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Block chain technology is taking over the world. This is becoming more evident every month that passes by. Bitcoin is only a very small part of what this tech can do for the world. Africa has already put their entire countries currency on the Block Chain and they continue to grow. China has put their entire social security system on the Block Chain and now Ukraine is following closely behind. They just recently announced that they are going digital with their countries currency. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? It all depends on whether you like privacy or not.
When you make currency digital it allows the government to monitor every account, and freeze or unfreeze your account at any given moment within seconds. Just because a currency or country goes digital does this mean Bitcoin and alt currencies will be replaced? This is a long shot for sure! Everyone is moving towards Bitcoin and other currencies because they cannot be controlled in the way i just mentioned above. I think countries moving towards the Block Chain just shows how important it really is. What do you guys think? Will all money be digital soon?
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I think it is becoming very clear that the move towards a digital currency is very much happening right now and I am sure this trend will continue until it goes worldwide.
I think Bitcoin will still be around for a long time to come. Oh wow, that is interesting. I am just wondering why someone's digital currency would be frozen? Would that be like in the case of a fraud investigation or maybe tax evasion or something like that? I think it is becoming very clear that the move towards a digital currency is very much happening right now and I am sure this trend will continue until it goes worldwide. I think Bitcoin will still be around for a long time to come.
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