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Getting Started With Fiverr
Creating an account on Fiverr is simple enough. It’s just like every other membership site you’ve ever joined (Facebook, Twitter, etc.).
While posting gigs on Fiverr is a fairly simple and straightforward process, it might benefit you to do a little research before you post your first one. To be honest, on a site like Fiverr, not too many people seem to pay attention to your bio but make sure you enter all the necessary details about you and your work. Each little thing you do which others don't, will benefit you.
There's Too Many Competitors.
Don't let anyone tell you that you can't earn money on Fiverr. You can. It's proven. Female, Male, Young or old. Model or not. Anyone can. It depends on WHAT you provide and obviously.. HOW you do it..
Take a look at some of the Top Rated Sellers on Fiverr or browse a couple of sellers who provides hot-selling services. I'll show you exactly what I'm talking about.. Take a look at some of the sellers who offers "voiceovers".
Some of them might have 105 orders in queue.. They charge $5 for 75 words and make $4 after the cut from Fiverr. Next, let's take a look at some numbers.. $4 x 105 orders = $420.
That's a good and decent extra income, right? Let's take a deeper look..
What if you as a buyer need 76+ words for instance?
-That's 2 gigs or 1 gig and 1 gig extra..
That's an easy extra $5 for the seller.. Actually most of them set their gig extras at no less than $10 for this, which means that you as a buyer will pay a minimum of $15.
Another example..
Logo designs. You'll get an awesome cool logo for $5. The Designer might have 50 or even 250+ orders in queue but look at the descriptions when you're browsing gigs.. I will show you what I mean using screenshots for this one..
Note that the above screenshot is a Top Rated Seller on Fiverr.
First of all. This is an outstanding offer. Most sellers are doing one logo for $5.. This offer, being a top rated seller and having almost 12,000 buyer reviews are obviously the reasons for having 479 orders in queue..
I will explain everything about this gig so you understand how things works..
• Great title. Using CAPITAL letters like this is vital. That said, this would probably not have worked as good if the title was "I will design 2 awesome LOGO design in 48 hours". The key is to figure out WHICH word to write in capital letters.
The reason you should use Capital letters is because it's easy to find. It's the very first word people will see, which obviously makes it vital for your success. Just remember to use the BEST word in your title. The one that attracts the most.
*Don't you dare using numbers instead of letters. For instance, "d3s1gns" or something stupid like that. It's insane and will probably ruin every inch of chance
you have to become successful.
• Great Delivery Time. Most designers delivers in between 2 and 4 days. Offering 2 logos, which is 100% more than most others, in less or equal time is outstanding.
Buyers are usually in a hurry and they want their deliveries as soon as possible. If you have a delivery time of 7 days, you'll get questions from people who "needs" this in less than that. Which is the reason of the gig extra, "Extra Fast Delivery".
Having less delivery time than other sellers will help you to attract customers but you should never provide what you usually do in 3 days in just 1 day to gain clients. You'd be better off having 2 days delivery time and using the gig extra "Extra Fast Delivery" and set that to 1 day. You'd still deliver your service faster than other providers and you'll have a great chance of making extra money by offering the Extra Fast Delivery too.
In the screenshot below you'll see the description of this gig..
This seller delivers both JPG & Transparent PNG formats, which is great. As a buyer you'll even have 2 revisions which means that you can tell the seller to make up to two changes on your logos..
• Great description. Informative and detailed description. Having a link to their portfolio is also a fantastic way to attract new clients. As a buyer you understand exactly what you'll get by ordering this gig & you can see their previous work which makes it easier to decide if you should order or not. Also including what they DON'T provide is great to make their orders easier. Some people expects "the world" for nickels so they'll stay away immediately by having these things stated.
So, let's take a look at those gig extras then shall we..?
Extra Fast. That's an easy $10 extra. How many of the 479 orders in queue do you think orders the Extra Fast gig extra? Probably quite a few right? $20 Extra for source files and a businesscard.. An extra $50 for getting FB,Twitter,Youtube and Google+ Covers...
I suppose you're starting to see the real potential in gig extras?
Many sellers earns money on Fiverr by volume. They sell their gigs like crazy, having 100+ orders in queue, whilst other sellers might have half the amount of sales but they earn double the amount of money.. or even more than that.. And why..?
-The reason is; think outside the box & provide SMART gig Extras.
Click Here For [ Part 3. ]
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he can still establish a good reputation after some time.
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One of the big things I try to avoid is when someone posts "I guarant33 you will love your order!" I never really think that they're dumb, I just assume that if something were to go wrong, they wouldn't refund my money because they technically didn't give a guarantee. I've heard horror stories like this but have yet to experience anything like this myself. Another form of "guarantee" that I don't like is when it shows "gu@rantee" It looks like an A but it's definitely not lol.
Using letters in your words just doesn't look professional and if someone is looking to hire you for work, they want to see something professional and not something that looks like it was written by a 13 year old playing call of duty instead of designing your banner or logo lol
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