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An email scraper could be a simple script or software that is built to collect email addresses online from any kind of url without having to visit them manually. With that being said, these softwares can scrape only email addresses which are written in text form in your website. For example if your email address is located somewhere to your website it means that your email address is vulnerable to these email scrapers so in short it means that your email can be easily scraped and spammed from spammers.
But like i said these softwares can scrape only text, and that it's a good thing because it gives us a chance to protect our email from being scraped. There are many ways to protect your email from these softwares, I'll mention some of the most effective techniques below.
1. Add your email address as an image to your website, forget the simple text , what you have to do is that simply create an image with your email address on it, and place it to your website.
2.Update frequently your website source code, now that is very important because these softwares works through an algorithm that is based on your site source code, you need only to change your html class and some id of the location where your email address is.
3.Encode your email address manually in this way : myemail{at}myemail[dot]com, most of these softwares can't scrape emails that are written in this form.
4.Encode your email address via some online email encoders, there are plenty of free online tools that you can use to encode your email address.
5.Setup reCAPTCHA for your website, cpatcha's are a very effective method to stop any kind of bot from scraping and visiting your website. reCAPTCHA is a free service offered by Google.
Thank you for reading!
Hope this helps!
Best regards,
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Is there any way for the content scrapers to get my email if it is not viewable on my website?
I get quite a lot of spam which I find quite annoying. I am constantly unsubscribing from newsletters and a lot of the spam doesn't have an unsubscribe option which I guess is probably typical. If they are going to spam you why have an unsubscribe option right?
What can you do with emails sent without you signing up? Like can you send them to a site that reports those email address for example? Oh thank you Procoder, when Anwebservices redid my website he removed my email address from my contact page and put in a contact form instead. I guess this would be a much better way of doing it right? Is there any way for the content scrapers to get my email if it is not viewable on my website? I get quite a lot of spam which I find quite annoying. I am constantly unsubscribing from newsletters and a lot of the spam doesn't have an unsubscribe option which I guess is probably typical. If they are going to spam you why have an unsubscribe option right? What can you do with emails sent without you signing up? Like can you send them to a site that reports those email address for example?
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