaining because id rather be scraping by and having more time with my kids than a ton of money and no time with my family. Working from home is a privilege not everyone gets and i realize that and im grateful. Webguy we need some kind of partnership going on between us. I am a hard worker and i learn fast anything we can do to make us both more money lets do it. Anyone here that wants to be partner freelancers lets chop it up and discuss how we can benefit each other. Awesome topic man thank you for sharing!

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Contact me via PM. I am happy to help and offer knowledge any way that I can. This offer is open to all members of Seoclerks or the associated affiliate store owners that would like to work as a team. Power in numbers Right?

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Exactly im glad we are on the same page boss. I will message you now. Thank You!

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That is one good thing about freelancing which makes it an awesome way to save money away from what you earn from doing your daily jobs at the office. Sometimes, I always think about what I should have achieved if I became a freelancer long time ago for this is such an exciting way to earn money while working at the office as well.

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To be candid, I am aspiring to be a freelancer in the future to take care of our household budget. When I retire from my job 5 years from now, I am hoping that I have enough training in freelancing. That I would be a good writer is my goal. That's nice to imagine that I would be doing work at home and earn enough for our expenses.

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