
FiverrClerks - From Fiverr Zero To SEOClerks Hero. Part 1

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FiverrClerks - From Fiverr Zero To SEOClerks Hero. Part 1

I strongly suggest reading this ebook from beginning to end even though I understand it might be tempting to skip a few sections to reach the " true power" of the book. It is very important to not miss any information. You will learn things and find new ways.. From the smallest thing. Tips, Tricks and you'll also discover some Myths. Every single one of them will help you as long as you understand and implement the things I show you. Everything is laid out in the best possible way.. I hope it will be easy to follow, easy to understand and I truly hope & believe you'll become successful by learning what I'm here to offer.

Let's Talk About Fiverr
Fiverr is a global online marketplace offering tasks and services, beginning at a cost of $5 per job performed, from which it gets its name. The site is primarily used by freelancers who use Fiverr to offer services to customers worldwide. That explanation is straight from wikipedia. (

Why you should start today and why it's not too late
Fiverr is growing for each day. Each day more and more people starts to use Fiverr and they will keep doing so due to the need of services or because they are interested in making money by providing services themselves. Buyers are spending money they can afford to spend, whilst sellers earns money by providing these affordable services.. It's quite an awesome thing actually.. And I'll show you how and why you should take advantage of this too.. Don't sit and wait for the perfect timing, perfect opportunity or the perfect moment... YOU HAVE TO CREATE IT YOURSELF!

You don't have to be a seller to make money
As I said, Fiverr is growing bigger and more and more people are trying to become wealthy using the internet. You'll have tons of people to choose between when it comes to sellers you want to hire and you'll have lots of potential clients, if you decide to be a seller. The only thing you need is a few ideas.. That's what it's all about. Get that one idea to start with and just go for it!

I'll break it down for you even further. I will do even better than that. I will show you exactly HOW you can find potential clients, for starters. There are a lot of Fiverr clones and similar sites out there..

Here's a link for a top 10 Fiverr alternatives/clones:
Make sure you also take a quick look at the "Failed sites like Fiverr" section on

Link here:

You might have heard somewhere that it's a waste of time using Fiverr clones or other similar sites.. You might have heard that Fiverr is the only marketplace to focus ony because of all the traffic and such.. Don't listen to that kind of nonsense.

In case you want to start providing services (Fiverr's name for services is "gigs".) I'd go with similar sites too. Especially SEOClerks if you have SEO related services
to sell. SEOClerks is the largest SEO Marketplace and it's growing for each day too, just like Fiverr. Another cool thing about SEOClerks is the option for sellers to provide
services for as low as $1. That's an incredible way to gain clients. A service for as low as $1 is the perfect bait to lure customers. More on that in a minute.

Spread your services on multiple sites
Use clones and Fiverr alternatives even though the traffic ain't near the traffic Fiverr has. This will increase your chances of making your first money online, earning a small extra income here and there and, you'll also be able to use all your reviews you're collecting for future references. Just remember one thing.. Regardless of which marketplace you start with..

You need to upscale even if you feel like your having success!
Always strive for better results. Aim for more sales and better reputation. Always improve and adapt.

Click Here For [ Part 2. ]


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It's crazy how many clones there are out there. I was doing some research for my own SEO company and stumbled upon around 10 websites that were like SeoClerks FiverrClerks - From Fiverr Zero To SEOClerks Hero. Part 1 Now a lot of them were for digital products like article writing, seo services, guest posting, etc. But there were a few neat ones that altered the method and sold physical products that were either manufactured or hand made. One of the hand made freelancer websites was pretty cool and I actually forwarded it to my sister so she could list all of her jewelry on it to see if she could make a sale or two FiverrClerks - From Fiverr Zero To SEOClerks Hero. Part 1 She complained that there probably wasn't a lot of traffic on that marketplace, but I told her that she could eventually compile all her sales there and contact the people in order to notify them about new products on her own website FiverrClerks - From Fiverr Zero To SEOClerks Hero. Part 1 That's when he eyes opened a bit and the light bulb turned on haha.

Spreading yourself across multiple platforms is a great way to generate sales because not everyone uses the same platform. Most people like to stick with one platform so that means if you're posting in one place only, you're missing out on a ton of people. And the great part about the smaller websites is that there isn't as much competition. So if your listing/offer is unique, well written, high quality and competitively priced, you're almost guaranteed a sale or two FiverrClerks - From Fiverr Zero To SEOClerks Hero. Part 1

Building up your profiles on the small marketplaces could pay off in the long run because you never know what the next big thing will be. You could be ranking up your profile on the next fiverr or SeoClerks and when it goes big you're already a top seller FiverrClerks - From Fiverr Zero To SEOClerks Hero. Part 1

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That's correct Razzy. You could potentially be ranking up your account on the next big thing like you've said. However, I personally would go with the same username on all the marketplaces and "rank" my username instead of the "account" so to speak. - It's actually a decent way to build your brand.

