
New Withdrawal Method - Hyperwallet!

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New Withdrawal Method - Hyperwallet!

We've teamed up with Hyperwallet/Paylution to offer a new withdrawal method: ACH and wire transfers directly to your bank account.

Setting up your Hyperwallet/Paylution account is as easy as clicking the setup button and you can begin withdrawing using the new method immediately.

The new method is already available to be setup from your settings area and available for withdrawal in the balance area.

If your country is not listed, we can request that your country be added with enough demand.

Setup instructions:

Instruction Manuals:

Supported Countries:

Adding a bank account:


We are also working with Hyperwallet/Paylution to provide an Ionicware debit card for our users which will allow us to load their earnings directly to their card.

Let us know your thoughts, questions and concerns relating to the new withdrawal method.


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Another great news and I AM SO PROUD to be part of this great marketplace, once again for one more reason New Withdrawal Method - Hyperwallet!

THANK YOU Seoclerks for taking care of all your members. This is really great idea and as soon we get our own Ionicware debit cards it's going to be really really awesome!!!

I already set up my account and it was smooth after following simple instructions provided on listed links. But i will contact support desk to try get my country listed as well if possible.

Note to all members:
You can't withdraw to Hyperwallet less then $20 ;)


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Congrats to all SEOclerks staff for impending this new feature! Some buyers actually looked for a new withdrawing options for quite some time now and I look forwards of trying it myself.

I found my country on the list so there is nothing to worry about, glad I can now skip PayPal all together and just withdrawal everything directly in my credit card. Have to say I find the initial process rather complex but that's only because I've grown so familiar with PayPal and I never actually interacted with Hyperwallet before.

Cheers and thanks again for the constant improvements we are getting!

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Great news I will Try.
Thank you seoclerk

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Congratulations! Personally i won't be using it, but once you partner with them to get me a card branded by Ionicware i will be jumping in!

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That's some great news. I have seen several discussions requesting additional payment methods, so this is going to be a good advancement. Unfortunately my country is not listed, and I hope that in the future it will be available. I love the idea of a debit card as it could render things much easier and more straightforward.

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Amazing feature Hope it will be helpful for lot of buyers and sellers Kudos SEOClerk

Just wondering Paypal take 1 - 3 days to send money to bank account And will be absolutely grateful if Hyperwallet send money within 24 hours after withdraw request Anyway great to receive money directly to bank account New Withdrawal Method - Hyperwallet!

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According to my understanding, this hasn't been proven to be the case yet. - I would love to see withdrawals being made faster and I would totally LOVE to get the funds to my bank account within 24 hours instead of the usual 2-3 business days.

Hopefully people will try this out and come back with feedback New Withdrawal Method - Hyperwallet!

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Yes I certainly want to try it out, however for smaller withdrawals I will be paying $3 per withdrawal which is much more than I would normally pay.... but if I let my money build up a little it will certainly be much more worth it to get it faster.

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This is very awesome and hopefully those of you who have been requesting another withdraw method other than Paypal, Payoneer or Payza can use the new hyperwallet withdrawal method.

I'm not so sure that I will be using Hyperwallet, since I can virtually use Paypal anywhere, so that is what I'm using mostly now. However, if I stopped using paypal for whatever reason than you can be assured that i would use hyperwallet. I love the fact that they allow direct deposit into your bank account, completely bypassing other methods like paypal, you have to deposit into account and then make a withdrawal request into your bank account.

Way to go Ionicware, keep up with the nice features New Withdrawal Method - Hyperwallet!

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This is a great addition to the marketplace and came just in time for me.
Paypal have locked my account for a second time in less than 2 months now. Absolutely sick of them to be honest- last time it took me 2 weeks to resolve the case (they randomly froze my account ...apparently)
I'll be interested to see how fast their transfers are...Thailand banks can be a bit slow!
Anyway, great news. Thanks to the team at Ionicware!

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Oh geez are you still having issues with Paypal Barry? You are the first person I have spoken to that has had issues with Paypal and it makes me a little edgy since that is the way I get paid for all USD payments!

Have you tried out the Hyperwallet withdrawal yet Barry? I want to give it a go soon, just wondering what your experience has been?

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Too many horrible stories with paypal my friend New Withdrawal Method - Hyperwallet!
I was victim of fraudulent chargebacks that unscrupulous buyers did to me, it's painful!!!
The situation is slowly changing, but unfortunately they are still the monopoly...

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You are not the only one... I have read horrible stories about them!...
It's really scary! If they did that to an seo famous guy, what can happen to a regular Joe like myself?
Btw how did you solve the problem?

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Not liked it at all as transfer fee is high...if bitcoin and skrill was added it will be great...

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If you haven't done so already, please start a new discussion to rally support for this idea. Thanks.

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i already did one 3 months back but i will start again today

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Bitcoin is needed method. It is now the most relevant.

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Yes i agree with you. Bitcoin is now the most relevant.

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So far as I know, the idea of Bitcoin withdrawal has been considered. If it were feasible, then it would be implemented.

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This is awesome i think this will be beneficial for everyone. I hate to say this but i get tired of Paypal, money direct into my bank sounds incredible. The links that you provided give a detailed instructions on exactly what you need to do. Another innovation from Seoclerks by being as user friendly as possible, bravo. You would think that dealing with international banks would be a large and difficult task but this looks easy! From a business stand point this is critical for successful business operation. I may try this soon and see how it goes. Thank you for sharing!

