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SEOClerks And Building Reputation
I'm a Level X5 user on SEOClerks.. I became a Level X5 user because I "stood out" of the crowd. Quite easily to be honest. Sure, a bit luck always helps but mainly, it was because I was determined.
Since then, my earnings obviously increased, but other things followed with that..
People relies on me. They contact me regarding the marketplace itself, they seek help and answers.. I seems like I have some sort of "super power".
Here's the BEST part of it!
I always do my best to help people. I always have and always will. I strive to make people comfortable. Both as clients but also as individuals. And.. What am I doing by doing that ... ? -I build reputation, trust and relationships!
That's the reason I have what I have today. I couldn't allow myself to stay inside "the box" thinking, so I went outside and looked at things from a different perspective. A different angle. Hopefully, you will do that too, after you've learned what I'm here to offer.. I believe you will and I believe you can!
SEOClerks forum is a great way to build reputation. Their FAQ section too. This will also help you to get attention from SEOClerks staff, which eventually could lead to that special Level X user level. SEOClerks forum is flooded with questions regarding sales, orders, cancellations & much more, so study and learn what SEOClerks is all about & how it works and you'll be able to contribute in the forum with ease.
• SEOClerks user levels
I won't go into all of this in detail. You can find all the information here:
However, since everything from user level 4 to X5 is outstanding to reach, I'll give you a few more tips on how to do it..
• Level 4
The requirements are easy to understand but perhaps not as easy to fulfill. Take a quick look at the outstanding benefits.
You earn 1% extra on all sales. You can send a status update with email every 3 days and withdraw your funds more often. Let me explain what status updates is all about..
• Status update with email
When browsing users profiles you can choose to follow them. "BarryinSiam" has followed almost 2,000 people and have more than 1,100 followers. When he creates a new status he can then choose to email that status to his followers..
More than 1,100 people gets an email notification as soon as he makes a new status..
Just imagine what you can do with that incredible free advertising.. Launching a new service? About to offer discounts..? That's entirely up to you!
This is AMAZING. Period.
• Level 5
Once again, easy requirements to understand but harder to fulfill. As you can see you need 150 more orders/purchases compared to Level 4 and you need 100 unique affiliate sales instead of 50. You'll also need 2% higher ratings and less response
time. However, the benefits for level 5 are insane.
2% extra on all sales. Status update with email every 2 days and also free highlight feature!! With this said, you should be able to understand how the user levels works.. And you should see that the benefits are incredible! Right..?
I will show you one more.. The Level X.
Like I previously stated. I'm a Level X5 user. It's the highest level you can reach on SEOClerks and I made it.. How I did it? - Since all Level X users are manually selected by SEOClerks, there's no way I can tell you WHY, as I don't know the EXACT reason I got handpicked..
However, I do have some "insight" at least, and I know a few things you should do, to increase your chances.. And I know what I did in the past.. First of all, the requirements already states:
• Should have social pages representing you here
• Must get noticed by Staff.
A social page would be a Facebook Fan page for instance. It's easy to set up and by doing just a tiny bit of advertising, you'll start gaining fans. Ask your family and/or friends to like the page for starters. Fans will come with time..
Must get noticed by Staff then..
First of all, do NOT create threads within the forum asking for Level X. Do NOT send tickets to the support asking for it either.. This will ONLY delay or even minimize your chances radically. If you spend some time within the forum you'll see several people doing this.. Most of them are user level 1 or 2. Why they do it, is for them to answer.
However, you will NOT do it.
What you should and could do:
• Provide high quality services.
• Deliver your services in time.
• Cancel orders instead of getting negative feedbacks.
• Refund clients instead of getting negative feedbacks.
• Contribute in the Forum.
(Share your knowledge, create tutorials, be active.)
• Answer questions within their FAQ section.
And also, be polite & think of this as business. Treat it like business. Respect your business and honor your clients. I know that these are fairly vague tips.. But they are crucial. Believe me. I haven't seen anyone being promoted to Level X without doing this. Most people seems to believe it's all about sales and ratings which is false. There's several sellers on SEOClerks who's having 1,000+ positive feedbacks who's still a user level 3 or 4.. Level X are something unique, which is the best part of it. With these guidelines you'll be able to reach it as long as you do the necessary steps, and if you add some extras to it..
I'm now a Moderator of SEOClerks Forum!
As already explained, I'm an active member of SEOClerks forum. I contribute and I strive to help people and answer questions in the best possible way I can.. And because of that, I'm now a Moderator. Here's some proof of how I became one..
The reason I blurred some out is because that has nothing to do with being a moderator. As you can see, The Community Admin states herself that I already do moderator duties and that I should become one. This is not a request from me.
It's a statement from her. The reason is because I'm active as I've already explained several times, but I also do one more thing on top of this. I report each and every post or thread I find that's against the rules, threads and posts where people are flaming each other and calling each other names etc. Threads and posts that's out of line so to speak. I've been reporting such threads and posts for a couple of months now and I got a private message from the Community Admin. That's quite awesome, right?
Some of you might think..
• Why become a moderator and spend lots of time helping people and contribute in the
forum when you can spend that time doing other things instead? (Focus on sales or whatever)
For me, the reason is simple. First of all, I've always been into helping others. Whenever I can, I'd love to help. That's just how I am as a person. In a business-type scenario, it's great. Being active and posting lots of replies makes people see my signature link. That's outstanding advertising and helps to gain sales. Secondly, people can clearly see that each and every of my posts is helpful and I solve peoples problems. For free. That's a great way to build reputation and relations.
Next, we'll dive into something totally different..
Click Here For [ Part 9. ]
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The most of the high-qualy sellers here on SEOClerks have quit working on Fiverr and that's not because of no reason, but because here, on SEOClerks, we have amazing support, amazing features and opportunity to make real money & clients.
Fiverr is a website that sides with the buyers, so there are a lot of scammers around and here it's a complete different story and admins are fair with everyone, buyers, sellers and affiliates.
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