
How do I do SEO for a PDF and how do I add a PDF doc to my website?

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How do I do SEO for a PDF and how do I add a PDF doc to my website?

I have a few questions about adding PDF documents to my website.

Firstly what would be the benefits of adding pdf's to my website and under what conditions would I make use of this?

Then how exactly would I go about adding pdf's to my website? What is the process?

And lastly how would I SEO these pdf's?

I read something recently that said having searchable and ranked pdf's on my website can really help with rankings but I am a little confused as to why I would want to add pdf's to my website.

Why do people do this?


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Those adding PDF to thier site does so with the intent of giving it out as a free download to any visitor that visit thier site. for example , like giving away a free ebook that describes how to do something or that describes something. the thing here is that most do it with the intent of getting buyers or sales to thier product or service is they are offering any. its just like seoclerks staff giving out a free ebook download on how to boost traffic visitors to your site and inside the PDF, then include a link to seoclrks website; that is a good way of gaining traffic and sales. hope you get it?.

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Yes thank you Chetaseo. I love the idea of adding links to pdf's. I only learned about that when I wrote my first eBook and I added a few affiliate links to it.

You have just sparked off an idea for me now though. I could write something about off-page seo and yes how to boost traffic to your website... for my SeoClerks affiliate link, that you. That is a brilliant idea!

Is there any way to see how many people have downloaded your pdfs?

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There is also some WordPress plugins to turn every post / page of your blog into PDF file, so it may be another thing to implement on your website How do I do SEO for a PDF and how do I add a PDF doc to my website?

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Oohhhhh wow! And I suppose you can implement this for me How do I do SEO for a PDF and how do I add a PDF doc to my website? I can see how this would be amazing for my online marketing website..... hmm the brain is ticking over again!

I really must get to you soon about the website I need to launch for next year! Eeeekk.

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Do you want to publish your PDF as a webpage as Mike had explained or do you want people to just hit the download button after they submit their email to you or something?

I think you need to write an article about good books on addiction, make a keyword research on this micro niche, look for things that stand out, especially long tail keywords, implement and optimize everything in one landing page orientated towards SEO and offer the ebook as you ultimate click to action after getting their emails of course.

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