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Very true that fiverrr is surely growing bigger and and bigger and this will make it somehow difficult for some new sellers to make something online within some short time,.even the same thing applies in seoclerks too. so many sellers as well selling similar product; which is why some has resorted to selling at $1 so as to be able to get some sales for themselves and maybe bumps. it is good for one to now invest in other sites too to maximize the chances of making money online.

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Competition is a scary thing. Both online and offline. And due to competition people will always be able to deliver more for less.. And even though that might be sad in some terms, it's actually for the greater good in my opinion, even though I personally would prefer to get paid my usual $5 or $10 instead of $1 or $2.. But that's life and that's also one of the cool things with freelancing. You always have to think outside the box and keep improving your services.

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That's a very good advice, never keep all of your eggs in the same basket, for me SC is home, I made the most money here and I don't plan to leave it anytime soon.
Fiverr always acted like an alternative for me, I think I had around 10 accounts there, couldn't really manage to gain a perfect feedback score because I always ended up fighting with my clients and got negative reviews.

I now learned to deal better with clients and have one account with a decent number of reviews and a perfect score, all of my services are suspended but the alternative exist and I can always start selling there again in the future.
By the way, Great first chapter Andre! Cheers.

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Thank you Cristian, I appreciate it. - Well, SEOClerks is and will always be my first choice and my home. I will never leave it for as long as I freelance. And hopefully, I'll be able to do that for the rest of my life.. Just imagine that.. I'm sitting here 20 years from now.. FiverrClerks - From Fiverr Zero To SEOClerks Hero. Part 1

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Haha, imagine at the number of reviews we will have, a new level should be invented for the people that have over 10k positive reviews.

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Man this is so informative and i have only read the first part. I am convinced that Fiverr hates me and they don't want me to succeed on the site. They have chosen the sellers they want to grow and i was not one of them. I have tried so many things and opened a few accounts just to see if it would help and i make nothing. I have a few sellers that i work with on a regular basis and they say that only some sellers are allowed to sell certain things, Soundcloud, Reverbnation, Facebook Likes, etc. Everyone else is kind of left out and every time a new seller tries to put these services up Fiverr denies the service. I just signed up for roundshelf to see if i can get the ball rolling over on that site. I had no idea that so many sites have services like the ones on Seoclerks and Fiverr. If i could make half of what i make here on another site i will be golden. Im off to read part two thanks for this book i appreciate the advice.

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You are welcome jkeyz2, I appreciate the kind words. And yeah, I'd agree with you on that part actually. When I wrote this, things was a bit different. Nowadays it seems that you can't create social media services at all on Fiverr.. Even though tons of sellers already have them. - And most of them have been providing the services for years. - I hope you find part 2 interesting too FiverrClerks - From Fiverr Zero To SEOClerks Hero. Part 1

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I kind of agree that it may be best to use different sites especially since you can get more sales, and also spread the risk of not making money or of having a site close down. I used to do that too, but ever since I started using seoclerks I rarely use any other site to be honest. I never tried out Fiverr actually as if I am not mistaken you need to stick to the $5 price?

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That is correct EliteWriter. Fiverr has fixed prices at $5. And you can provide extras for more than that, but you can't go below $5, which, in my opinion is bad. That being said, if you order something on Fiverr for $5, you'll also need to pay a fee, so you'll end up with $5,50 or something like that, plus, as a seller, you'll have to cover PayPal fees too, so SEOClerks is a much better option in that case.

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Andre what you have said here applies to so many things, both with working online and offline. You need to market yourself as much as possible and make use of as many resources as you possibly can.

If you just list your services on one website you can only get work from that one website... if you have your services on 10 or even 20 different websites then you have so much more potential to earn more money.

It works the same with me, I don't really offer services, well I do but that is not how I actually make my money, I have my own websites... but I had someone ask me recently what program do I promote. I thought what an odd question, I have 3 websites in different niches and each website I promote a number of products, services, programs etc that I think are great.

Spread yourself out and the sky is really the limit.

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That's totally right Lynne!
Having your own blog, website or webshop, selling products on Amazon, Clickbank, WF or whatever you can, just do it. - That will increase your chances of making sales and even if you provide something on your own blog, that won't stop you to provide that same product here on SEOClerks too. - So spread yourself out, just like you said. It's vital for success.

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Thank you so much for this.

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I joined Fiverr a couple of years ago. However, I did now join Fiverr as a seller, I joined Fiverr to buy services and products. I wanted a logo for my website. When I searched online, I discovered that the cheapest logo service will be found on Fiverr. I bought a gig that offered me two logos (with few revisions) for just $5. Since then I have bought many products and services. Sometime back, I also listed my gig on Fiverr. However, I have not received any offer yet.

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I have been reading about Fiverr before but I didn’t know that the site’s name originated from the $5 that you can earn there. I also didn’t know that it is a marketplace for services where freelancers can get work. Maybe it’s about time that I check on Fiverr and register as a member so I can offer my writing services. I am stymied by the workload before that is why I am taking it easy with my freelancing.

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