
Freelancers: Do you have any medical insurance?

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Freelancers: Do you have any medical insurance?

Do you have any type of medical insurance? We as freelancers usually don't reap the benefits of a "real full time job" so we don't get vacation leave, medical, dental, or paid leave. So I'm wondering if you invest in any type of medical insurance policies.

Do you save up money in case you were to get ill, or if a family member were to get ill? I have experienced having no insurance and being sick, and lets just say that it was so costly but thankfully I had enough saved up but these savings came else where and not from my medical savings so that put a dent in my savings.

Have you looked into getting medical insurance while being a freelancer? If so, what type of insurance policies were you looking at, and how did it go? Also, don't think that you won't get sick, and therefore have no need to buy a medical insurance policy, I thought that too, and it back fired! Lol.


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Well the medical we can receive from our government here in South Africa is just not sufficient or good enough. Yes people that are unemployed get by, sure.

I wouldn't mind waiting for hours in a government hospital to be seen but I have kids!

Medical bills can be hectic and there are always unforseen expenses. A good example is my daughter landed up in hospital for a week when she was just 6 months old. We have full medical insurance for our family. That hospital stay cost us nothing extra because our medical insurance covered everything.

Yes we pay a lot every month for medical insurance but when you have kids it is the best way if you can afford it.

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Yes, I was a little concerned about creating this topic because of the freelancers out of my country which is the US. I think in the US you can be fined if you don't have medical insurance, I'm not sure of the fine but I think it's ridiculous nonetheless. A lot of countries actually have better health insurance than the US does. Here the health premiums are so very costly you're just better off to die, or get assistance by the government, seriously.

I think I may go through a government insurance policy, like Obamacare or something, but it still is very pricey. I was looking forward to getting health insurance, and called in to get more information about my coverage and how much the policy would be but they never called back which is very typical of them.

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Oh my gosh how can a person be fined if they don't have medical insurance? That is crazy!

Yes medical insurance is very costly, and while you are healthy it is a killer on finances... but then comes the day that you need it!

I had my tonsils removed last year and most of that was covered by my insurance in a private hospital. If I had not had medical insurance it would have cost me thousands!

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I have 2 types of medical insurance at the moment, one from the state because I'm a registered worker and I pay my taxes and a private one that is offer as a bonus by my company.
To be fair I didn't use the private one even though I have a full range of free medical options from doctors in all fields, its pretty cool actually.

Also, back when I was doing full time freelancing from home I used to pay my medical insurance myself from my own pocket to get public health insurance offered by the state.

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Lucky for you to have two types of medical insurances. I have zero medical insurance policies. I think the only medical insurance policy from the state I can get would be Obamacare, but I'm not so certain if I am covered by that because of my earnings margin. I think you can only earn so much, same with the Medicaid policy as well, that cap is around $1,306 USD per month. If you make less $1,306 USD per month than you can be covered by Medicaid which is through the local government. However, if you make more I believe you can look into Obamacare, or you'll have to pay premiums for another private insurance policy. It's all a mess really, a big mess.

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No I do not have a medical insurance. I know what you mean. It would be nice to have that peace of mind, yet I did not feel the need for it just yet, mainly because most medical services are offered for free in my country. You have to wait of course, but at least you are given the service. In cases, such as for a dentist, I prefer to pay the fee when going to a private clinic rather than having an insurance to cover it. It may be more costly in the long run but till now it is enough for me.

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I don't have any medical insurance, however, I have life insurance. The life insurance plan that I have bought has 20 years term. I pay $370 yearly premium. The plan I have bought covers accidents and major health issues. I am also thinking to buy another insurance plan, perhaps this time it will be health insurance.

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I don't have medical insurance for now but we have a family doctor that see to the health of the entire family, I try to attend our quarterly check-up, takeS my medication as prescribed and eat what I'm supposed to eat to avoid falling sick.So yes, I take pretty good care of my self medically.

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I have been using our family's medical insurance. But 2018 is my last year to enjoy the free treatment since I am already above 21 and I will officially be out of campus.

I am considering getting a medical insurance too in 1 to 2 years but I need to get a job first.

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This topic is a food for thought because right now I have a medical insurance courtesy of my full time job. But when I retire to go freelancing full time then I probably would get my own medical insurance so if anything happens then I am covered. Medical insurance is more for the peace of mind.

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I agree that at each of us does not immediately understand that help is needed, and does not know where to turn.

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