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So so good to hear about this new feature but my question is this; is this new payment option globally accepted and a popular means of payment just like paypal, payoneer etc. Maybe or maybe not. but my joy will be complete is PAYZA is added to this site as a form of payment and withdrawal as many buyers and sellers has clamor for it. GOOD JOB TO THE SEOCLERKS STAFF FOR THIS anyway as it will be beneficial to those who can access it.

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Fantastic news as always! - I'm a proud member of the best marketplace in the world. Even though all of this sounds amazing and great, I still wonder one thing.

It seems like the actual withdrawals takes 2-3 business days, which would be the exact same time it takes me to get funds from SC to Paypal and from Paypal to my bank account.
We are also working with Hyperwallet/Paylution to provide an Ionicware debit card for our users which will allow us to load their earnings directly to their card.

Is that something that might change this? - That will make the withdrawals faster I mean.

Best Regards,

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This is Great Withdrawal Method. I like Hyperwallet. It's great way For all country seller and buyer.
""?Bank ACH/Wire (Hyperwallet) $3 ACH/wire transfer fee, 5-10 day wait""
Every parson ?Signup for Hyperwallet/Paylution and enjoy the method.


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Oh I am so chuffed because South Africa is one of the countries that is supported. I have to say well done SeoClerks for this because usually we are one of the last on the list when it comes to supported countries!

Mike thanks for all that additional information, I am sure to try this out. I am just wondering now if the time to withdraw is the time the money leaves SeoClerks or the time it clears in our bank account?

Either way I am going to give this a go since it usually takes about 7 days for my money to clear in my account from Paypal and for some reason I have struggled to link Paypal to my business bank account. Or rather I half have! When I pay via Paypal the money gets deducted from my business bank account but when it gets paid in then it gets paid into my personal account which makes for a bookkeeping nightmare

Regarding the transfer fee well I get bank charges anyway from my bank when I cash out from Paypal to my bank account, so I am wondering how this will all work, whether my bank will also add on another charge?

I am itching to try this out, I just have one question though... if I set this up will this be my primary withdrawal method or can I choose at the time of withdrawal which payment method I prefer.

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When withdrawing from Paypal to the bank account / VISA it takes between 2 and 3 days for me. Maybe you could try asking Paypal why you are having to wait 7 days, although in the email they send when the withdrawal is made I believe that they state that it could even take 30 days.

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Yeah Mike, it really is annoying and it is probably due to some hold up from our country, being a third world country everything is just so slow. I am with the most advanced bank by far but perhaps our country is just too behind right now. Being able to withdraw almost instantly from Paypal to my bank would be a dream. It is such a pain trying to plan and budget when I have to wait 7 days LOL.

From SeoClerks to Paypal is quick as can be.

Ok thanks so much for answering my query about being able to choose a payment method!

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On many aspects, I always have heard that South Africa is one of most advanced third world countries, especially in Africa. But they do a great job here in seoclerks regarding transfer times. On some other marketplaces it can take up to almost 3 weeks to get your money on paypal...

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Yes I've heard.. I haven't withdrawn from any other marketplace, but I do think that it is really quick here New Withdrawal Method - Hyperwallet!

Yes South Africa is quite advanced for a third world country, but it is still a third world country!

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Its a Fantastic News for enabling a new payment method, Thank You so much Seoclerks team New Withdrawal Method - Hyperwallet!

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Very good looking forward to trying that out even tho for me paypal is still king I like to see other options as well!

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please added Indonesia to listed

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Very happy that finally paypal starts to get competition!
But don't be overexcited!...
I hope this is just the beggining. Way too many monopolies, or at most oligopolies of important companies on the internet!!!
Seoclerks gots credit for this awesome contribution New Withdrawal Method - Hyperwallet!

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Hi Bev thanks for your nice information regarding new payment system on SEOclerks. It is really wonderful for all freelancer who really want some alternative for payoneer, or paypal. Specially those countries still not support paypal or payoneer. And I am very glad to see as new payment method Hyperwallet supporting bank wire for most of the country from over the world. It is really amazing. But still I am concern regarding fee. On SEOclerks network it is show very little amount of fee for transfer to local bank, but when I am going to check on Hyperwallet account there show bank transfer fee $20. Is is still confusing to me. But no doubt about that fee never be going to compare with payoneer.

Lastly, I would like to say this new system will make great value on internet for lasting long on online as strong marketplace.

Jordan you and your team really awesome.

Regards by Ajlancer

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Hi AJLancer, I understand your concern. And, I checked on this matter. There is a higher bank transfer fee which is applicable for some areas. However, it is the same fee, whether you transfer $100 or $1000

Hopefully, this provides another option for those who can't use either Paypal or Payoneer for withdrawals.

I have used Hyperwallet and enjoyed the experience so far.

I'm hopeful for a debit card, so a transfer to bank won't be needed. I am assuming the card would be available for anyone with a Hyperwallet account and no or low fees to use.

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This is such an amazing alternative to PayPal! Hyperwallet is incredible and I recommend getting debit card for anyone who can. Thanks for sharing

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This is awesome, I was looking for different processer apart from paypal. Thanks for implementing it.

I also have one question, when payza withdrawl will be available?

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We have no ETA on when Payza will be available, but typically every few weeks.

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See as people are shouting bitcoin. I doubt if small businesses would adopt bitcoin this early. We the one's being paid would see it as an advantage but to small businesses, that is a huge turn off. The anonymity, how can you tell me that if I make payment, I can not trace or get it. What if the service you rendered is a plagiarised material, what if the products are fake, so the buyer cannot be refunded.

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