
A seller didn't send the Order

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A seller didn't send the Order

A seller didn't send me some Order and IT was shown as complete. But IT was Not complete. what can i do?


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Hello Lena96,
So you've paid for a service you didn't get?

The first thing you should do, is to contact the seller. Either directly using the inbox or within the order page. Just tell them that you didn't get what you've paid for or that the attached file isn't attached. - That usually solves the problem.

In case the seller doesn't respond to your message, or in case they refuse to deliver the file, or in case they claim the order to be completed and you know that it hasn't been completed, then you should contact the support.

Support: Help Desk

Best Regards,

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Hi Lena96
There are only two ways that an order can be marked as complete.

The first way is if the seller marks the order as delivered and then you check it and mark it as completed.

The second way is if the seller marks that order as delivered but the buyer does not mark the order as completed and does nothing. After 5 days the system then automatically marks the order as completed as the buyer has had 5 days to dispute the order with the seller and to contact support if necessary.

Have you discussed thus with the seller? I suggest you do this first and if you are still unsatisfied contact support.

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I contact the Support Service because the employee freelancer/seller didn't answer. and i cant reject it because IT was already complete

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Sellers on SEOClerks marketplace are not employees. We are all freelancers and each user are responsible for their own actions. I guess you mean seller and not employee? - However, if you've sent the support a ticket about this, they will look into it. Just give them some time and it will be solved shortly. A seller didn

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